"Clay, I got to do something." Bobby stood in front of the president, a tea towel over his shoulder as he was in the middle of cooking when Half Sack came to him with a letter. "I need a few days to sort this out."
Clay nodded his head in understanding. "I'll give ya four days and take Chibs and Juice with you. I need the rest here."
"I owe ya one brother."
"Are you going to bring her here?" Clay's question made Bobby's heart squeeze, he didn't know what else there was. The rest of his kids always had their mothers, stayed with them but he couldn't simply hand the girl over when she was his own flesh and blood.
"She's not going into the system."
"I'll let Gemma know." The sentence lifted some weight off his shoulders, Gemma could handle the girl and the club would no doubt help keep an eye on her.
"I'm leaving this afternoon; rather get there sooner than later." Bobby walked out of the chapel with a nod to Clay and made his way to the garage.
He stopped his searching when he found who he was looking for- the Scots man and younger son near the latest car job. "Chibs, Juice, you're with me. I'm riding out in two hours, be packed and ready for four days." He saw the questioning looks on both their faces but he had other things to think about- how the hell was he going to break it to the kid?
Six hours from Charming on the I-5 N was the small town Green Valley, it was about about half an hour's drive to Grant Pass which is five hours away from Washington State and the middle of nowhere. Well that's what it seemed like to Rebecca as she stared at the cloudy night sky, the weather drove her up the wall half the time- if it wasn't sunny, it was rainy. Green Valley probably seemed like a fantastic place for the tourists with the wildlife and festivals, but to Rebecca she had grown up in this place and it was nothing special. She had always hoped to get a plane ticket to San Francisco and live life instead of the dark shadows her mother had cast upon them. It was indeed her mother spreading her legs that brought her into this world, even with the woman freshly gone there was still sneered comments behind her back.
Rebecca had nothing to her name, an empty house that held her mother's boyfriend Michael and a couple of bucks in her back pocket. Everything that could have been hers was taken, her aunt sweeping through the place soon after her mother's funeral and bloody Michael claiming the rest. She didn't see the fairness in life, her mother as bad as she was at being one was always there to talk until she happen to get caught up with Michael. Michael brought his own bad habits into the house and her mother joined in shooting herself up through every possible vein until it got the best of her.
Rebecca breathed through her nose letting the drug take effect before pulling the joint from her lips and staring at the stars, watching them swirl together as the pounding thoughts started to become a daze. She sure as hell didn't know what to do with her life now, there was no one to really hold her steady, and she supposed earning some money to get out of this town would be a wise choice. But there was no answers as her young brain wanted nothing more than to shut down and forget that everything existed, the empty numb feeling overtook her once again and she welcomed it.
"Rebecca Clarke." A groan slipped from her lips at the sight of the uniform, the man didn't bother pulling out the budget as he pulled her to her feet towards his car. "It would have been nice to not to see you tonight." He pulled the joint from her fingers making sure to put it out before disposing it. He wouldn't press charges against the girl, he would simply lock her in the holding cell for the night and cross his fingers that Rebecca would come out of her cloud nine state.
She merely let Officer Carl pull her into the cell, she wish that he would do something to change the routine of her life but he thought he was doing favours for everyone by giving her a helping hand. It all had down to his past with her mum, the Officer could remember when Rebecca's mother was the same age running amuck.
He just hoped that what made her mother slow down wouldn't happen to the girl, the night the woman found out she was pregnant at an early age, and it shifted her life and dreams.
Sitting down on the stiff bed in the cell Rebecca felt relief flow through her at not having to spend another night in the house haunted by memories of her mother and the demands of Michael. She was safe here, she wrapped her arms over her stomach bringing the grey coat tighter around her, and the buzz from the joint was still in her system allowing her to have a dreamless sleep.
She threw her coat over her shoulder as she moved down the stairs of the police department, the humid air gracing her skin and making her feel irritated with her headache. She needed to find some coffee and a shower would be handy, she ran her fingers through her messy hair. She knew that there was some other place that she needed to be, it was the last thing holding her down and giving her hope.
The bell above the door made multiple heads turn as she entered the diner, there was only two on the main street and she preferred this one- good food and good company. "Girl, where have you been?" Rebecca walked behind the counter and headed straight for the coffee machine. "Did you go home at all?" She nodded a 'no' to old Jerry who stood beside her. He wasn't the owner but the chief and her nod made a tired groan slip from him. "There should be some damn work clothes in the back, slip a shirt and apron on and get to work." He waved the flipper in his hand, going back to his pancakes when he turned back with another comment. "And you're late!"
"Not by my watch." And truly her watch was correct, the big hand had just hit the six making it nine thirty in the morning. She continued on her way to the back room with a fresh flat white in her hands.
Once making herself looking presentable, she went out with a note pad and pen to the first table ready to serves. "You guys ready to order yet?" She plastered on a smile while they finished looking through the menu.
"We'll just have the pancakes with blueberry ice-cream please." Rebecca took the menus' and gave them another smile.
"Any drinks to go with that?"
"Two cappuccinos."
"I'll bring that right out to you." Walking around to the counter, she clipped the order near the kitchen for Jerry before fixing up the coffee machine. As she took the usual steps of making the cappuccinos', Rebecca glanced around the diner. Lucy was serving the other tables, there was one table that seemed to stick out from the rest. She guessed it was probably the dark clothing, nothing to the usual tourists and everyone knew everyone here in Green Valley. "Who's that in the corner booth?" Her curiosity had got the best of her as she asked Lucy while the woman was getting a muffin for a table.
"Bikers...not sure Bec, their from out of town." Lucy took one looked at the girls expression before continuing. "You should go serve them, the younger one is a real cutie." The guy had lightning bolts on either side of his shaved head with a Mohawk, he was wearing a cut like the other two and 'cutie' didn't even describe him properly.
"His too old for me."
"I thought you sixteen girls liked older boys." Lucy was trying to get her head around teenagers though she had a few years to worry before the child in her stomach finally got to that stage. "Anyway, your seventeen in a few months, can't do any harm." Her final persuasion was pushing Rebecca in the gentle direction.
To satisfy the pregnant woman she pulled out her note pad and pen to serve them though her line of sight suddenly changed. All thoughts of the 'cutie' in the booth disappeared as something familiar filled her since the passing of her mother. The man had a sort of pop belly and his fuzzy hair shot off to all sorts of directions, he had this peaceful atmosphere about him even with the leather cut on his back. "Heya fellas, what can I get ya?"
"Eggs, bacon, sausages and hush brown please." Her eyebrows shot up at the long list, the 'cutie' gave her an innocent look before she finally wrote it down.
"I'll just have a coffee lass." She tried to keep the grin off her face at the accent as she turned to the familiar guy, she swore on her mother's grave she had seen this man before. His glasses were perched on the edge of his nose as he read over the menu.
"Just plain pancakes with syrup on top." He gave her a kind smile as she quickly wrote down the order, the encounter was making her nervous.
"Any drinks with that?" The answer was meant for the whole table but she stood watching him. Her eyes traced the fuzzy hair making her fingers touch her own hair; her hair wasn't quite as bad as the man's as the curls weren't so small and tight. The faint words of 'orange juice' brought her back to the present and she suddenly left the corner table, heading straight for the kitchen.
Rebecca went out to the back room, leaning against the counter trying to even everything out again, it would be simple if she could just light up a joint and let the haze over take her rational mind. "Bec?" Lucy came around the corner. "You alright honey?" Rebecca nodded her head trying to ignore everything - Breath in, breathe out.
"Just need a break." Something must have flickered across her features as Lucy's tone suddenly changed.
"Jesus Christ you shouldn't be here with everything that's been happening, your still mourning your ma." That wasn't the exact reason but Rebecca nodded her head anyway. "I'll tell Jerry and call Maddie for the rest of your shift." She nodded her head again as Lucy went into action, she glanced at the clock and realised she had been at the diner for only half an hour. Lucy stuck her head back into the room, "You can leave now, and Maddie is on her way." She smiled at Rebecca making her want to flee the room at the sympathetic smile.
"Thanks Lucy." Untying the apron and unbuttoning her blue work shirt, Rebecca made her way out.
"Rebecca." She stopped and turned to face Jerry, he threw a newly wrapped hamburger to her. "Get some meat on your bones, don't make me ring child services." He waved the flipper at her dangerously before letting the girl leave. She was glad the government system was slack around here because there was no way in hell she would willingly go with them to be placed into a home or orphanage.
"Yeah, thanks." She held the burger up showing her 'thanks' before walking out the door, she couldn't help but look over her shoulder at the corner table to see the odd tourists watching her.
Once she got further enough away, she kicked one of the rocks on the ground and made her way towards the park. It seemed recently she was saying 'thanks' to everything, something she didn't like doing as it meant there was to many hand outs given to her.
She felt herself shaking a she reached the park, the sun and natural vibe gave her some peace but it didn't stop the emotions rolling within her. The sadness seem to swarm her as she took a seat against one of trees near the edge of the water. That sadness turned to anger as she didn't want to feel any of this, she wanted the numbness to take over again but her pockets were empty. She turned her attention to the burger in her hands and started eating even as her stomach wanted to bring the food back up.
It wasn't until later that night she finally got the hit she wanted, the bon fire roared behind her as Mason stood beside her passing the joint back and forth. They were away from the town, the usual hang out for them after a long day and the others surrounding them but she paid them no mind as her muscles had gone slack. It wasn't until male voice that she became slightly alert. "Hey Rebecca, how'd your ma die again? Was it the drugs or did she spread her legs for another and they fucked her to-" She didn't wait for the rest of the words or think of the afterwards as she took a swing at Jackson.
She was surprised to hear the crack and cursing from him as the pain run up her arm. "You bitch!" She was going to get a beating, Jackson suddenly stopped yelling and his two friends went on either side of him.
"Think it's time you leave Jackson." Rafts voice sounded behind her, the reason to Jackson not for filling his action. Raft was twice the size of either of them and the last kid that messed with the man ended up in the emergency ward for the night.
"You're just like your mother Bec!" Jackson yelled as he headed back for his car with his friends. Truth be told, Rebecca had never spread her legs for anyone and preferred it that way.
"Bex, I think it's time for you to turn in." She nodded her head at Raft keeping her eyes on her fist, opening and closing it- testing it. Neither of them had a vehicle so they stared the short walk back to the centre of town, the silence was deafening so she spoke up.
"Thanks for back there." There was the 'thanking' again but if it wasn't for Raft she would no doubt be stiff and bruised for the next few days.
"I get it, I really do." Raft's parents' had dropped out on him, he was brought to Green Valley to his grandparents. "You need to learn to watch your back, stand on your own two feet." If it was coming from anyone else, she would have snapped at them but Raft and Mason were the closest to friends she had. "If you can, find someone to bud with, get out of here." She could have asked him why he haven't left yet but she knew the answer- he loved his grandparents and they needed him like he needed them when he was young. She didn't know who to run to, Michael was a dead end. It was a small, sudden thought, the guy from the diner this morning with his familiar warm face. Her mind started to work in overdrive, thinking of the who's and whys, it could be her ticket out.
"The advice was great Raft, I can take it from here." He glanced at her sideways before nodding his head and retracing his steps.
"See ya around Bex." She gave him a short wave before making her way to her street, her feet moving faster than usual to the house as her mind continued to race.
She reached the steps of the house, pausing for any sign of life and found the TV flickering. Bracing herself, she opened the door ready for some kind of abuse when she was met with snoring. Not wanting to push her luck, she made her way into the garage. The left side had boxes piled of her mother's clothes and various belongings. She knew the photo album was somewhere in one of those boxes, boxes that Michael was planning to get rid of the belongings in a few weeks. She noticed a couple of boxes had already disappeared with the last bin day and hoped to god it didn't have the album in it. This was her last stretch, last straw to find and grab onto.
Sweat dripped down her back and the air rush from her lungs as she finally felt the brown album against her fingertips. Pulling it from the box, she leaned back on her hands and letting the book lay in her lap with the open boxes surrounding her. In that moment she could have gone for a cigarette to calm her racing heart as she slowly opened the album.
She studied every photo looking for anything that made a memory spark for the man in the diner, but her heart sunk as the last page of the album held nothing of meaning to her.
She carelessly let the album thump into the box; it followed with a crack making her peer into it. A photo frame of her mother with Rebecca in her arms, the same frame that always sat on the bedside table now had a crack running diagonal through the frame. Anger run through her, she had nothing, nothing left for her. Rebecca picked up the frame and with all her strength, threw it at the garage wall nearly missing the door frame to inside the house. She stepped towards it, wanting something else to hit and went to kick the broken pieces, the steel frame clinging against the concrete once again. She went to kick it again when something caught her attention, the small piece of paper was crumbled at the edges, and it made her pause as she had never noticed it before.
A scribbling word was on the back, 1993 inher mother's handwriting. Flipping the paper, a photo stared back at her and her eyebrows raised under her fringe. It was like standing at the diner again, goose bumps littering over her skin as she saw her mother leaning against a man in a leather kutte with fuzzy hair. She could feel the emotions creeping up in her throat; the photo had been in the back of the frame. Rebecca bent over and pick up the other photo that had been set in the frame, the information had always been there just in secret. There was no name, number or address but it was something, making a smile creep at the corners of her lips. Could the man be her father? The question exploded in her mind. Her mother usually kept quiet about it, only saying comments here and there about her father but nothing that gave her clues on what to except.
Determination run through her as Rebecca stuffed the photos in her back pocket. She was going to find the man before he disappeared and demand for answers. Roughly packing the boxes to a reasonable state, she left the house leaving the TV still going and Michael still passed out on the couch to find some reason to keep continuing.
There were two places in Green Valley to find a couple of guys at eleven o'clock at night and both were located on the main street.
She ignored the looks from locals as she entered the Nicholas Pub, Rebecca had already searched the Southern Pub and came up with nothing and as she checked the tables even watching the men's bathroom for a while, the hope within her started to fade. She hoped to god they hadn't left town already, giving it one more shot she asked the bartender. "Hey Joe you seen a couple of bikie looking guys about?" He merely stared at her. "About middle age with a younger one... with tattoos?" She pointed to the sides of her head to illustrate the position of the tattoos.
"They were in here earlier, missed them by half an hour." He kept staring at her and the realisation of the stare made her lean off the bar and head for the door, a slight nod from Joe telling she had done right. There was strict rule about kids been near the bar and Joe knew she wasn't the legal age, yet.
Without thinking her feet led her outside the pub and back towards the house, her thoughts once again rushing through her mind trying to think about her next step in life.
Rebecca had woken up before the sun, creeping past Michael on the couch and tugged her grey coat around her to cast away the morning chill. She went to the one peaceful place where she could talk without being troubled- she had probably lost the only connection, only hope to leaving this place.
Her feet stopped at the gate, a sad smile coming to lips at the sight of a hundred grave stone heads sitting out of the ground. She took the newly traced path to the far side of the cemetery, humming a tune as she finally took a seat near the fresh head stone- Julia Ann Humby. She leaned her head back on the side of the head stone and stared up at the cloudy sky, the sun slowly rising and her eyes gradually closed in sanctuary.
The slight jerk of her leg been kicked made Rebecca come awake, blinking at the man in front of her as she tried to work out how he could be standing there when they had left town last night. "Rebecca right?" She nodded her head and watched the goofy smile appear on the young man's face. "Not much of a talker?"
"Momma said to never speak to strangers." She saw his eyes flickering above her head to the grave stone, meaning he knew about her situation.
"I'm Juice." She raised her eyebrows at the name but didn't comment as he sat down across from her in the same position with the other stone, the loud thump and ungraceful sound of his ass hitting the ground made her crack a smile. "See, not strangers anymore."
"I thought you left." Juice almost didn't catch the words as she muttered it under her breath.
"One of the bartenders John-"
"Joe." She automatically corrected him, making Juice pause for a second.
"Joe told me you were looking for us." Rebecca winced at how that sounded.
"Where are the others?" Her question made him pull out his phone.
"Here soon, we split up looking for ya." Noticing the tension in girl's shoulders, Juice pulled out a plastic bag. "What one?" She raised her eyes at the containments.
"You sure that's wise?" The man shrugged his shoulders and pushed the bag further into her hands, she grabbed out a joint before casting another glance at the man. It was strange having a senior offer her a joint, she half expected him to react differently about such a thing but now as she eyed his kutte and tattooed body she shouldn't have judged so fast. "You got a lighter?" He flipped it out of his pocket and lighted it up for her. She took a deep breath in and held it in for a while before blowing it out. She passed it to him, watching Juice take a swing at it before passing it back.
That was how Chibs and Bobby found the two, each of them with a wide smile on their faces as they finished off their joint. "Damn Juice, this early in the morning and with the kid?" At the mention of the 'kid' Juice's head snapped up to Bobby's face. And expected some crap for feeding his kid grass, but the older man's attention was watching his daughter. Taking the window of opportunity, Juice stood up and nodded to Rebecca before following Chibs to the bikes leaving the father and daughter to themselves.
"How do you think it's going to go?" Juice questioned.
Chibs glanced over his shoulder watching Bobby take his seat across from the girl. Rebecca reminded him of Bobby, a few moments together and he could make the connection. "All good."
Rebecca watched Juice walk away, the reaper on the kutte staring back at her, she turned her attention the man in front of her. There was no 'ifs' or 'buts' in her thoughts that this man, Bobby was her father. Hearing Juice talk about the man told her everything she needed, but there was still the important questions running through her mind. "When did you meet her?" Her voice came out soft as she watched Bobby try to find the right words.
"The club was riding through to head to a charter in Portland, stayed the night in one of the motels." The photo burned in her back pocket of her yesterday's jeans, she moved forward enough to slip the photo out and show Bobby the date on the back. "1993, sounds about right."
The next question, she wasn't sure whether she wanted to ask. "Did you know about me?" She turned her attention to her cracked finger nails instead of Bobby.
"Christ no... The letter earlier this week was the only mention of ever having a daughter." Rebecca looked up at him, searching for any kind of lie within his eyes and found none. The sign escaped and she felt her eyes watering up.
Without any warning for Bobby, she threw herself at him wrapping her arms around his neck as the tears streamed down her face. She didn't know whether they were tears of joy, relief or something entirely different but she felt some kind of weight leave her shoulders.
Rebecca flushed bright red as she soon realised she was hugging an almost complete stranger and leant back on the heels of her feet with a guilty expression. "Sorry."
"You got no reason to be sorry sweetie." He hadn't expected the embrace but that didn't mean he didn't joy it, she already seemed better as he watched her wipe the few stray tears from her face. "Now how are your living conditions?"
It was that morning that she found herself on the back of a motorbike, the engine roaring underneath her and her backpack strapped to her back. It felt surreal to be leaving the outskirts of Green Valley. She had never left the damn place but the wind surrounding her with Chibs and Juice on either side was something she could get use to.
She had simply left a note on the kitchen table for Michael and packed a few belongings of her own with some simple clothes and her drawing book before heading to the diner to meet the guys.
She gave a quick introduction and goodbye to Jerry before following Bobby outside to their bikes, she never imagined her first time riding a motorbike would be with her father. She knew Jerry would tell Mason and Raft that she had finally gotton out of town. Rebecca had answers to the many of her questions though she didn't know her father that well and hoped in due time that could have some kind of relationship.
It was six and a half hours later they came into a small country town called Charming, It seem like Green Valley but the difference was the man her arms were wrapped around. She wasn't by herself, she had some type of family alive and had some sense of steady ground.
They pulled into a drive way and she was taken by surprise by the line of motorbikes with the reaper door not far from the garage, Teller Morrow. She was too busy looking around that she didn't notice they had stopped until Bobby tapped her knee. Hesitantly she got off the bike moving further enough away so she wouldn't get hit as Bobby got off himself. She watched the curious eyes in the garage but turned her attention to Juice, the safer option. Chibs made his way over to the garage filling in the guys of the situation while Bobby led her towards the reaper door.
Rebecca wasn't quite sure what she was excepting but the foul smell that flooded her senses made her wince and bring her hand to her mouth, Juice merely chuckled beside her. "This is the club house, the other is the garage." She nodded her head to Bobby remembering some parts of their conversations about the reasons behind the kuttes and SAMCRO.
He made his way to the bar and she was a bit hesitant to sit down on one of stools when Juice pushed her in the direction as Bobby got himself and Juice beers and Rebecca a soft drink. "I practically live here, so in a few days time we'll move into the house if you like, just have to fix it up." He rubbed the scruff of his beard before running the same hand through his hair.
"It doesn't seem too bad." She looked around the place one more time before taking a drink.
Juice couldn't help the grin on his face, the kid didn't know half the shit that happened around the club house and she would no doubt find out the hard way, than again she may take it all in her stride and show the croweaters that she isn't a push over. "Sure." His tone made Rebecca give him an unease gaze. "Come check out my room." She seemed pleased with the offer and followed Juice out, he saw the thankful glance from Bobby for making Rebecca more at home before the ambush of Sons could get to her.
Juice continued his way down the hall when he realised she wasn't by his side but still at the entry of the hallway. He almost winced at the idea of her seeing Bobby's mug shot, it isn't the best first impression of your father.
"These are real?" She was starting to question herself, what is difference between Bobby and Michael? They both seem to be running with the illegal part of life.
She saw the shrug of his shoulder, he pointed one to the right. "That's me." He sounded kind of proud of the photo hanging on the hall and she couldn't make sense of it. "Come on, my rooms this way."
She thought Juice was proud of his photo, the look of pure shock on her face as she entered his dorm made a wide goofy grin appear on his face. "You like?"
"This is all yours." She glanced around the room; the man was into technology which she would never have guessed in the first place. Juice had the flat screen TV set up with the Xbox 360 along with other electronic, like DVD player and iPod docking station with a nice set of speakers, the man had the works and he wasn't playing around. "Do you have Mario?"
"Do I have Mario?" He stepped forward to the pile of cases and turned the TV as he set them up. "Is that a serious question?"
"I bet I could beat your ass."
"Oh you're on." He passed Rebecca the second remote control.
It was only twenty minutes later that there was a knock at the door, Juice paused the game just as she was in mid air- the action was sure to go diagonal with the interruption. She turned her head to see a younger guy in front of Juice with pale red hair. "You have church." She raised her eyebrow as Juice started walking out the door- she never once thought the man was religious- he pointed a finger at the other man.
"Mario super cars...your second place." The secret message was heard between them - don't let a girl beat you. The guy stepped into the room taking the previous seat of Juice's and taking the remote.
"Half Sack." She looked at him for a moment before realising it was his nickname, like Juices.
"Rebecca." With the introduction finished the game of Mario was unpaused and as suspected she crash landed making her fall back a place while trying to catch up with Half Sack.
With the game finished Rebecca turned her attention to the man, he had come first while herself coming up the rear in third place. Looking at him she realised his kutte was nothing like the others. "You don't have the other..." She pointed to her chest.
"Patches?" She nodded her head at the correct term. "I'm a prospect."
"A what?"
"I want to become a club member but I have to go through this a probationary period. Think of it as the stages to getting your license though your pass depends on the clubs vote." He seemed at ease with the whole acceptance that his transition was depended on votes, or luck.
"What do you do for the club?"
She spread her arms open to Juice's room. "Juice has his computers and you..."
"I...I fight for them." He seemed unsure about the answer but it gave her an idea.
"Do you teach?" Her question received a stun expression from her sitter. Yes, it felt like she was being baby sat but maybe she could turn it to her advantage.
"Yeah...Me?" She knew the usual punch and kick, hell she had managed to break Jackson's nose but if he had decided to swing at her, she wouldn't have been able to stand her ground.
"We should really talk to Bobby."
"It's protection."
"Talk to Bobby first." He seem to be getting nervous as she pressed the subject, Rebecca was so focused on Half Sack that she hadn't seen the body fill the door way.
"Ask me what?" Her eyes flickered to Bobby then back to Half Sack.
"I want to learn how to fight." He didn't answer her question but turned to walk down the hallway, she followed. "It's for my own protection, you wouldn't have to worry about me." They were turning the corner and he still hadn't responded, she glanced over her shoulder at Half Sack walking behind them who simply shrugged not helping in the matter. "I want to know how to fight please." Her last sentence caught the attention of several members who were waiting for them, the closest to her was a blonde who had a smirk on his lips.
"Darling you'll fit right in." He stood up holding out his hand. "Jax." She gripped his hand before turning her attention to the man with the brown beard.
"Opie and my pops Piney." The older man gave her a smile; he seemed like the grandfather type that she never experienced.
She moved onto another set, a man with grey trimmed hair that oozed power and a curly haired man. "Welcome to the club." She watched Bobby from the corner of her eye and saw the slight nod, taking the man's appearance she realized the president patch and gave her best smile.
"Hey Doll, it's going to be like having another Bobby around the joint with an extra bit of fire." The curly head man made a round of chuckles erupt through the members. "I'm Tig, if you're having any troubles then come to me." She wandered if trouble frequently happened around here.
"You know anything about motors?" She smiled at Chibs, the accent once again making it impossible not to. She shook her head negative at his question. "By the time you leave this place, you'll be running us out of business." He led her out of the club house and into the Teller-Morrow automotive garage.
She didn't know where to start as Chibs knelt beside a bike, well it was a guess as parts where spread out around it. "This is your fathers, his trying to fix it."
"There ain't no trying about it Scots, I'm doing it."
"Just bloody slowly." Rebecca laughed at Chibs low mutter.
"I'll show you a thing or two about motor bikes sweetheart." Bobby knelt down beside her. "This is a Fat Boy."
She winced at the lecture coming. "If I listen does that mean I can learn to fight?" Bobby shook his head in disbelief.
AN: Never thought I would do one for Bobby but here it is, an idea out of the blue that I decided to write about- giving some loving to Bobby.