I slowed to a stop at the blaring red light. I relaxed slightly; my house was close so I wasn't in too much of a hurry. I jumped slightly at the feeling of my phone vibrating against my leg. I looked around, only me on the road. I looked at the screen; a picture of a happy, smiling Italian glowed against my palm. A smile wove over my face as I swiped to answer, "Hallo Feliciano."

"Veh~ Ciao Luddy~" His laugh rang in my ears as the light turned green,

"I just couldn't wait to say buon compleanno!" I smiled and drove forward.

The next events happened so fast…

I opened my mouth to reply, but instead a sudden force smashed into my side of the car.

All I was aware of was the scream of Italian and the horrific crunch of metal. It was silent for awhile before sirens began. I felt my entire body tingle and then go numb. I felt my brain shut off as I heard Feliciano's cries.



I don't know how long I've been trapped. The maze is so dark, so hard to get out of. I don't know where I am, what happened.

Am I dead?

I heard annoying beeps. I smelt bleach. I felt as if a rock crushed my whole body. I lay and couldn't move, in truth, I was more than a little scared. I waited, worrying and thinking for awhile, I had no idea how long.

"L-Luddy?" A soft attentive voice asked. If I could move, I'd be up and hugging the soft, tearful Italian that slipped his hand in mine.

But, I couldn't move.

This carried on for years. I couldn't tell you how many years, but every day, Feliciano would be there, talking to me, holding my hand. Soon, my room didn't smell like bleach, it smelt spicy, like Feliciano, and the softer undertones of different flowers.

I can't tell you how many times my heart has broken into shreds with each strangled sob that broke the silence, each soft little sniff of my Italian friend.

Being in a coma also gave me lots of time for me to think.

This let me remember all the times me and Feliciano spent together.

"Luddy! I wanna draw you!" Feliciano cried as he jumped onto his friend's back, waving a sketching pad and pencil around as Ludwig stumbled slightly at the added weight.

"And why do you want to draw me?" The German asked, raising an eyebrow.

Feliciano shrugged, "Because, you have sharp, and very… manly face and profile, I wanna try the harsher curves of your jaw instead of the gentle swoop of a females!" He cried, his golden brown eyes wide and pleading.

Ludwig sighed, "Fine." He flinched at the loud squeal and willingly let the hyper Italian fix him in a position on the couch to draw the German's face.

"Smile?" Feliciano asked after about half an hour, Ludwig looked up from his book,

"Uhm-" Ludwig started but was cut off.

"Look at your book!" Feliciano pouted. Ludwig smiled slightly, his eyes fixed on the page on his book.

"Done!" Feliciano cried happily. He flipped the drawing pad over and smiled at the German.

The image was a simple graphite sketch but it was so amazing, it looked like Feliciano had traced a photo. Perfectly drawn glasses, his tiny smile left small shaded wrinkles around his eyes and nose. All in all it was nothing short of amazing.

Ludwig smiled. A real smile, "It looks amazing, as usual." Ludwig said before a hyper Italian laughed and jumped on the larger mans lap, laughing at the bright blush on Ludwig's face.

Today, Feliciano brought up one of my most repressed memories.

Our first kiss.

To be fair, I was confused about my sexuality then. I knew Feli would be on the edge of a panic attack because of the storm, so I ran, I didn't find him until he was panicking so much he could barely move. Or form any coherent thoughts. I didn't think. Well, he did snap out of his panic attack pretty quick after I broke it off. I made him promise not to tell anyone about it, because the captain was a very big homophobe. I would have been kicked off, and maybe expelled. Plus I already had experience with his fists… My lips tingled as I remembered the press of Feliciano's soft lips against mine.

Feliciano began to sob. Had he really been that upset that I had made him keep it a secret?

He started to scream my name, I have never heard someone sound so heartbroken. The nurses had to escort him out.

He didn't come the next day.

Or the next 3.

So, I was left a lot if time to think.

Gilbert jogged along laughing his little brother giggling loudly, trying to catch his older brother, the small blonde was only 3 whereas the naughty white haired boy was 6.

"Come on Lutz! Come on!" Gilbert laughed, jogging backwards and holding out his hands for his little brother, Ludwig, who gurgled and reached out to his brother, who picked him up and span him around, making the giggles and gurgles grow louder, and accompanied by rougher laughter. The two brothers ran to the local park. Well, Gilbert jogged as fast as he could with Ludwig attached to his hip. Soon they were playing and giggling, Ludwig still remembered the day vividly because he never saw his brother again.

Even though the small 10 year old German was tall and lanky, the little Italian never left his side. The two grew up together. In high school, Ludwig shot up to 6 foot 3 with thin shoulders long thin limbs and was a awkward teen. Feliciano stayed small until 17 when he grew to about 5'8 and stayed thin. Ludwig joined the football team when he was 15 (mainly his father forced him to) His shoulders widened and muscles wound over his entire body. Feliciano stayed bony and small. Meaning Ludwig had to comfort the poor Italian after many people commented on his height.

Then Feliciano came out as gay, Ludwig's captain threatened Ludwig that he would kick him off the team if he hung around Feliciano. So, to keep his father happy he ignored his little friend. Worst decision of Ludwig's life.

When Feliciano came back, he was silent.

My heart started to beat faster as I fought to gain consciousness. His fingers ran over my jaw, through my hair and over my eyelids, down my noses and stroked along my lips. I heard him sigh before he kissed my eyelids. Down my nose, cheeks and jaw line. He paused for a second before he kissed me.

His lips were dry, rough but warm. He kissed me for a few seconds before pulling back.

Come on Ludwig! Wake up!

He kissed me again, I felt my body tingle, pins and needles all through my body. I was about to kiss him back when he pulled away. I opened my eyes and locked them with his gorgeous golden brown eyes, wide with surprise.

"F-Feliciano?" My voice was rough from disuse.


I'm so mean. :3 Sorry and hope you enjoy!
