A new Dragon Wars?
Hello everyone I have some exciting news, but first I feel I owe all of you an apology. I apologize for not updating any new stories or materials. I was in the middle of writing new stories but for the past several months I have been working on publishing stories to magazines and even a script to Nickolodeon. I am still waiting to hear back on many of the stories, but that isn't important right now, what is important is any potential future there might be for Dragon Wars.
An ample opportunity has presented itself and I hope to take full advantage of it. At this very moment I am editing/re-writing Dragon Wars to submit for actual publication. But I feel the story is somewhat incomplete, and I would like to add more to the story that many of you already love. This means more characters, more scenes, more romance, more action and much, much more substance.
Some of you are already thinking, "OP we've already read the story, we know what's going to happen."
The story is being completely re-written. New beginning, new origins and heavy changes in the dynamics and relationships between characters. To me, Dragon Wars always felt incomplete. Now is the chance to give you guys the full story of Dragon Wars as a true story. I am even coming up with a new name, but only if YOU the readers approve, The Children of Dragons.
So, please tell me what you think. Do you approve? Am I an attention seeking whore? Do you want Dragon Wars to change? I will publish the first few chapters to give you an idea of what changes will be taking place throughout the story.
Thank you