For those of you that haven't noticed, the chapters are about one day each, which may or may not change.

Also, Percy will be nicknamed soon, and I will put down '...' P.O.V., instead of Percy. It is the same person.

Disclaimer : PJO, HOO, and all characters belonging to PJO, and HOO belong to Rick Riordan, who is not, sadly, me.

Enough idling, back to the story!

"I don't know why we are here, but I'm pretty sure that it is not in order to enjoy ourselves."

- Ludwig Wittgenstein

Percy P.O.V.

Gods, I thought, I hate Apollo. I've been running on the track every day for about a month now, and my feet hurt a crap ton. Although I'm able to run farther faster, I still wish I could sleep in past six o'clock. Every day I'm woken up by Apollo, and it seems to be by a different prank.

On the first Monday, he put baby soap on my hands, then tickled my face with a feather and I slept right through it. When I got out of the shower, well, let's just say my face was cleaner than usual.

On Tuesday, he put cologne de shite right under my nose, and I spent all day trying to figure out why everything smelled bad.

Wednesday was, well, never mind. I was not liking this arrangement much. I guess I decided to try to be a lighter sleeper from about a week after these wonderful mornings.

I would run around the track, doing sprints, running long distance, and basically anything else to tormen- err, whip me into shape. All the while Apollo would be riding next to me in his brand new golden, air conditioned, shaded Porsche, shouting encouraging things, like 'I can do this all day!', and 'I'm not getting tired at all!" Occasionally, meaning often, he would take joy laps and use his Hephaestus upgraded engine to go into the 300 MPH range. His license plate was a customized 'BURNED', and the tires pimped out, making the accessories look to be worth as much as the car, most made of pure gold.

After I would finish my time on the track, I would be used as a punching bag as Apollo 'taught me to fight'. I think he was just trying to build up my pain tolerance. I would finish 'training' with Apollo, then we would take a lunch 'break'. These breaks usually consisted of a quickly made sand-which, water, and Apollo 'letting' me do yard-work for him, during the heat of the day in the house of the sun-god. Whenever I came back out, it seemed that the weeds had regrown, more hedges would appeared and have to be trimmed, and the grass was, once again, uneven and needed to be cut.

Whenever I would ask Apollo why I had to do this, he would reply "You don't have to, you get to!" Smart-Ass.

The last thing my day consisted of fighting dummies... while my body was covered in hot, black clothing. I usually held my own, sometimes doing better, sometimes worse than usual.

The worst part about this training was that I had to where weights on my body, even while doing yard work. It was just enough weight to have me collapse, exhausted, into my bed at the end of each day, slightly increasing amounts each day.

Well, as I had thought before, it was getting infuriating to be stuck in the mansion for so long, so I decided to confront Apollo on it.

I found him at the table, like every other morning, and I decided to make my move.

"Hey Apollo, can-" I began.

"Hey is for horses!" He interrupted without even looking up.

I decided to humor him. "Salutations my great lord of the solar domain," I paused, waiting the inevitable comment that didn't seem to come, "could you let me out of the house on a quest, or something?"

"I could." He was really infuriating me, but I kept my cool.

"Will you let me out of the house?" I asked again.

"I will" I could see myself strangling him in my head, and was wondering if such thoughts were beneficial to my cause. Probably not.

"Then please do it!" I told him exasperated

"Okay, okay. Geez, no need to get stingy about it" he replied, still looking down, I don't even know why he was doing that. "Okay, P.J., I have a quest for you!" Where does he come up with this stuff, I mean P.J., come on now.

"How did you come up with P.J.?" I inquired.

"Well, you're probably sixteen or so, right?" I nodded "P is the sixteenth letter of the alphabet, got it."

"Where'd ya get the J from?" I thought his explanation was pretty good, at least so far it was.

He told me it was because J is the tenth letter of the alphabet, and I looked like a ten year old.

"Oi!" I yelled indignantly, "I look like a sixteen year old!"



"Maybe a midget sixteen year old," He argued.

"Whatever, what do I have to do?" I just wanted to get away from him.

"Before you go, I have something for you," he told me. Reaching into his pants, he pulled out a beautiful set of blades. One of them read ήλιος, or sun. The other blade, slightly shorter, had the word υἱός inscribed on it, meaning son. I didn't know what to say, so I just nodded.

"Treat them well," He whispered. I could tell that they meant something to him.

Pointing to the map that he was looking down at, Apollo silently indicated towards the place that he wanted me to go to. It seemed to be a in a strange place, but I was content. I took the map with me on my way out.

"That will show you where you are, and where you have to go," The god called out. How nice of him.

I made it across the few states with relative ease, stopping only to rest and eat. I went from the crack of dawn to the fall of dusk, and hardly broke a sweat doing it under the cover of trees. At a pace that I could, and did, keep up all day, and without any weights on, it was cake.

Glancing down, my map read 'OBJECTIVE REACHED'. I decided to work on my new weapons, of which I was running with, so I could get used to their feel. Running my finger along the edge produced a sting on my finger. Looking down, I noticed it was singed. 'Dang, those are hot,' I had barely touched it, and my finger was burned!

I suppressed a shiver as I looked around, feeling like I was being watched.

With a flash, a note appeared, with some things written on it. The first thing I noticed was the objective, 'Escape.' Next was the requirements. Next, it gave me a fake name that I MUST use, and tells me not to attack unless you are attacked first. Lastly, It said to release to destroy.

I dropped the note, and one of Apollo's appalling haikus was heard as the parchment went up with a flare.

"This is fun for me

to watch you be beaten up

by a bunch of girls!"

I looked around again, seeing lots of bright, white orbs in the bushes. A bunch of girls... in the middle of the wilderness... nope, doesn't ring a bell.

One of them stepped out, she looked to be about thirteen years old, and, sadly, two inches taller than me.

"What are you doing here?" The little girl asked. She had the most silver eyes that I had ever seen, and beautiful, auburn hair. Something was telling me that I should be cautious.

"Standing," I replied. I never was a bright one. With a rustle, all of the girls in the bushes came out, bows drawn at me, most looking scornfully at me. One of them, she had dark hair, and an attitude that screamed 'don't mess with me,' was shaking her head at me, as if trying to tell me something.

"Why?" She inquired.

"Dunno," I really was not the sharpest tool in the shed. "Why are you all pointing bows at me?"

The girl with the attitude was shaking her head violently at me now, not that I knew what that meant.

"I am Artemis, goddess of the hunt!" The small one said dramatically.

"Artemis... hunt... I've heard about that, I think," I spoke nervously, she was a goddess, after all.

The girl face palmed, hard, and slid her hand down her face, almost like she was attempting to signal me something.

Artemis snapped her hand, and all the girls shot their bows.

I jumped and twisted vertically, making myself parallel to the ground, dodging most of the arrows. The ones that I didn't dodge I swatted off with my blades in mid air. I landed on all fours, and scrambled up, to get into a better position, deflecting the huntresses arrows all the while, making some of their jaws drop.

Artemis was just watching, with cold, calculating eyes. "I suppose I forgot to ask your name," she began again.

I mhm'd an affirmative, still batting away the dwindling supply of arrows.

"So what is it?" She didn't seem like she wanted to play any games...

"The names Normous," I told her, "Dixie Normous." That seemed to be the last straw for the goddess, as she hand-signaled the stream of arrows from the girls to end. Then, she drew her own blades with a deadly grace that I could only hope to posses someday.

We hacked, slashed, and dodged one another in the graceful dance with death, trying to dart past each others guard. We fought hard, until the sun when down. Then the sun came up, bringing the promise of new strength and renewed energy. We kept fighting.

Artemis strong, my blades barely able to block hers, but we were at a standstill with my defensive, and her offensive advantages.

'Well,' I thought, 'Apollo didn't order me to fight them. Maybe I'll just... slip away.'

I went Matrix on Artemis, and then I Sparta kicked her into a tree about seven meters away, and launched myself into the branches, letting the sunlight aid my leap.

And I ran.

I continued the way I came from, hoping to retrace my steps, when I reached a city that was nearby. Jumping from my tree, I walked into a Nike shop, and found some baggy, dark clothing. Manipulating the mist, I 'borrowed' the clothes and walked back outside with my hood up. I pushed my Oakley glasses that I had gotten onto my eyes, and sagged my pants a little.

Walking down the street, I couldn't help but notice all of the silver outfitted girls on the sidewalks, and looking through stores for me. I'd like to see them try to find me...

I shifted my feet past a few of them, listening to their conversation

"... Boys, all the same

Exactly... no guts, no glory

Good fighter...

I betcha he's hiding from us

Won't show to us... scared."

'Interesting,' I thought, 'very interesting.'

Then, I formed a plan. A stupid plan, so stupid, it just... might work!"

My lips twitched upwards as a grin threatened to take over my face. Challenge accepted.

I sprinted towards the road, drawing the huntresses' attention and I leaped across the four lane road, and began to climb up to the top of a hotel. Reaching up and grabbing window ledges, protruding bricks, and other things on the side of the building, I made it to the top before they began climbing the building.

I leaped from roof to roof, building to building, while being chased, until I reached a dead-end. I turned around, but the girls were already beginning to overtake me. I was on the edge of the ledge, completely surrounded, when Artemis stepped forward.

"Give up foolish boy, you've nowhere to run," she says.

I leaned backwards, swords crossed across my body, and fall off of the very, very tall corporation building, and leaving the very surprised group of hunters in the dust, my body flipping around like a piece of paper in the wind.