To my fans and any people who are reading this story for the first time (if there are any) Id' like to apologize right off the bat and say that my story will not have any new chapters.
When I started this story, I had intended to stick through with it to the end, but as with many things in life, I underestimated the power and influence of time in my life. While I have tried multiple times to continue my story, every rewrite of the next chapter felt more hollow than the last, and at first I couldn't understand why.
After much deliberation, I can conclude that I just lost interest in both fandoms, and while Sonic Mania and Forces have piqued my interest once again, I cannot say the same about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
This is not to say that they are bad, I will never forget all of the enjoyment and inspiration these two franchises have bestowed upon me, and will be grateful forever. However, I have not watched a single episode of MLP since the beginning of Season 6 (you know, the one with the baby) and have found no real desire to go back to it.
I don't know what it is really, I had no real bad feelings about Starlight Glimmer, I didn't find the child that horrible either. I didn't like what I've seen of the reformed Changelings, the colors are way too garish, though the design might not be that bad, but enough rambling.
My hope is that my story has inspired other writers with what I've written, and that they can use that inspiration to make more and better stories. I feel like I can't continue this story, and so I'm going to leave it to others.
It will stay on the site, if only as a reminder of my failure to continue and to show me where I started. If anyone wishes to continue the story themselves or just wants to take Ideas from it, go ahead. I welcome it.
And while I won't continue this story or any planned side stories, I will still upload stories to this site, mostly one shots and such to start. I think I tried too ambitious a project at the start.
That said, if I get enough of a response from this, I would give out both the original Ideas I was going to write down, along with the synopsis of where the story was going.
That said, I apologize for both not coming to this conclusion sooner and not finishing this story sooner. I know that one of the most annoying things is reading a decent story and realizing it will never have an end.
Till we meet again!