Hello guys! This is the story Loren's Kidnapped and I hope it will be a one hit wonder for me. I really want this story to be a big hit. So if you know anyone who watches Hollywood Heights and reads Fan Fiction please tell them about it. Thanks, Enjoy the chapter.
During this time it was after Loren's concert in New York. It was late last night, the last person who saw Loren was Eddie. The very next morning Eddie was trying to contact Loren. She wasn't picking up. Eddie knows Loren always answers her phone.
"That's weird Loren always answers her phone in the morning when I call her." Eddie said.
Eddie called Loren again
"She still didn't pick up, maybe I'll surprise her and go over to her house." Eddie continued.
Eddie got up and got dressed. He rushed out the door to go to Loren's and Nora's.
Loren's and Nora's house
Nora was crying in her bedroom wondering where Loren was. Eventually Nora heard a knock on the door. Nora opened the door.
"Oh hey Eddie." Nora said.
"Nora what's wrong?" Eddie asked.
"Loren's been kidnapped."
"How do you know maybe she's just with Melissa?"
"No I called her and obviously you're not with her."
"That, that doesn't mean she's been kidnapped Nora."
"Eddie, I think she is."
Eddie and Nora started crying
"Do you think she'll come home?" Eddie asked.
"Maybe, but I've seen stories on the news and sometimes they don't come back until after a while". Nora replied.
"Nora please don't say that I know she'll come back."
Eddie and Nora cried together
The Place Where Loren Was Kidnapped
Loren was paralyzed then kidnapped. Loren fainted after so now she is just sleeping in the place that the kidnapper brought her to.
Loren woke up
The kidnapper was over Loren's body
"Where am I?" Loren asked.
"Hello Loren". Loren's dad (Trent) said.
"Please tell me this is a terrible nightmare."
"It's for real Loren and I finally have you."
"Why am I here with you?!"
"I get you to myself."
"I'm getting out of here."
Loren got up
Trent stopped her
"You are not these doors are locked up which means no one can get in and no one can get out without the special key." Trent said.
"Why do you want me? You never wanted me before" Loren said.
"That's not true Loren, I was ill-equipped to be a father."
"You use that excuse all the time." Loren said.
"Oh my gosh I have to get home to my family, my boyfriend, my best friends." Loren said.
"Not now".
"Let me go dad!"
"I need you to myself for a while."
"Dad! Let me go my mom is probably worried sick."
"You will go home just now".
Loren's and Nora's Place
"Well, maybe we can search around and see if anyone's seen her." Eddie said.
"Eddie, she's gone we're just going to have to wait." Nora replied.
"No I won't give up on finding her I can't just wait around doing nothing!"
"I never said we had to give up and wait for her to come home. We have to take it one step at a time."
Eddie checked his phone to see if Loren sent out any tweets since they hung out.
"What are you doing?" Nora asked.
"Just seeing if Loren gave any tweets since we hung out." Eddie replied.
"Ok I just got lost what are tweets?"
"Nora I know you know what they are, this isn't a time for joking."
"Sorry Eddie I was just trying to lighten the mood."
"It's ok Nora, but it's not time for me right now it's time to look for Loren. Nora do you have any photos of Loren?"
"Yeah I have a ton."
"It's time to put up missing person posters."
"Eddie isn't that a little extreme for right now?"
"Nora I want Loren now I need pictures now, please Nora can I have a photo over her?"
"Yeah there are some over here."
Nora went over to an end table and grabbed some photos of Loren.
"Thanks Nora I'm going to make a poster then make copies and post them all over town." Eddie sia.d
"Ok be safe."
Eddie left with the pictures
Eddie soon created the missing person posters copied them and put them all over town.
"This should help I really think everyone will help look for her." Eddie said.
"Hey you're Eddie Duran!" A man yelled.
"Seriously? The one time I need alone time I don't get it."Eddie whispered.
Eddie ran back into his car and drove to his place
Eddie's penthouse
"Maybe if I watch a little tv then that'll get my mind of Loren." Eddie said as he turned on the tv to watch the news.
"L.A's new teen pop idol Loren Tate kidnapped, coming up next-
Eddie shut off the tv
"Well that didn't help me forget about Loren at all." Eddie said as he walked to his bedroom to play on his laptop.
Chloe's House
Chloe moved back to her house with her mom. Tyler and Chloe are still together. Chloe just finished watching the news about Loren.
"Well since Loren's been kidnapped I guess Eddie won't have a girlfriend for a while. I don't know who did this but I love this person." Chloe said.
Jackie walked in
"What were you talking about?" Jackie asked.
"Eddie Duran's former girlfriend got kidnapped so now it's my turn to make a move."
"Now darling the sounds like a terrible idea."
"My god mom do you always have to rain on my parade?"
"Cynthia I'm not trying to rain on your parade I'm just giving you advice."
"Like I should be taking advice from you."
"I have made some bad decisions in the past but they are not as bad as what you have done."
"Shut up mom."
Chloe got up to go play with her hair in the mirror
"Darling this is bad for you and I thought you wanted to make new decisions."
"Well that changed now that I'm not in Fresno."
"What is so bad about that place?"
"Can't talk now mom got to think of a plan to get Eddie."
"Don't do anything to cold Cynthia I know how you are."
Chloe sat on her bed and thought of plans to get Eddie back
"Poor, poor valley girl by the time she's free Eddie will be all mine."
Chloe laughed evily
Trent's house
Trent left the room but he was spying on Loren. Loren didn't know.
"My phone! Where's my phone?!" Loren asked herself.
"Oh my phone."
Loren found it on the ground
Trent walked in and ripped the phone out of her hand
"What did I tell you?! No escaping. For disrespecting my rules you are going to get it!? Trent yelled.
"Get what?"
Loren suddenly fell and blacked out
Trent laughed evily
Hope you guys liked this chapter. I worked hard on it so I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Wow did I just say that again? Well if you haven't read any of my stories then you probably won't know that I love reviews and when people favorite my stories. I really love it when they do. And my goal is to reach at least 400 reviews for one story. That's just my goal. If you want to help me to achieve that goal the please review and tell me what you think of this chapter thanks!