Pick Me Up

"Romano, please watch your mouth around my boss," Spain scratched the back of his head where a large lump was beginning to form. "I don't think I can take another beating like that."

There was no answer from Romano, however, only the sound of the wooden shutters swinging back and forth with the cold night's wind. Due to his lagging economy, Spain was having a hard time keeping things in check. Even little things like shutters and clothing were becoming too much for him to handle. However, despite his lack of money, he scrounged up whatever he could to keep Romano fed and properly clothed. He just wished that his henchman would be a little more grateful, considering Spain took a beating for him every time.

A tugging at the hem of his pants caused Spain's thoughts to dissipate. He turned around to look at whatever had caused it, thinking it was another mouse that had made its way inside his house. Instead of a mouse, however, he found Romano standing there with a guilty look on his face. He was sure that if it was not so dark, he would have found a bright blush on Romano's face. "What is it, Romano?"

"'m sorry," the little voice caught the wind, and travelled up to Spain's ears. Spain stood still for a moment, looking down at Romano's little chubby cheeks. This had only ever happened on one other occasion, and Romano had ended up attacking him afterwards because he touched his hair curl. Spain was determined not to ruin this rare moment like the last, so he kept his hands off of Romano.

This didn't mean that freaking out and crying was off limits, though.

"You're so cute Romano," Spain spun around on the spot. "You're the cutest little henchman, and you're all mine!" Spain laughed some more, and continued to spin until Romano told him – ever so sweetly – that he was an annoying tomato bastard.

Romano looked down at his feet, then back up at Spain with a worried expression, the moonlight caused his eyes to sparkle. Spain wanted to say something about how cute Romano was, but in fear of angering Romano, he kept quiet. "What is it Romano?"

Romano mumbled something under his breath that Spain couldn't quite make out, so he prompted him to say it again. "I said…" Romano closed his eyes and looked down at the floor, refusing to meet eyes with Spain.


Instead of pathetically stumbling over his words, Romano tugged at the hem of Spain's pants with his pudgy left hand. "Pick me up."

Romano would never admit it out loud, but he loved it when the Spaniard carried him around. He loved it when Spain showed him the tomato garden, or when he carried him on his shoulders at the beach.

Spain almost squealed in excitement, and lifted Romano up from the floor without another question. He held his henchman away from his chest and spun him around in circles. "My little Romano is so cute when he's embar-"

Romano punched Spain on top of the head, "don't push it, bastard."

A/N: This work will be updated sporadically, but I will do my best to get something out every two or three days. I'm afraid that I don't have much time on my hands between school and working on HetaRozario. Hope you like it!