I do not own anything except this story

"Thinking of you, wherever you are.

We pray for our sorrows to end, and hope that our hearts will blend.

Now I will step forward to realize this wish. And who knows:

starting a new journey may not be so hard,

or maybe it has already begun.

There are many worlds, but they share the same sky —

one sky, one destiny."


A boy with spiky brown hair had just finished reading a letter from his childhood friend. He wore black and silver outfit that, while remaining baggy, is like his original outfit. It contains a darker style using many zippers and extra leggings with a silver crown necklace. This boy was Sora the Keyblade's Chosen one.

Next to the teen was a fellow Keyblade wielder and his best friend. He had on baggy jeans, with a bandage on his right hand. He was also wearing a black under shirt with a white and yellow jacket over it. This was Riku.

After reading the letter, a touched Sora felt light form slowly in front of him. Soon, it became like a door.

"Light." Muttered Riku with shock and wonder.

"A door to light." Specified Sora with the same expression.

Immediately Sora got up and looked down on Riku "We'll go together." Assured the Keyblade Master as he stretched out his hand.

"Yeah." Agreed his best friend as Riku was helped up. Silently, the duo made their way towards the door and disappeared.


Like two light blue meteors, the forms of Sora and Riku quickly shot down into a clear blue sea from the bright blue sky. After crashing, the two went above the water and caught their breathes. Shakes their hair, they both looked around to see where they were.

"Sora! Riku!" shouted a very familiar voice. Said teens turned around to see a girl their age with bright auburn hair. A pink strapless mini-dress made up of three zippers (two appear to be just decorative) as well as a white halter top underneath her mini-dress with a black hood. She also sported three bracelets on her left wrist, a black belt reminiscent of suspenders with a note book shaped bag attachment, and lilac sneakers. She appeared to be waving cheerfully at the two. This was the last of the trio of Keyblade wielders and more importantly friends, Kairi.

Smiling, Sora began to swim to shore with Riku right behide him. Just as he reached land three figures rush in front of Kairi. It was none other than Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy… the dog right?

Anyways, jumping high, the trio ran towards the duo. Goofy jumped on Sora as did Donald, hugging the teen causing all of them to fall into the sea. While Mickey went into Riku's arms and was spun around.

After hugging his animal friends, Sora took out his good luck charm from his pocket. He looked back up to see his friend's face, "W-we're back!" stuttered the smiling Keyblade Master. Smiling back, the Princess of Heart bend over and pulled out her hand "Your home." She grinned as she helped her friend up.


Unknowing to others, a teen girl made herself appear.

She wore a white dress with blue sandals. Her hair was white-blonde and had pale skin. Most of all, this girl bore a resemblance to Kairi, for she was her nobody: Namine. And by the looks of it she was worried.

She has been watching Sora from within her other half and did not sense the other boy that was within him, "Roxas…" she whispered to herself.

You see Roxas was Sora's nobody and other half. Nobodies cannot truly exist without their somebody. So, of course, joining back with their somebodies was necessary to become whole.

But for some reason, Namine could not feel Roxas' presence within Sora somehow. Could it be... Roxas disappeared from existence? It was possible, since he was, after all, the other half of Sora, "No!" Namine reprehended herself, "That's impossible, when a nobody combines with their somebody they live on within the person. They become one with them."

But then where was Roxas? Surely he's still alive… in a way, he did fuse with Sora after all right ? Then why did the witch not feel her nobody counterpart in Sora's heart? The blonde teen took a deep breath "Don't stress yourself Namine." She told herself "Roxas fused with Sora, you saw it yourself."

Of course Roxas still exists, they are the same person after all. The blonde boy is living deep inside Sora's heart where he's probably still getting adjusted to the whole thing. After all, Roxas wasn't going anywhere right?

Ha! If only she knew.


Somewhere, far from Destiny Islands, was some sort of space station. Inside was some kind of storage house that held a special treasure, which we'll find out about soon enough.

Just then a Door of Light opened in the front of the storage and spit out a figure, then closed, "Goddamn! Talk about a rough ride." Grumbled the figure.

Looking closer, the figure was actually a teenage boy. He had blonde, spikey hair that blow against the wind. As he got up, one can see him with a jacket that had a white and black checker pattern. With the expression on his face you can see he's pretty winded.

"Damn it! Wasn't I suppose to be with- oh wait! Oh yeah…" The teen began to remember what he did


In the Sora's deep dive laid Roxas, the Key of Destiny, former number XIII of Organization XIII, and nobody of Sora. Here he was after fusing with his other half in order to become complete and truly, finally exist.

Well, he sure in hell didn't feel complete.

"(Insert bored sound God this sucks! Dammnit Namine you lied!" complained Roxas outloud, cursing to himself about his current predicament

Said girl told him that when he combined with Sora again, everything would be fine and it was for the best.


In Sora's heart, there was literally nothing to do but stand on his colorful platform and stare into nothingness. Sure the picture of Sora with his friends was pretty cool, but got boring after awhile. And frankly, Roxas found it disturbing. There were also occasional Shadow Heartless; remnants of Darkness from when Sora had been a Heartless himself. But they were no match for Roxas' skills really.

You know, now that he thought about it, he only lost twice in his nonexistent life. Considering that he fought the true embodiment of Darkness on a daily basis, travel from world to world across the universe just as often as a person would walk to there jobs, fighting and surviving many different and unique foes along the way, that pretty damn if he said so himself. The only two people that were able to (luckily) defeat him, were Sora and Riku themselves, and even then, both those fights had him overpowering the two heroes of the universe. Though, the latter did catch him by surprise really.

"How'd I lose to Sora again? Oh yeah, the summon to hand power, right." Roxas reminded himself, slapping a hand on his forehead. Damn him and his arrogance, if only he had kept his guard up in both those fights, maybe then his destiny would have been different. With a sigh, the teen crossed his arms and began to think.

Is this really where things end for him? Is this really how all there is to his existence? After just a year to nonexist? Oh, how fate was so cruel to him...

'Wait a minute'.

This, not any of this, was by his own choice. Because of Riku, Diz, the Organization, and probably Namine, he ended up like this to complete Sora.

Wait! Wait one hella-frickin second!

"Son of a bitch! Those ass-wipes decided my fate for me!" the ex-nobody screamed. That's right, he said it! As if there was anyone around to judge at this point.

His thoughts raged very quickly. So what if he didn't really have a heart? Being or not being whole was his and his choice alone! Who is anyone to tell him what's what? They had some nerve to put him in this situation and put his destiny in their hands.

Seriously, what is wrong with those people?!

Sighing deeply, he put his fingers on the bridge of his nose and looked over his life and what- not, including the Xion moments he had with the girl he could call his sister, even though this is kinda her fault in a way.

After a few moments, he opened his eyes and made a decision, HIS own decision, "If this is what it means to be complete, then I'd rather be a soulless body than have this damned life." He said to himself with some pride. This really is the first choice of his own accord.

Now the question was how the hell would he leave this place?

'Maybe Sora could have idea from his perspective.' Decided Roxas and he closed his eyes to see Sora's views from the outside.

"Light." Muttered Riku

"A door to light." Whispered Sora

As they described a Door of Light formed in front of the duo.

Snapping his eyes open quickly, he found his answer, "Of course a Door to Light! Maybe it can help me get out from this place!" Roxas whispered "Now how to get its attention."

Just then, a weird idea formed in Roxas' head. Maybe a prayer was in order? I know it was kind of corny, but wasn't that what most people used to get help from an entity or something like that?

Beings were strange these days.

Shrugging, Roxas folded his hands together and made up a prayer, 'Door to Light, I know the request I'm asking you is selfish, but I can turn to no other, please, I can't just let things at where they are, so bless your holy power inside this heart and set me free from this jail of my somebody.' Prayed the ex-nobody.

Opening his eyes with hope, Roxas looked around to see if his prayers were answered. By the look of things, it went onto deaf eyes.

"Damn!" cursed Roxas. Sighing in defeat, the ex-nobody fell on his back. Was this really it? Is this truly his one and only fate? To just reside within Sora and look over the Keyblade Master's life?

Just as the ex-nobody closed his eyes in acceptance a ray of light hit his eye socket as he opened up once again. The blonde gasp at the sight he saw. The Door to Light has answered his prayers.

The holy door appeared in front of the Keyblade wielder as he stood up. Shaking out of his shock, Roxas smirked and punched his fist into his left hand "Alright, now to see what this universe has in store for a guy… or nobody like me." And with that jumped into his door to freedom.

(Flashback end)

Aaaaaand that's how Roxas ended up in the middle of nowhere…kinda. Oh well, better than living in someone else's shadow for the rest of existence in his opinion.

Craning his head to look around, Roxas saw a storage house made of steel in front of him and sigh in relief, "Maybe I can find some help inside." He muttered to himself and went in.

When he went up and found some sort of complex, electronic lock, which looked like it needed a password to open. The lock caused Roxas to snort, as if he needed a code.

Reaching out his left hand, a burst of electrified light burst out and was soon replaced by the Keyblade OathKeeper. Bringing his hands together, a thin blue circle appeared then a blue light shot out and hit the lock. Random numbers appeared on the screen before a green light came to life and opened the door.

"Works every time." Stated Roxas as he put the Keyblade on his shoulder. As he walked inside the building, the teen saw some… unique specimens. There were about four humanoid monsters with grey armor, helmets, and club like weapons that made them look like soldiers.

Roxas could only blink at the sight. What. The. Fuck.

Seriously, what the hell is this suppose to be!

Those… soldiers turned and saw the nobody standing in the guarded area. Quickly, one of them went up in front of him with weapon ready. Obviously, he was not supposed to be here.

Pointing its club at Roxas, the soldier spoke in some language Roxas could not understand.

"Gu!" It exclaimed as he faced a confused Roxas

"I'm sorry, what?" he tried to ask the creature

"Gu!" it shouted again this time poking its stick at the teen, who was still lost.

"Really, I don't know what you're saying! Do want me to do sign language or something!" the blonde suggested while bringing up his hands.

Seeing this as an attack, the solider brought its club up to strike down Roxas and to capture him. On instinct, Roxas easily blocked the attack easily with OathKeeper and countered with his own strike at the side of his attacker.

Seeing of their comrades beaten, the rest of them flipped their weapons over. The nobody was curious at what would happen when bullets shot out of the club. Seeing little choice, the nobody blocked the bullets and rolled in.

He gave an upper slash to the closest enemy and kicked it away, causing to crash into the crates nearby. Another one went in and tried to stab Roxas, though the nobody made sure to lock their weapons together. The last solider aimed its gun at the teen to end this bout, but with quick reaction, Roxas pointed his Keyblade upwards.

"Blizzaga!" Exclaimed the blonde as a block of ice shot towards the grey soldier with high speed before it could shot again. It screamed in pain as the ice hit it dead on in the face and fell on the floor with a loud thud.

With that, Roxas ended this fight with a side-step and knocked the last fighter to the ground with the hilt of OathKeeper. Roxas then looked around to see his handy work.

Sighing in disbelief, Roxas put his hand over the back of his head, what a surprised. 'Why me?' was all the blonde could think. All he wanted was to NOT to let his existence fade away and decide his own fate! Is that so wrong?

He turned around to see the crates by one of his defeated enemies. Shrugging, he went to the crate. Might as well check out the goods, right?

With key at hand, he popped off the top to find gold and jewelry in the box, "Well, that explains what they were protecting." he Concluded as the nobody took up a hand full of the valuables and put it back, not really seeing the point in taking any. Then something caught his eye; a red action figure by a diamond.

With eyebrows raised, he picked up the figure, "What's this?" he wondered as he continued to observe it. For some reason, Roxas could feel a power within the toy: the power to protect and to fight for justice, 'This definitely isn't a normal toy.' thought the nobody until his thoughts were cut off.

"Would you give that to me?" asked a voice from behide.

Roxas turned to find a man in a red jumpsuit. He had a logo of that stated 35th on his left chest, while his belt buckle is made of the Roman numeral for 30 on his belt buckle. On the both sides of his helmet, one could see yellow flame designs. In addition to that was a very thick collar that made him look a bit old school.

Once again Roxas blinked in surprise, things were really getting out of line here."Um, who are you?" Questioned the blonde, who was still staring in disbelief.

"I'm branded as a pirate at the moment." Answered the figure

Roxas formed an 'O' with his mouth and walked up to the pirate "Ah, so you're a professional." Stated the Keyblade wielder. He then held up the item in question.

"So this yours or something?" asked Roxas but the figure shook his head.

"No…but I need it." Replied the red pirate

"I see." Said Roxas understanding a bit. He then continued his slow pace towards the man and put out his hand, "Well here you go."

The man in red was slightly taken aback from the generosity of the teen in front of him, "So wait, you're going to fight me for this?" he questioned

Roxas shook his head, "Nope. I have no reason to keep this thing, I'm not a pirate."

"But then why did you do all this?" he questioned gesturing to the fallen soldiers.

Roxas shrugged, "It was a misunderstanding." He explained shortly, chuckling a bit nervously.

The pirate blinked at the teen in front of him then shook his head and sighed "This isn't what you want, is it? Just what are you after?" questioned the man which made Roxas put down his head in thought with his chin underneath.

"Nothing in particular…", what did he want? All of his goals, so far in life, were decided by other people. Xemnas with Kingdom Hearts, Xion with freeing Kingdom Hearts, and going back to Sora with Diz, Namine, and Riku. Seriously, his life was messed up!

Anyway, just where did that leave him? What does he want with his life? What goal was great enough for him to risk everything for? All of a sudden a thought hit him, "…But I think the greatest treasure in the universe would be worth looking for." he answered proudly "You're a pirate, so you probably heard about it right?"

But then Roxas sighed "Although, it's probably just a legend." Concluded Roxas as he looked back at the treasure in his hand.

"It's not just a legend." Assured the pirate. That statement made the nobody widen his eyes. It's it true? Could there really be such a treasure out there in the vast cosmos?

"If you give up, then you can never get it…" the pirate told Roxas as he turned to the light. The blue-eyed boy then heard a noise. Like some kind of ship and it was rising.

He narrowed his eyes from the light to find a red ship going above. It was a complete pirate ship with two swords crossed with a hat in the middle, all in silver, on the sail and in other places.

"It's your decision to make." Said the pirate as he turning slightly with the light shining upon him.

Roxas gulped as he looked at the magnificent ship before him and said the only thing in his head, "You really like red, don't you?"

The man in red could only sweat drop at the question.

This is gonna be a long journey…


1 Year Later

We find Roxas whistling a Disney tune, hard at work. He was cleaning the poop deck with a broom, soap, and water. Why do they even call it a poop deck? It's not like people poop on it, right? Anyway, he was working up a sweat with no regret.

For the past year Roxas has been traveling across the universe in order to the ranger keys. Their origin was unknown to Roxas.

But it seems that the ranger keys were the ticket to getting the greatest treasure in the universe. So he and AkaRed, the pirate he met a year ago, formed the Akaki pirates (Red pirates); searching the universe for the keys and all.

Also, they were wanted. I mean really wanted. They were known as the biggest rebellion group against the Zangyack Empire. Apparently, those soldiers that the teen kill were a part of the empire and were called Gomin. The encountered a lot of them on his journey. Really, those guys were like ants in a motel, they won't stop popping up!

Any who, they were pretty well known throughout the universe by now. The three of them had worked together planet by planet in order to get the greatest treasure in the universe.

Did I say three? About that, there was a third member in the crew: Basco ta Jolokia. That guy was… seminal. He had his problems, but don't we all? Overall, he was a great crewmate and friend. For some reason, their friendship reminded Roxas of his and Axel's very own. Getting on each other's neck but having their backs as well. Strange.

Then there was Navi. Ah, Navi, she was a talking, flying, robotic, golden bird. The machine was very overexcited. She tended to be scared of most things anywhere at any time for some reason.

That bird needed to lighten up.

But still, she was a good addition to the crew and made good company. The nobody chuckled at the team he was a part of. The adventure they were having was fun. Way better than being stuck in some guy's heart.

The teen's thoughts were cut off by one of his companions, "Yo, Roxy-chan! The boss man wants a word with us." Stated Basco, for some reason, the man keeps calling him Roxy-chan for some reason. Roxas just didn't understand the Japanese at all right now.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a sec." answered Roxas as he put away the broom. Since this was a new adventure, Roxas decided he needed to update his style. He now wore a white, long-sleeved collared shirt with a black vest that had four red stripes from the waist down. His black and white checkered bracelet, white and black rings, respectively on his fingers and his personal 'X' necklace was still visible on him.

Going to the center room, he found the whole crew together with the treasure chest that held all the ranger keys they obtained.

"Looks like everyone's here." Stated AkaRed as he opened the treasure chest.

The others could only look in awe at all the keys they got together "With this many, it'll surely workout." Said the captain.

Basco crossed his arms "So, the next step is to find the greatest treasure in the universe right?" he questioned already knowing the answer.

AkaRed nodded "That's right!" he responded

"Alright… let's get going then!" shouted Roxas as he bumped fists with his captain. But neither of them saw the sneer on Basco's face.

Just then, a explosion ignited under the ship causing everyone to fall except Basco, "What?! What?! Exclaimed Navi as she rolled on the floor.

At that moment, dozens of Gomin came from the deck and stand ready to capture the pirates.

"What is this?" demanded AkaRed, just then Basco went in, grabbed the treasure chest and put it under his arm. The rest of the crew could only look in horror as the soldiers moved out of the pirate's way.

Basco had sold them out.

"Why?!" demanded Roxas, wanting to know why their comrade had sold them out.

"It's the greatest treasure in the universe. You probably wanted to keep it all to yourself too." Answered Basco

"And you betrayed us for that reason?!" Accused AkaRed. "Right!" replied Basco

Their former comrade turned around as if expecting to get attacked only to look straight at the blonde's eyes. They were filled with anger, shock, and…sadness? The pirate only scoffed at the reaction "To obtain something… you must give up something. And I'm giving up you guys." Stated Basco coldly.

Was that all he really thought of them? Just tools used until they are disposed of? The nobody clenched his eyes shut anger. It was just like Diz and the organization all over again. Being used as a tool as means for their own goals.

But this time he actually had a choice…

Quickly, the blonde teen rolled to the side and clicked on some random button. This made the ship tilt to the side. As if he'll let that bastard have his way!

Using the distraction, Roxas put out his right hand as a jet stream of darkness shot out. As he clenched the hilt, the darkness formed into the Keyblade Oblivion and launched forward.

While everyone stumbled. The nobody was able to cut down some soldiers trying to get to Basco. Seeing his opportunity, AkaRed pulled out his own sword and slashed away his enemies, "Roxas, run!" he ordered his subordinate.

"But!" argued Roxas who kicked away a Gomin. "Hurry!" demanded the captain, in a voice that left no room for argument.

Seeing no choice, Roxas ran towards the bottoms stairs while taking out some soldiers. As he reached the bottom the last thing Roxas could see before he left was AkaRed slashing at Basco, who lost the treasure chest in his hands.


His Keyblade was clenched tightly in his hand as the teen ran on the ladder towards his escape. Explosions were burning heavily which made it hard to see where to go, one can get scorched in this kind of heat. But that did not stop Roxas from listening to his captain's orders. More soldiers came to capture Roxas, but fell to the blonde's blade as he raged though them with anger on the current betrayal.

Unfountainly, he failed to notice a Sugomin, a bigger, uglier version of Gomin with claws, behide him until it was too late. It shot a charged blast at the nobody, who looked horrified and put his Keyblade in front of him.

Then a loud cry was heard. AkaRed jumped in front of Roxas just in time to take the hit.

Sparks flew as the red pirate was hit, but did not bring him down. Staggering a bit, he cut down the blue solider easily as it fell from the top with Navi floating by.

"Your journey starts here!" declared AkaRed

The red hero then turned around with the treasure chest in his hands and opened it "Live for my sake too…And be sure to obtain the greatest treasure in the universe!" he shouted with great pride.

Roxas was in shock at what his benefactor was saying. What did he mean his journey starts here?

"Got it?!" AkaRed asked more or less and turned back around. Widening his eyes in realization, the nobody reached out for his captain. But it was too late…

With a war cry, the red pirate ran forward with his saber at hand. He slashed at the incoming Gomin with the hot flames blocking his escape behide.

"AkaRed!" Roxas screamed in horror as the explosions covered his views on his mentor. Realizing that it was too late, he clenched the box in his hands and turned around, "Let's go Navi!" he shouted at his companion

"Aye!" replied the bird as she followed her guardian.

Soon enough , the duo hid behid a couple of rocks of the wasteland that they were being chased on. With the coast clear, Roxas and Navi both went on the ground to take a breather, "Ah! This bad! This is bad! What are we going to do!?" rambled Navi as panic in the air.

While that was happening, the blonde was in deep thought on their situation. The Gomin were all over the place like ants in a diner joint.

Annoying ants.

Still, if they are working with Basco, they should be bound to slip up. Mainly because, Roxas knew how Basco works most of the time. So by his quick and unproven calculations, his former comrade should be looking for him and the deceased AkaRed. Also, leaving the ship unattended and free to pilot.

Yep. Not Sora at all.

Reaching out his right hand, Roxas summoned a corridor of darkness to assist him.

"Ah! What is that?!" gawked Navi as she looked upon the dark door.

'Ah yeah, she doesn't know about.' Mused Roxas in his mind as he put down his hand, "Let's go Navi." ordered Roxas.

"B-but, is it safe?" Questioned the metal bird. Her companion simply looked at her straight in the eye with piercing blue eyes, "You trust me don't you?"

Of course she did.

So without another word, Navi went, with a little hesitation to the corridor of darkness with Roxas behind her.


Two Gomin soldiers were on the floor playing cards. After AkaRed escaped with the ranger keys, that jerk Basco ordered the two to keep guard of the ship, while the rest of them and him went to capture his former crewmates.

They wanted to kick butt too!

Still, orders were orders. They were forced to listen to Basco, until further notice. Sighing the two continued to play goldfish.

Just then, a hole of darkness appeared out of nowhere in the air. Jumping up, the two grabbed their weapons and got into their fighting stances. They both curiously leaned in to see what was inside. Just then, a small figure shot out of it and went around like a pinball.

"Bah! I'm finally out! I thought I would go blind from that!" it screamed in a shrill voice.

That was unexpected…

Too occupied with the bird they didn't notice a certain teen until it was too late, "Firaga"!

An explosion of fire hit the duo and both were knocked on their backs. Though, they were both conscious enough to see a blonde drop some sort of treasure chest. The teen went to the guards and grabbed them both by the collar.

Struggling, they both saw him bring them by an open window. Knowing what was happening, they doubled their efforts, but it was too late.

"Bitch, get off my fucking ride!" he exclaimed before throwing both into oblivion.

Seriously, this was his house now!

Dusting his hands, Roxas looked over his shoulder, "Navi!"

"Already on it!" the bird stated cheerfully while pressing a couple of buttons.

The ship brought in its anchors and got into the air.

When they were high enough, Roxas went over to the controls himself and did his own thing.

"Roxas, what are doing?" Navi asked curiously while looking over the blue-eyed teen's shoulder.

"Just making an extra precaution." He answered nonchalantly before pressing one last button, crackling darkly at the revenge he was going to take.


Basco was pissed off!

It was supposed to be a simple deal: let the Zangyack Empire have his comrades while he gets the greatest treasure in the universe for himself. But, no! His stupid teammates just had to get his way!

Why couldn't they just go with the flow?

So now here he was, with a bunch of Gomin, looking for his ex-comrades and was getting pissed off by the second, "Everyone keep looking! They couldn't have gone that far!" he scowled at the soldiers.

Right then, a noise of a ship could be heard as the ground shook, "What the hell is that?!" exclaimed Basco as he looked around the place to find the source. Right until a solider tapped him on the shoulder and pointed above.

The traitor's eyes widened at the site of the red vessel rising from the ground.

Yep, not as planned.

Before to he could say anything else, Basco saw the cannons coming out and loading, "What the- "he started until he saw cannonballs coming at them like meteors. "Hit the decks!" shouted Basco as he and the other took cover just before the attack hit.


Roxas chuckled as he heard explosions ring at the target. Payback is a bitch.

Sighing, Roxas looked over to a shocked Navi, "Was that necessary?" she asked shaking her head.


Doing her own sigh, the robot went back to the controls, "Anyway, I'll check if the ship has anymore unwanted guest." She explained while pressing some buttons, "You should get some rest."

Nodding, the blonde teen decided to go into his room as the ship left the planet's atmosphere.


At the Zangyack Empire, here lied Akudos Gill in his castle. In the court room, he was having a meeting with his most trusted and powerful solider: Damarasu.

Both were discussing things that would decide the fate of their empire. "So, what of the Akaki pirates general?" asked Akudos in a deep voice that was commanding.

"All taken care of my lord. One of their own has made a deal that will assure their end." Reported Damarasu. This causes the emperor to snort, "Figures. A pirate would do anything for treasure." He stated then sighed, "But at least that'll put one thorn out of our way."

He then stood up from his seat, "As you know Damarasu, I'm sending my son, Warz away to Earth in order to conquer it." He stated with distain.

The general nodded not blaming him. Earth was suppose to be another planet that was supposed to be under the Zangyack. But what they did not see coming was super, armored warriors in different colors of the rainbow.

Yep, not a part of the plan.

Not only were the warriors able to hold their ground, they drove off the fleet the empire sent with their powers. But at last, they had to sacrifice their powers in order to win the war. Now it appears the planet was for the taking. But why did the emperor bring up the topic?

"But unfountainly, I doubt that he has the ability to pull it off himself." He stated "So that's why I've decided to send you over with him along with Insarn to ensure his success." He declared to the man in front of him.

Said man only blinked as nodding without a word. He was fine with going with Warz, since everyone knew the spoiled brat needed to be watched. But Insarn?

She's a bitch.'Nuff said.

Damarasu's thoughts were cut off from his leader's voice, "But first the ships and soldiers being used need to be tested out before you guys actually get to Earth." He said as he motioned his general over the computer screen, "I've handpicked these specific places myself for the testing. Each maybe similar but are completely different worlds." He stated as pictures appeared on the computer screen.

As they appeared the general read the names out loud," Izumo, Death City, Tokyo: the one parallel to MÄR-Heaven, Tenrou Island, and Konoha." He finished with questions filling his head. As though knowing what he was thinking, Akudos answered "I chose these places because they have yet to conquered by us." He scoffed, "I see no use of planets that aren't under my control Just guinea pigs to experiments." Oh how he's gonna eat those words soon enough… "Yes my lord, you shall not regret sending me." Damarasu promised as he left the room, leaving Akudos to his own thoughts.


As he walked in the hallway, Roxas thought about all that has happened. It really felt like a blur to him. But AkaRed's sacrifice would not be in vain; it was for his sake as well.

Speaking of AkaRed, Roxas just happened to be by his quarters. Curiosity enveloped the teen like a blanket. Just what did the decease captain do in his room?

With no one to stop him, the blonde opened the door to his died captain's private area.

Of course, the room was bigger than any other room in the ship, for it was the captain's room.

And as Roxas had guess, it was red. Hell, even the bed was red. Did they really make it in that color?

Shaking his head, his eyes locked on a book by the lamp. Like a magnet, he was drawn to it.

As he looked closer, he saw that the color was light brown, like any other book. But what made it different from any other, was that it had a strange symbol on its cover.

Picking it up, thoughts filled up the teens head. Could this be AkaRed's dairy? Or did it serve another purpose?

Opening it, he read the words on the front page out loud, which he assumed to be the title of this object, 'History of Super Sentai, hmmm, now I'm interested.'Roxas mused in his head as he turned the page.

What he found out was pretty, unbelievable. Apparently, the Super Sentai is a task force that protected the Earth ever since the ancient times. So far 34 teams have been locked down in his history from Gorenger to Goseigers. These teams all went though hard ships and struggle in order to protect the Earth from countless evils. That was until about a year ago.

The Zangyack came to Earth to do what they do best: conquer the planet. All of the warriors of the 34 prior Super Sentai teams participated in the great Legend War to prevent the Earth from falling to the Space Empire Zangyack, and they gave up their powers to ensure Earth's safety.

Now everything clicked.

Of course that's where the ranger keys came from! They were the lost powers of the Super Sentai trapped in their toy forms. This was probably the other reason why AkaRed went after the ranger keys. He would return the powers right after they obtained the greatest treasure in the universe.

But then a new questioned arise in Roxas' head. Why? Why would one man go though great lengths to get powers that were supposed to be forever lost?

The teen's thoughts were interrupted by a bright light that erupted from the book "Oh crap!" cried out the teen as he dropped the book. But it did not hit the ground. A rainbow colored aura sphere covered the book as it floated in the air.

Roxas stood up as the door busted open, "Roxas! Are you okay?! I heard a noise and- BAH!" rambled a panicked Navi who went behind Roxas as soon as she saw the sphere.

A few seconds later, the rainbow colored sphere shifted. Its colors divided into the following, red, blue, yellow, green, pink, and white. The first five colors morphed in the air all turning into familiar shapes while the white light shifted split into five orbs and began to also take familiar forms.

After a few moments, all the colors take solid forms. The first five became what looked liked ranger keys, but were entirely new to Roxas.

The white orbs transformed into phones, each were black and red and the very front was gold. In the gold part, was the symbol for the Akaki pirates and under it was the a name or more appropriate a title.

"Gokaiger?" Roxas whispered and picked up one of the phones.

As though sensing the touch, the red ranger key glowed its color and flashed like away like a Keyblade to appear in Roxas' empty hand.

Shocked, Roxas looked at the key in his hand, 'Could it be… you chose me?' he thought in his head as he looked at the others 'But what about?'.

An idea popped in his head.

Putting his phone on the bed, Roxas closed his eyes and focused on his light element. Soon a ball of light came to life in his hand. The blonde then released the ball over the other 4 keys. It then split into four sprits that each went in the ranger keys.

The keys glowed a white light which turned into their own respective color. The light died down back into the keys.

Navi, who was quiet the whole time, decided to speak her mind a little, " Um, what did you do?" she asked innocently.

The teen smirked at the bird, "The red key I had was sentient and chose me, while the others weren't. So I turned them sentient." he explained

But there was another questioned that bothered Navi, "But why?"

Roxas turned back to his key, "Because this key picked me of all people. So why can't the others do the same with others?" he answered as he went to Akared's closet and opened it.

Navi nodded but then gawked in realization, because of what he said, "Did you just others!?"

Once again the nobody smirked "Yep." He stated as he put on a red jacket on; a perfect fit like it was made for him, "Get ready Navi, cause things are gonna be lively from now on." He claimed as he picked all the newly formed items and left the room.

The golden bird sigh, "I was afraid of that. Oh well, at least things are gonna get interesting from now on." She muttered to herself as she followed the young pirate to the deck

The duo didn't notice that the book began to write something in itself, the words forming Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger on an empty page.

Thank you for reading this story. Don't worry this not a one-shot, but I won't update until like the start of summer. Mainly, because of high school.

So until then, stay gold