Hey everyone, no new chapter today. Instead, just some news and updates.

First of all, I am stil keen on completing my stories. I am close to finishing some, however whenever I complete a chapter I sort of enter a gap. Here are a few stories as examples and why they aren't being updated sooner:

A Time Traveler's Destiny: This one isn't just because I completed a chapter and now I've got a gap: while going back and reviewing some things, I noticed a terrible, completely embarrassing mistake I made-the ages. Yes Jason, Janice, Will, and Tyler are all ten years old, but for whatever reason my mind keeps spacing on their ages and I think that they're around 15 or 16 (especially when concerning relationships between characters). So, what I've decided to do is go back and fix a few things

Don't worry, this won't be a total rewrite. Some things that will change include the previously mentioned age factor (and also adding an explanation for why they waited an additional six years to become trainers), some other mistakes (gramatical, situational, spelling, etc) I noticed, and some other small details I forgot. Once this is all done, I'll be making a very special treat for you guys.

For those of you who caught it, you know what I'm talking about.

Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Net: Chapters have been coming slow, I know, but I think that's because I poured all of my "creative genius" into writing all the events into a Wikipedia style summary. Trust me, it's quite a lot. Anyways, as I explained to "xider" a few months back, the Duel Net Arc will be at least three more chapters longer (but will most likely be five), and in that time OCs will be introduced, duels will be fought, and zones will be explored.

After that, the Virus Arc will begin and hopefully this story will become just as popular as this one. With that being said, I encourage you to go ahead and check out that story-and if you have any friends who may be interested, send them over.

New Arrival: I am so close to finishing this story, you have no idea. This is going to be the last chapter, and once it is done I will be very happy.

Rewrite for a Pokemon's Destiny: As it is with almost any total rewrite, this takes time. I've been working through the first chapter, trying to smooth out the edges.

Other stories have their own reason for being late, but they will come out-one way or another.

Anyways, some updates on upcoming stories:

Fire Emblem; Awakening story: I am working on the story little by little, and the second chapter is coming along nicely. So far, I've written out almost 8,500 words, and I am currently trying to work on the moments after the Prologue battle.

Dungeons and Dragons RP story: Right now, I'm working on my OCs characters. I already have the races and classes written down, but I still need to work on individual stats and such. After that, the story comes in to play (I also need to get my hands on a copy of a Dungeon Master's guide and a Monster Manual-maybe an adventure guide as well).

I hope you all understand, and I hope you will continue to be patient. These things take time-especially with my current schedule.

Other than that, I hope you all look forward to