Chapter 1

Rin has not been herself lately.

Whenever I visit her at Edo, she retreats and keeps a distance when we are alone in each other's company. There is a kind of pinched look to her every time I look at her. The light in her eyes is gone, replaced by a hardness. Increasingly, her usual odour of sweet wildflowers is replaced by the perspiration of battle.

I cannot figure out what is wrong with her. At twenty, she is a beauty. Long silky hair that reaches below her waist, perky hazel eyes that adds a feminine curve to her face, a slim feminine physique...

I have observed many human and demon men gazing at her with admiration. But she does not have any suitors and I know why that is. It is because my presence as Sesshomaru of the Western Lands, keeps them away. My constant visits to her, bringing gifts would only mean one thing in their eyes - a suitor. So they keep away. I refuse to feel guilty. They are not worthy of her after all.

Speaking of visiting Rin, I am in the middle of one such visit. I have just handed her my latest gift to her. It is an elaborate kimono - a dark rich purple accompanied with gold embroidery all over it - I acquired it in the Eastern Lands, when I was there some months back.

Her once soft hazel eyes takes in the richness of the kimono. As I look into her eyes, hoping to decipher whether she is pleased with it, she turns to me with a blank expression on her face.

"Why do you continue visit me, Sesshomaru-sama?" She asks.

When I do not say anything, she furthers her question.

"What I mean to say is, you are a daiyoukai with a castle and lands to rule over. Surely, you have no time to spare to see me, a mere human peasant who really should have no more significance than an insect, and yet you continue to come, always with a luxurious kimono as this in hand. I ask you why." She persists.

I raise my eyes at her comparison to insects. I bet my no good half-brother has something to do with this.

But she is right, what can I be thinking? I have now assumed the role of my father as the Ruler of the Western Lands. I do not travel aimlessly as much anymore, with meetings, patrols, and training to attend - there is simply no time. And yet, I ensure to keep up my regular visits to this little village and secure only the finest of kimonos for Rin. In truth, I know why I do it and yet, I wonder if she will understand...

But Rin has never been so bold to put me on the spot before nor has she been so direct either. Is my half-brother trying to influence her to go against me?

"Do you find my visits disruptive to your life here in the village, Rin?" I ask, trying to figure out the reason behind her question.

She shakes head head, unsure. Her eyes closed.

"It's just that...a daiyoukai simply does not keep company with a girl like me. I don't fit your...persona. I am a powerless human girl, Sesshomaru-sama. A peasant. Surely you see the oddity in that?" She persists, puzzled.

"Perhaps you are seeing the oddity in it only now that you are full grown. But I and the others have seen it ever since you first joined me, when you were much younger and yet, I still kept you with me. It is odd, I suppose but it has been this 'odd' - as you put it - ever since you were little. There is no need to puzzle over that now, Rin." I said, hoping to end her stream of thought.

Only she does not, for I can see her eyebrows knit in thought.

I sigh.

"Rin, what makes you think you are as insignificant as an insect to This Sesshomaru?" I ask, neglecting to get her comparison out of my mind.

"That is what Inuyasha told me you used to think of humans and it was then that I realized that you were right. We humans must seem like insects to you demons. After all, your kind are more powerful and can pick on us any time. There are so many of us, so you demons will never have a shortage of us to toy with." She said, her eyes hardening.

My eyes narrow. I noticed that she cleverly drew a line between her and me there. Does she really have such a bad impression on my kind, even after knowing me and Jaken?

"Since when were you 'toyed' with Rin? And since when did you have such a low opinion of demons? Surely you do not think I think of you as an insect?" I ask, equally as bold.

She gives me a grim smile and hands me back the kimono.

"Sesshomaru, you will marry a female demon, correct? Then I suggest we put a stop to this now. Go and rear a purebred demon family in your Western Lands and think little of me, your human insect; for indeed, that is what I am. I am no different than those people in the village. So if you will kindly excuse me, I am already late to my demon-slaying lesson with Sango and Kohaku. Thank you for all that you did for me, even though I am sure it was going against your beliefs and since I know how hard it is to go against one's beliefs, I will respect you for that. Goodbye."

And with a flip of her long hair, she was walking away from me. I was in a daze. What just happened? How could years of knowing each other shorten by just this one afternoon?

I leap towards her, catching hold of her wrist.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you demon." came a smooth voice.

I looked to its direction and saw a Samurai.

"Haku, stay away from this!" cried Rin, her arms towards him as though imploring him.

I sense that they know each other well.

"Rin, who is this?" I ask immediately.

"My friend. Sesshomaru, might I ask you to release me?" She replies.

"Only once you have answered my previous questions and please, request your 'friend' to give us some privacy." I said.

She looks at Haku, her eyes pleading him. He relents and exits. She turns back to me.

"Were you not toying with me, Sesshomaru? You as well as I know that once you have a demon mate, our correspondence cannot continue. So why put me and you through that? As I grow older, I do not know how to think of you anymore. It seems easier to think of you as most humans do - a species that preys on humans. And why should you not think of me as an insect? I am a human as well." She said, trying to free her wrist from mine.

I tighten my hold on her, sweeping her into my arms and flying us both to my castle in the Western Lands.