Hey! I'm up with a new chapter! Anyway ... I won't type a load of shit now but let you read:

Ladies and Gentlemen, here's chapter 15 of Happiness and Hurt! Enjoy!

I had been waiting at the Airport, I remembered. Waiting for Lucy. So we could run away. From George. Because they stopped the tour. Because of me. Because as he had just told me George still loved me. And I'd run away. From him. Because he'd snogged Joanne ...

The room was silent. John and George were watching me.

"I remember" I slowly said.

George looked really thankful.

"But" I said "You'll have to explain"

"I'm sorry, really! ..."

"I know that" I shot back sarcastically

"You told me to explain, so let me talk. We were in that grotty Hotel. I woke up. You weren't next to me. I heard screaming in the hallway and stepped out the door. Joanne came down the way from John and her's room and crashed into me. I held her because she would have tripped otherwise and she started kissing me. I didn't start. Maybe she just needed someone to comfort her. Anyway I was still half asleep so when I saw you coming towards us I didn't realise she was still clinging to me, so I said Hi. ..."

"You said 'Hi, Kate" I interrupted him.

"Yeh, anyways Then ... Wait! What did you just say?"

"I told you that you'd said 'Hi, Kate'"

"You still know what exactly I said?"

"You know you're not the only one who's been missing the other one."

From the back of the room John said:

"Ohh, Georgie, still some hope there, eh!?"

"Shut the fuck up because it's been you, you, who caused all this" I hissed at him.

I hadn't expected him to actually be quiet but surprisingly he was.

"You know how it happened." He finally said.

"Yes but that was not exactly a reason to shag her."

"... I ... well"

"You didn't shag me either! Anyway what has happened to Joanne?"

"She went straight home." George said.

This bitch had been at home all the time and not once even tried to contact me. I wouldn't have wanted to see her anyways but still ...

"Why have you been at the Airport?" George asked.

I blushed.

"I wanted to run away." I said

"From us?"

"From who else?"

"When we arrived I saw the usual crowd of fans but on the entrance only a little spot. I found that strange and went looking what was wrong. When I saw you I got so furious. You were all bleeding and you looked terrible ... I mean you look great, but you ... you looked a bit well ... hurt."

I groaned. At once George sat straight up and looked at me worriedly.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, silly. Just ... You're being sentimental again"


"And then I was transported here?"


John raised his voice again:

"Be happy you weren't conscious, he looked kinda furiuos"

"'s that a good or a bad thing?" I asked.

At the same moment as John said "a bad" George said "a good".

I was a bit confused.

"Why good?" I asked as I had rather thought it'd be a bad thing.

"Because I love you" George said.

Huh? That was not the subject now! But before I could interrupt him he continued speaking.

"And that means I wasn't furious at you. I was actually quite happy to see you ... Of course not in that condition. I was furious at those girls hurting you."

Time to change the subject.

"Where are the others?"


"Paul and Ringo"

"oh at home... Relaxing after the tour -"

At this point a nurse entered the room.
"Oh! I see you've been woken up" she said.

"Um, no ... I woke up by myself"

"oh ... Okay then" she said and at once was a whole lot less frosty.

"How do you feel?"

"Alright. I mean, they kicked and punched me so I'd expected a load of pain, you know ..."

"There are still quite a few bruises."She said. "but i guess you can go home today though as you seem to be quite fit again, alright?"


Yaaay! I was going home! Finally! With George! That could end up being the best day in my life"

Sooo. I know it isn't really great ... I wrote it with CBeebies brabbling in he background. I couldn't really concentrate. Also I'm on holoday so sorry for not updating earlier... :) 3