Beta: BakemonoShoujo / Thank you very much ^^

A call Kagami got one day will forever linger in his memories.

It all began when he took a day off for having caught the flu and then suddenly his phone started ringing. He didn't bother answering it yet since he wasn't expecting any call, plus he was in a very bad mood. When he picked up and the messaged was relayed, his world ended immediately.

The night before any of this happened; Kagami stayed awake late waiting for Aomine who came home rather late. Very angry and disappointed at Aomine, he acknowledged the return of the tanned man. Kagami was feeling ill and his lover didn't even bother to come back home early right after his shift to take care of him.

Normally, he wasn't so selfish, but he felt bothered as Aomine always came home, from these get togethers with his co-workers, reeking with women's and cigarette's scent, even thought he didn't smoke. Jealousy, insecurity, worry, all of that made Kagami lecture the poor man, who in fact gave him good justifications. But none of them convinced Kagami. He forced Aomine to sleep on the sofa. Truth be told, Kagami found it hard to sleep as he missed dearly his lover's warmth. Still, he didn't forgive him.

A lot of things were conspiring and convincing him to talk this over more with Aomine, yet he did not called him back. The tanned man apologized, explained and yelled for hours about how much he loves him. Kagami didn't let him enter the room though.

When morning came, he didn't talk to him and let him go to work without approaching him. And then, in the afternoon, he did receive this call. A call he never expected to receive, a call he never imagined that it would change his life.

"Is this Kagami-san ?... I am sorry Kagami-san, I am really sorry… I did all that I could but senpai would not wake up… he could not look at me…" the one talking could not explain himself without crying and then another one take the phone and spoke. Kagami knew very well these voices, they were Aomine's co-workers.

From the start of the conversation, Kagami knew that something serious happened. He started thinking about Aomine, thought about his beloved and knew in the bottom of his heart that something happened to him. But still he did hope that he was just imagining things.

"… Kagami ? I am so sorry Kagami, Aomine got shot… please come to the hospital right now!" and from there began the nightmare.

"nhnnn…" Kagami woke up, realizing he just fell asleep. He gazed on the body lying beside him and smiled gently. "Hey Daiki, I fell asleep. Sorry…" he looked at Aomine, losing his smile slowly. "I dreamt of it again… did I make weird noises? Sorry."

He caresses gently Aomine's hair, which is not wrapped under bandages, slowly and lovingly as if he didn't want to wake him up, but the fact was that he won't wake up even if he yelled or hit him.

Three months have passed since Aomine's accident. Three months that Kagami left his job to stay day and night right beside his love. Three months that, guilt, regret, sadness, tears and pain took all the part of Kagami's life.

Aomine was still at the hospital, sleeping soundly, unable to wake up, alive due to all the machines he was connected to, nearly abandoned by the doctors who don't have enough hope.

Kagami's hope and love never wavered. For him there is no way Aomine would abandon him. Not when he said hurtful things to him, not when he did not believe and trust his lover, not when he have to apologize and to say countless time that he loves him more than his own life. No, there is no way.

"Ore, Kagami-kun ? You are here ?" Kagami turned his eyes to the entrance of the room. He withdrew his hand from Aomine's hair to see who called him and then he smiled.

"Momoi-san, good afternoon." Satsuki entered and sat in front of Kagami, beside Aomine. She and Kuroko were there, nearly every day. They were not as worried and in pain as Kagami, but they were shared the same grief.

Aomine's colleague explained everything to Kagami. Aomine was gloomy, sighing all day and he was a bit distracted. He was in his thoughts, bothered by something he didn't tell anyone. They thought that it was because he was too tired. He always asked them to go home early but they kept him more than necessary and used him to attract all the chicks. Aomine himself didn't do anything with them.

He was on patrol and then was called for an emergency. Some burglars were kidnapping a woman. She called the police while they were robbing her house and there was no way for them to escape so they kept the woman as a hostage. Her life was in danger, plus she was pregnant. Aomine was only with his partner younger than him. And then he proposed himself to take the place of the woman. Everything was going smoothly but things went wrong when others came, to help Aomine and his partner, the moment there were doing the exchange. The burglars panicked and shot at everyone, Aomine protected the woman as he could and took the hit.

Momoi didn't last long this time. They talked a little while and she went home and Kagami was once again left alone with Aomine. Time passes and he looked at him, caressing him and talking to him. Then, a doctor came in and tried to convince him that there was no hope left and that Kagami should let go of him.

But no one was ever going to convince him, no one. Kagami climbs on Aomine bed, lied near him and quietly began crying like he always did. "Da… Daiki… even if… even if it is to death, I will fucking wait for you. So please, come back to me."

He acted strong and calm in front of the others, but cries out all desperate when he was left alone. It was his daily routine for three months now, three really long months.

"Taiga…?" In his dream, Aomine called him non-stop and looked for him. But he didn't seem like the one who is lost. But then Aomine doesn't stop and Kagami hides somewhere; waiting impatiently to be found.

"Tai… ga…?" A dream which seemed so true. "… It hurts…"

Kagami opened his eyes and straightens immediately; shouting like a crazy man while looking eyes wide opens to Aomine. "Daiki!? Daiki?!"

"Don… don't shout, Baka…!" Aomine winced in pain, trying to get a proper look at Kagami. "God…" the red head started crying, trembling as his words stopped in his mind.

"You… you… up… woke up ? Daiki ? Is… is it really you?" he was in disbelief; his heart throbbing and breathing became a challenge.

"… For a few hours already… you were hurting me…"

Kagami removed the oxygen mask off Aomine and kissed him carefully. The tanned boy responded to it, causing Kagami to part as he realized by the contact that it is for real. That, Aomine really woke up.

"Daiki, I am sorry… I trust you… I am sorry… I love you so much, please don't leave me, please stay with me…" he was crying, damping Aomine's face with his tears and the tanned boy stared blankly at him.

"I am sorry, Taiga…"

Kagami shook his head, caressing Aomine's cheeks as if it is the most precious thing in his world. As if it was something fragile. "No… no… you are here, you came back… you are alright it is all"

Aomine didn't react. "… Sorry…"

The latter shook his head again. "I said its okay, don't…" Aomine opens his mouth, then closes it without saying anything and then opens it some few seconds after and then talks. "…nothing…" Kagami frowns. "What's 'nothing'?"

Aomine continues. "I… see nothing, Taiga…"

Kagami was speechless, shocked as his eyes opens wide again. His trembling got worse and tears began to fall again. "No… no… no way…"

Aomine didn't respond and averted his eyes as he tried to see something, yet everything was still dark. Kagami remained unmoved for a few minutes, looking at his beloved, stunned by his words and then smiled desperately while crying. "It… It will be alright… I… I am… going to take good care of you… it will be okay, Daiki."

He stood up and headed to the hallway and called a nurse and then came back to Aomine and held his hand tightly as the tanned boy didn't open his eyes. Kagami looked at him, not knowing what he was feeling inside. Everything mixed and his tears didn't stop.

"Yeah, it will be okay." He tried to convince himself.

He kissed him again and let Aomine in the care of the nurse. He went back in the hallway to wait. He fell on the floor and started crying the hell out of him.

Aomine woke up, but nothing is going to be the same anymore.