Hey everyone this is my new story and it's my first one I have ever made about Caleb and Cornelia! Hope you enjoy it! The story is basically out Caleb moving to Heatherfield High and falling for Cornelia but she is spoken for. Caleb is trying to win Cornelia's heart with the help of Matt, Will, Irma, Hay Lin and Taranee. But there will be problems along the way. To the story!

AU- Caleb is new at Heatherfield High and he falls for a certian blonde, can he win her heart or are Cornelia and Caleb a love never meant to be.

If I Never Loved You

I'm Caleb Salvatore. I'm 16 years old and I moved to Heatherfield with my dad a few days ago. My mum… she passed away just after I was born and from then on it was just me and my dad. We moved to Heatherfiled because my dad got a new job as a history teacher down at the local high school, my new school. We moved to be more close to my cousin Matt Olsen and his family. When I told Matt we were moving he was over the moon, he couldn't wait to introduce me to his friends and his girlfriend Will Vandom, he also wants me to join the basketball team he is on because he knows I'm that epic, yeah that wasn't an ego boost or anything, so he says that his team are looking for a new captain because the one the team has got is crap, I think he said the captains name was Peter Cook. Matt also has been going on about his new band The Chase; yeah I know what a name! He wants me to join knowing that I'm a great singer. The only time I sing is in the shower. WTF.

Anyway it's about 8 am and I just got up. I got out of bed and faced the mirror and looked at myself and I'm tall, broad built, yeah I have a 6 pack from all the training for basketball and boxing that I did, I found out when my mum died that I had a lot of pain and anger stored up in me so my dad suggested that I should take up a sport my first choice was boxing and the summers that me and Matt spent together we played basketball. I went into the bath room and got washed and I put some gel in my brown shaggy hair to give it that sex god look. I went to the closet and picked out my navy skinny jeans, my red vans, my white v neck t-shirt and my brown leather jacket. I grabbed my shoulder bag and headed down stairs.

I came into the kitchen to find my dad reading the newspaper and eating some toast. "Hey son, you looking forward to your first day of school?"

"Actually dad, I'm feeling okay about it, ya know and Matt says I can hang around with him and his mates, oh and dad it says on my time table I've got second period with you"

"Great, it looks like we need to get going" My dad said as he moved from the table and grabbed his car keys. "You getting a lift with your old man?"

"Nah dad I'll go on my skateboard wants to have some fresh air before going into that prison"


I just got to the gates of Heatherfiled High and there are swarms of people heading into the school and just as I'm about to go in I get a hug from behind.

"Hey dude" A manly voice came from behind me.

"Matt" I say turning around returning the hug, and noticing a red head with short hair beside him, she sees me staring and gives me a warm smile.

"Hey Caleb, it's my pleasure to introduce to you my girlfriend Will" Matt replies with a cheeky grin. The bastartd he is just smug that he has got a girlfriend and I haven't.

I out stretch my hand for Will to accept it. "It's nice to finally meet you Will, I've heard great things about you" She starts to laugh and accepts my hand shake.

"I hope for your cousin's sake Caleb there all good things" I join in with her laughter. Matt just stud there and looks at us like we were mad.

"Hey what did I do" Matt asks and there's confusion written all over his face.

"Nothing hun" Will still laughing and kisses his cheek and grabs his hand. "Should he head off to our form rooms?"

"Yeah think we should….wouldn't want Caleb here being late for his first day, now would we" Matt jokes and ruffles my hair.

"Either of you in Mrs Jacksons form?" I pray that they are, I don't want to be the new kid and not knowing anyone in class.

"Yeah you're just in look; we are both in that form along with some of my friends" Will replied.

We made our way from the school gates and into school and it's not that big of a school to be honest. Over my many years of moving I've been in bigger. But still the hall ways are like mazes, lots of different twists and turns makes my head spin. Finally the three of us walked into what looked like an English class room, with the walls covered with lots of different book quotes and different texts on the windows.

Everyone in the class are just settling down and Matt takes me over to Mrs Jackson's desk as she finished reading her emails on the computer screen.

"Hey miss, this is my cousin Caleb he's new to the school" Matt starts.

"Ahh. Caleb Salvatore is it?" She asks as she looks down to the register. "Yes, I just met your father, he seems lovely"

"Yeah miss its is and thanks I think" I reply as Matt motions for me to follow him down the rows of seats to the back of the class room. We both slump down next to each other. Will is sat on the other side of Matt, she's talking to one of her friends who has glasses and another one with short hair who is making the one with the bright smile, laugh very hard.

"Hey Caleb I want you to meet a few friends of mine" Matt said.

"This is Taranee Cook" Need to remember theses Taranee the one with the glasses. "Irma Lair" Irma the class clown. "Hay Lin" The one with a smile that could light up a whole room.

"Nice to meet you girls" I replied.

"OMG he is so fit" Hay Lin squealed. "I know who would love to go out with you! Cornelia!"

Taranee turned to face Hay Lin" She is dating my brother Hay Lin" she said while Irma laughed to her hearts content.

"Keep it up you guys this is epic, it's like were gonna fight over Corny's love life" Irma jeers and Matt joins in with her, Will gives them both a look but is trying to control herself too. I'm starting to like Irma; she seems like one of those people who can cheer you up even when you're having a really bad day.

All of a sudden a tall blond comes into the class room and has the whole class in awe; following her was a colored guy just a bit smaller than me drooling over her. From the moment she walked in the room, I was hooked. It was like something in my heart exploded, and I knew from that moment on I never had wanted something as badly as I wanted her.

Matt looked at me" Dude no, you can't that is Cornelia Hale, and that lad behind her is Taranee's brother Peter"

"So" I questioned

"They go out… as in dating" And in that moment my heart broke into a thousand pieces, yep I would never get that girl.

Cornelia turned around on her heels and kissed Pete on the lips. I just died. They said their goodbyes and he headed out of the class room and Cornelia made her way to the back and sat next to Irma. She put her bag on the floor and turned her head and her blue eyes connected with mine and it was the scariest thing ever, it was like I was drowning in the blue orbs. And she smiled at me. I don't think she knew what effect she could have on people.

"Hey" She said.

"Hi, I'm Caleb Matt's cousin"

"It's nice to meet you Caleb" Cornelia blushed.

"Aw look Taranee, Corny is blushing" Irma joked.

"Leave it Irma, she is dating my brother" Taranee continued and turned to me and shoot daggers. Yep if looks could kill.

"Yeah Irm I'm dating Pete and I've just met Caleb" Cornelia said picking up on the tension. "I love him T and I wouldn't do anything to hurt him" The point is that we don't choose who we fall in love with.

"Right class answer to you names" Mrs Jackson shouted over the class. Everyone went silent and I caught Cornelia's blue eyes piercing my soul, like she was trying to figure me out, she was looking for something.

"Bro trust me, Cornelia and Caleb are a love never meant to be" Matt whispered. "But maybe it's not about the happy ending, maybe it's about the story"

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and please review tell me what you liked and what you didn't and sorry if there was any spelling mistakes in there I cant spell to save my life ;)

Please review and all my love to my reviewers :)

You can find me on tumblr and ask me any questions about the story or on twitter just type in BadassSuperTash or on FF ;)

Tash :) xxx