Suggested listening: Purple Yellow Red and Blue – Portugal, The Man



"I believe you have earned your new name." Beyond purred in his ear, the sound crawling across his body in a not particularly pleasant way.

Mihael's grip on the headboard tightened as did his will not to utter a single, audible sound other than normal conversation. "What new name?"

"Your codename of course. Protect your identity at all costs. Never let them trace you to your birth." Beyond bent him at an angle that had his spine aching, his voice never wavering.

The disgusting part? Mihael sort of liked it.

He bit into the fleshy part of his arm to keep quiet, but he knew Beyond could see every action he made from the positions they were in. He hated being on his back, urg.

"You," sharp teeth bit at his neck and jaw as the rest of Beyond became harsh and fast, "will be called Mello."

"F-fuck!" Mello gasped, hands flying from the headboard and to Beyond's shoulders. He held him close, pushed him further away—he was conflicted.

And from the soft cackles in his ear, Beyond knew it.

"Cum, Mello. We have work to do."

And Mello, damn him, listened.


Disclaimer: I do not own or make money from the anime/manga Death Note