For new readers. Part I of this story is 'The Wolf and the Dragon'. Won't make much sense without the first part. Sorry for the time. Fairly certain that my brain has become that green stuff leaking out of my ear, so I am sorry also about the editing. Final papers and exams…Holy moly!
Chapter One – Breaks
Robb stroked the smooth skin of his silver-haired girl. Her shining tresses of course were pushed up against his face, he almost smiled into them, finding it funny that she had taken to sleeping on top of him with her legs draped over either side of him and her head tucked against his neck. As though as were trying to weigh him down to keep him from floating away in the night. The reason he found it particularly funny was because, with her small frame, she may well have been a feather's weight to him. But his good-humour was tinged to be sour by the fact that the reason for his staying awake as long as he could and holding her as tightly as he did, was so that he could reassure himself that he was truly with, that she was not a dream.
When Robb felt her breath flutter against the nape of his neck he felt the calm of knowing that she was there, her heart was beating against his. She was alive. More than that she was eating more, there were more of her breasts, more of her hips, her arms, her thighs, more of her for him to cling to and to love. She had taken care of herself, it filled him with an immense sense of gratification that she was healthy.
It had been just over a week since he had returned to Riverrun and already too much had happened. Through all of the insanity and intensity of war Myra was the unwavering point that continued to offer him some sense of peace and grounding. Even more now that Jaime Lannister was gone.
She had ploughed herself into him, and he had nearly fallen over by the force of her momentum but thankfully he caught his footing and happily indulged her attack. After practically wrenching himself away from Myra's warm hold Robb had, with his arm wrapped around a suddenly blushing Myra, released the Kingslayer into the custody of Brienne of Tarth. This came as much of a surprise to all of those who were not present at the negations at King's Landing. Everything regarding the freeing of the Kingslayer, namely the task that had been assigned to him and the consequences that were agreed upon, as well as the presence of the Maid of Tarth had been a happy marrying of means.
The male Lannister had been allowed loose to find and deliver Sansa and Ayra Stark to Robb at Winterfell within the next twelve months. Tywin would continue to be held at Casterly Rock by Lady Mormont and her troops, with a small reinforcement of troops in the Riverrun, should the need arise for them. Judging by the size of Brienne and his mother's recommendation the Lady of Tarth was a fair substitute for the bannermen Robb had been going to send along with the Lannister in order to keep the incestuous blonde on task.
When Jaime had been brought before him Robb had been in the middle of civilly reprimanding his uncle for chaining the Lannister so below his station and explaining the terms of peace to his lords. When he saw the Lannister, Robb recalled the words the prisoner's twin had uttered to him on the eve of his leaving the capital of the South.
"I will give you the same advice that I gave your father. You play this game, you win or you die." She had spoken words as soft as butter, eyes as arrogant as her brothers'.
"No my lady," Robb had considered her lofty stance for a moment before speaking a calmly as he could, "as your advice seems less than sound considering the fate of my father, I'll teach you something every babe in the North learns… in the grand scheme of things you survive. Preferably together and with honour in tact, but by any road when Winter comes you find a way to survive, there is no other winning." Robb had bit out a sour smile and left with his fellows and Grey Wind, who had growled as they had departed.
"Beast…" he had heard her mutter as they had left. Robb did not know if she was referring to him or his wolf but either way it had made him want to grin.
The night had he had encountered Jaime Lannnister at Riverrun again, as he recalled Cersei's statement, Robb wanted to full out laugh. He wished that she could have seen her beloved brother, who looked more beast than man with his overgrown beard and near feral eyes. Robb had wanted to laugh right up until the moment he had finally noticed that Myra, had without drawing much attention to herself had approached the Lannister. Both had been out of earshot. He had watched with great interest as Myra playfully jabbed at the blond man's shoulder only to seem let down by what the prisoner had to say to her.
"Lannister!" Robb' s voice had burst out across the hall that he and his party had gathered in. "You're looking well…" he had walked towards his wife and the prisoner. With some well-placed rumbles from Grey Wind, Robb offered select pieces of information to the dishevelled man, specifically that war would break out and the current the ruin of the knight's honour would be nothing compared to that if Jaime should fail in his appointed task. The grey eyed King also heavily implied a personal guarantee of a hunt and a specific pain and a fashion of death, claiming to have some inclination to adopt a taste for the flaying that the Boltons so enjoyed engaging in.
Once he had said his piece to the Kingslayer, Robb had taken time with Myra and his mother to visit his ailing grandfather in order to thank the older man for the crown he that he had forged at Riverrun for the Northern throne. Lord Hoster Tully was someone that Robb no longer recognized when he saw him. The older man had darted between recalling his family to forgetting himself.
Myra had excused herself when Robb had gone to visit Bran and Rickon, it had grown quite late and she claimed that she was tired. In the few hours he had been in Riverrun, they had been practically inseparable since he had arrived and now she was leaving, just down the hall, but it had felt as painful as if he would never see her again. He had held her violet gaze for as long as he could bear it, before he leaned into kiss her again. He could tell she was not saying all that she was thinking, but he decided to leave that for when they were alone.
Myra and he alone... the thought had definite appeal to Robb. It had started off innocent, it had been intended as a gentle kiss farewell but had turned into her legs wrapped around his waist, her hands buried in his hair and her back against the wall in an empty hallway.
"Bran and Rickon can wait…" he had groaned against the softness of her skin. The smell of her, the feel of her, there was no comparison to to her that he could drum up in his mind.
She had stiffened and drawn her fingers out of his unruly hair, he had almost whimpered at the loss of her touch. "Robb" she dropped her legs from around his waist and he moved them away from the wall, though he continued to hold her small form off the ground flush against his body.
"Mmm" he had mumbled against her neck, knowing already what she was going to say. She pulled back from him, bracing her hands against his shoulders. She was smiling, as her violet eyes had roamed over his scruffy face. Myra had softly traced the pad of her finger over his cheek.
"I'm happy, you've come back to me" she spoke quietly with so much sincerity Robb could feel his insides simultaneously melt and burst into flames.
"Always" he could do nothing but smile widely and genuinely in return.
Following that she had shooed him off to his brothers. He noted that she had clearly become the favourite of Grey Wind once again. In the short time since they had returned to Riverrun his wolf had taken to staying at either Silver's or Myra's side, or at least being within view of them.
Even the Grey Wind's mood had improved, fewer men seemed to tremble at the sight of the large, once irritable great wolf.
Robb had come upon Bran and Rickon asleep in their beds and as such had gone immediately back to Myra, who he had found in their shared chambers wearing only her shift while hugging Grey Wind. Robb had moved to stand behind her and had found his place at her shoulder again. "I'm so tired" his nose rested at the curve of her neck, his lips had brushed her warm flesh. He could feel Myra tremble against him. "I love the feel of your skin in my teeth, my little dragon" he bit the lightly marked spot on her shoulder "You revive me…" he tongue lapped gently against her.
That night they had come together. Resting and relishing inside the warmth of one another. The next morning in a clear, covered jar on the table by the bed he had noticed the leech. She had taken her place atop him, her fingers were tickling down the veins of his outstretched arms to distractedly trace the lines in his palms. "We always have to tell each other about our thoughts and plans, Robb" Myra's soft breath fanned out against the skin of his chest, "it is not that I do not trust you... sometimes I feel as though I already know what you are thinking and feeling but I cannot read your mind nor see into the future and I do not ever want to not understand you…"
Right then he had told her all that had happened in King's Landing, with Lord Tywin, his reasons for releasing Jaime, his plans to return North. "I want my sisters to come back to their safe and familiar home, not some unstable encampment of men fighting to gain their home back…" Then he told her about having to take five firstborn and highborn Lannister sons between the ages of five and ten from their different families, ripping them away their own beloved and familiar versions of Winterfell. He had stopped for a moment to mull over all that he had done since this war had begun, his own pain at the loss of Winterfell. "…sometimes I think I should not have left home at all…" he confessed to his silver-haired wife.
He had been grateful that she did not offer an opinion, only carried on tracing the lines that she found on him. He had not wanted an opinion only someone to tell.
She had told him about speaking to his grandfather, learning basic combat skills from Brienne and Meera, Rickon's dreams and teachings, Jojen the greensighted boy, the vision of the leech, Bran's shunning of her, and sighed before she gave reason for her being shunned. She explained how her acquaintance with the Kingslayer had developed. Robb found that as she went on describing a silent rage began blooming in his chest, noticeable only through the clenching of his jaw.
He was torn between finding his uncle and beating him for creating a situation where Myra would feel compelled to act on her good character in such a way. While also combating the urge to find the Kingslayer to do a fair sight more than beat him for… gods! It did not matter for what! Robb just felt sure that the Kingslayer need bloodying up. If not for the reason that he deserved it, then that the blond parasite had affected the close relationship between Bran and Myra. Robb had recalled Myra's sudden 'tiredness' when he had wanted to see the boys the night before.
As though she had been able to tell what he'd been thinking Myra had spoken. "Please do not blame anyone… and please do not force Bran to speak with me, he will... when he's ready…" Robb had clucked his tongue against his teeth irritated and uncertain. "I'm sure of it." She had responded. Robb had opened his mouth to speak but nothing came. "You do not have to say anything. I was just letting you know…"
Robb smiled to himself, "I did not know dragons could read minds…"
"Yours can."
He had let out a soft snort then moved her up his body to look up into her violet eyes, "You're not going to leave those children alone are you…"
She had worn her own smile in response, though her gaze told him that she could see what was troubling him. "No I won't." Those young ones would need someone, and Robb could not be that person, he had to keep a distance as his own father had with Theon. Any day he could have their blood on his hands…
"Good." He had replied, lifting his head to kiss her.
Three days later they had practically become shadows of one another, stuck happily together and not so happily, within those three day was the passing of Sansa's fourteenth name-day. Myra had spent time with Robb, but he was most grateful for her taking some hours for Rickon and his mother, she had also tried to no avail with Bran. Robb had decided to spend some time with Bran that afternoon, bearing Myra's message that the whole family would be reunited soon.
Grey Wind, of course had gone with Myra to where she and Robb had made plans to meet in the godswood. On his way to meet her the dark haired King had decided to pick her some flowers, remembering a dream he had while he was away from her.
He did not see her in the godswood when had arrived there and before a full panic could rise in him, Robb heard the sound of laughing and some truly horrible humming and singing in the near distance. He had followed the sound of her voice beyond a small thicket of trees, into a clearing of grass with a bubbling stream of water border a side of it. He had been planning on playfully teasing her, maybe even laughing at her. But whatever clever statement he had conjured up had faded, she was spinning and leaping and giggling. "Come on girl," she to be trying to prompt an unmoved Silver, and then an even less cooperative Grey Wind when she had failed. "Fine" she sang out moving, her feet moved lightly, and her hair floating like silver mist around her.
Robb had not wanted to disturb her, but found that he could not stay away, he moved without thinking dropping the flowers. He had come up behind her and had caught her just when she had leapt, startling her. "Robb!" she had cried when she figured out what had happened, "you scared me to death!"
"Not death…" He turned her in his arms and swayed, leading her in the small bit of one of the few dances that he had learned as a child, it was only dance that he slightly remembered. Holding her close, violet meeting grey he had asked, "What were you dancing too?"
She shrugged. "The sound of the stream, the birds, the wind in the leaves, the music in them…"
Myra had looked at him, her gaze seemed to ask if he could hear what she did. He did not, instead he questioned, "What were you singing?" as they spun over the grass. The lack of his own grace was made up for tenfold by hers.
"You heard that?" She had blushed and had stopped looking up at him, clearly embarrassed.
"No need to be so bashful. Sing again, it was lovely…"
"Please!" She scoffed, rolling her eyes. "My mother used to tease me about it. Her voice was beautiful, clearly that…" she had stopped speaking. Robb knew why, he knew what she had been about to say 'that was not passed on'.
"My father could belt a ballad out like no one I knew, I can't carry a tune. But your voice is beautiful. Sing again…" her burning defiant eyes had shifted back to him. "Please…" he begged.
As they moved around the grassy space, she opened her mouth and instead of a 'no' her soft voice came out. She sang along to the music she heard and through her Robb found that he was able to hear the music too. When she was not overexerting her voice, though it was not empirically remarkable, she sounded soothing in a way that made Robb fall in love with the sound.
They had sat under the tree where Robb had dropped his flowers when they had needed a rest from dancing. Robb had leaned against the tree with Myra's back against his chest and her body sat between his legs. Grey Wind had tried laying over Myra, as he had taken to doing since they come back to the Riverlands. Silver had curled against his wolf's body, they looked comfortable and Myra had not seemed to mind so Robb said nothing. It had been peaceful, he stroked her silver hair and her small shoulders, as she quizzed him on where he had learned to dance and what other courtly manners he knew.
When his grey gaze had landed on flowers again, he remembered his dream and reached for them careful to not disturb his wife. Robb told her of often crushing the poor feet of Jeyne Poole, their steward's daughter, when he had forgotten his steps and how he had chased Jon around the hall for laughing.
As they had gone on talking and laughing, Robb had kept Myra from spying on what he had been doing. She had asked him once. Leaving it and trusting him when he said that she would see in time.
"I can see why you approved the crown…"
"Which crown?" She had asked.
"Mine." He had answered as though it had been obvious.
She burrowed back against him, appearing to be seeking comfort. "Well, it suits you… and the weight?"
"That suits me too…not like my father's sword… that was much heavier than I thought…" her fingers, that had been tracing fingers against his thigh squeezed in a supportive gesture, though it was wordless Robb could feel the warmth of her love. When his gift was ready he carried on, hand behind his back. "I was thinking of one for you…"
She had twisted her body around to face him violet eyes set ablaze with fear, Grey Wind lifted his head in response. "'Please don't, it won't fit me the way it does you…"
"Shhh..." he stopped her tongue with his mouth, kissing and drawing her closer to his body. "You forget I've known you my whole life…" he had half-joked, while her expression filled with wonder. "I tried to picture you with a crown. Grandfather Hoster, had a plain band of wrought silver with the runes of the first men made for you as well." Myra's face had pinch in discomfort. "But…" he continued, "I still could not see you in one, even before he had shown it to me." Robb had pulled his arm out from behind his back. "This is all I can see you in..." he had placed the wreath of flowers and leaves that he had woven on her head "… beautiful... you have improved it." He smiled widely at her. "And now I can finally give you something every day, like you give me…" Myra had a look that changed from surprise to one of disbelief that Robb could not quite understand. "What is it, little dragon?"
She had lifted her fingers to the wreath on her head, violet eyes fixed on Robb's grey ones. "Is this real?"
"Of course it is, love." His burrow had furrowed in question.
She had thrown her arms around his neck, her mouth melted against his, their bodies molded into one another.
"I knew you could see me…" she had whispered breathlessly against his lips, between soft kisses she carried on. "I can always feel your eyes following me, you set my skin on fire…" their foreheads pressed together, mouths so close they were breathing each other's air, her legs straddling his lap.
"I dreamed you…" he had murmured into her hot flesh. "I always feel you…" his hips jutted up towards her heat of their own. He had tugged at the fabric on the shoulder of her dress so that his teeth could graze over her collarbone. She groaned grind herself against him.
"I dreamed you too."
It happened so quickly, he was free of his breeches and her skirts were pulled up around her waist. She ground herself against him, pulling at his neck so his lips smashed on to her neck. "Touch me," Myra gasped.
Shot of excitement had run through Robb, he dug his hands beneath the fabric thinking that he would not tear yet another of her gowns, but he's plans with her never seemed to work. Before he knew it the front of her dress had been ripped open, and the soft skin of her breast was in his mouth. Her fingers were buried in his dark hair and her moans drove him wild, as she took him in deeper and deeper with each in sync beat of their hips. His tongued lapped at her smooth flesh, leaving wet trails over her heated skin, the flat of his teeth tugged at her delicious taste. All too soon he had been spilling into her, angling himself to hit at her just right and catapulting her over the edge with him, a cry up rushed out of her throat she collapsed, closed eyed, against his sweat cover neck.
Her silver hair and the flower of his wreath had pressed against his nose, he inhaled utterly satisfied for the time being. Soon enough he knew he'd be craving more, his addiction seemed to be growing.
"What do I give you every day Robb?" Her warm breath puffed out on the scruff of his throat.
Robb had inhaled her intoxicating scent and spoke as his thoughts came to him. "Something to live for... I want a future with you, so you give me a reason to be smart for and think about what's to come... because of that you give me an idea of how to treat people. Of how to be myself."
She had replied by licking and biting at the skin of his neck, and giving him cause to satisfy his craving again.
That was the last day before everything had begun spinning out of control. Lothar Frey, or "Lame Lothar" of the Twins, had arrived the next day to inform them that Winterfell had been burned to the ground by the Greyjoys. It had been an attempt to keep the Bolton forces led by Roose Bolton's legitimatized bastard, Ramsey, from having anything to salvage upon attack.
At that very moment Robb had decided to send the troops who were not set to stay in the South, North across the Twins. The plans for Edmure's wedding were hastened and Robb and his family under the express wishes of Lord Frey were asked to attend the wedding at the Twins. Catelyn had urged Robb to accept these demands, as he had already slighted the Freys so deeply.
The next day Hoster Tully had passed away. Robb had sunk for a while into a mire of sadness and loss. Blaming himself for all that had happened, until Myra drew him out, reminding him of the course of life and the choices of others.
Two days before this very night, Robb had a gotten in an argument where Bran had yelled for him to not to leave for the Twins. Robb had tried reasoning with the boy and had decided it would be best if Bran and Rickon stayed at Riverrun as the Twins seemed to upset Bran so. He had also refused Bran's request to take Summer with him to the wedding. Myra had to stay behind as well to avoid any extra tension with the Freys. She had overheard the discussion with Lady Stark and had the same pinch of fear she was sure Bran had been feeling. Robb had also refused her request to take Silver along with him.
He had convinced her that whirlwind of events in the past year, let alone past weeks, had put everyone on edge. He said that they needed to remain calm and that they would return home in a matter of a few moons.
Now on the eve of his leaving for the Twins Robb did not want to move from beneath his silver-haired girl. He wanted to stay until she absorbed him into her very body and soul, but alas he had to appease his role and place. He breathed in deeply taken as much of her in as he could. "I love you little dragon" he muttered into her soft hair.
"I love you too, Robb…more than anything" she suddenly spoke against his neck, clearly unable to sleep, afraid of him evaporating away as well. "More than everything…" she lay as soft kiss against the skin of his shoulder above his heart.
Phew! Hopefully tomorrow, next chapter. Thanks to everyone who comments, you make the world look better when school kills.