Hi! Originally I wasn't sure if I wanted to post this to Fanfiction or not but as the story continued to grow I figured throwing it to the sharks should be fine. I research my stories so anything that seems like it might be true is probably true but at the same time this is a work of fiction so I did take a few Author's liberty's to it. Any part that's italicized is the characters thoughts. I have half of this story already finished and the other half mostly planned out but I wanted to make sure it was as done as I could get it to be without another person. I liked to say from here on out I'll use the top half of the Author's note to explain parts in stories and the bottom half will probably be a 'sorry I took so long reason was...' type thing. I try staying loyal to the character personalities but everyone once in a while my own traits will slip in and I'll go with it, so if you get any moments where you're going WTF? that would probably be the reason why. Anyway, without further ado, here is my Fanfic try.

I glared at the cloud.

Ten seconds ago that bi-polar cloud was a bunny, now it was somehow a chicken. Or was it that cloud over there that was the bunny?

'Screw it, I'm bored. I need something to do or I'll strip a stranger and laugh as they chase me for their clothes back.' I grin, 'that probably would be a lot less amusing than it was in the city.'

His face was to die for. Totally worth being shipped off on a boat destined to crash. 'after all this place ain't so bad I guess, 'cept for the boredom that comes with having nothing really to do.'

A knock on my house door knocked me out of my daydream.

"Over here!" I yelled from my perch on the stable roof.

Why am I up here? 'Cause I am a monkey, Ooh Ooh Aah Aah!

Okay that was dumb. What would a monkey do on a roof? No, I'm definitely a talented chicken, like that stubborn shape shifting one in the sky, that's now a Geisha. Stupid cloud.

I looked down to see who it was when I heard a stick crunch ,but I was disappointed to see nothing but roof.

"What are ya doing up there?" A gruff voice called.

"Fighting boredom. Want'a help? 'Cause frankly, I'm losing pretty bad over here." I laugh down.

"Yer stupid." He replied in a southern drawl.

'seems like a nice guy'

Ugh! Now, that I know I can't see him, I want to, like, really, really bad.

" Gee thanks! I know, right?! So whatcha' doing visiting this stupid girl than?" I question inching dangerously closer to the edge.

If this guys interesting enough to amuse me in the first five minutes we meet, I think I should see his face.

"Mirabelle and Julia forced me ta come." He grunted, "Name's Vaughn, I'm the animal dealer for the island" He stated.

After hanging almost completely upside down, I spotted a dark cowboy like guy with silver hair start to leave.

Thrilled that I'd finally managed to spot him, I couldn't allow him to leave. So I jumped off the roof aiming for a black Stetson.

With a dull thud and a loud oomph I knew that my launch was a success.

"YOU INSANE!" he roared, his glare turning the air to an icy breeze.

'Aww! cute! The toy has my Pit Bull's glare.'

However, my "family members" glares are worse and I'm usually delighted to get them.

"I'm bored and you were entertaining. No way would I let you leave so soon. After all, I hadn't even gotten to see your face yet! Obviously, Julia didn't brief you at all on what I expect of people before I let them leave. Silly girl." I giggled.

"Tell me then. What do I do ta leave?" He growled.

I made a hmm sound and put my finger to my lip. "I'm not so sure I'll tell ya. After all, you are definitely not being nice." I finished poking him lightly on the nose.

"Then let me leave." He yells.

"No way! I'd rather tell ya. Okay, there's only two things I expect, One is if they want me to talk, I have to be entertained. The other thing I expect is once I'm entertained they can't leave till I get bored of them." I say excited.

"But you know, now that I see ya yer kinda cute, I might let you leave if you promise that you'll come back." I leaned in towards him leaving an inch apart from our faces smirking all the way.

'Finally!' I thought. 'I can properly see his eyes instead of the boring shaded view I was getting that made his eyes look black.'

A violent shade of violet greeted my stare into his eyes. Startling enough to leave a slight thrill of fear down my back yet dazzling enough to force me to drift into a daze.

At this rate he might be able to beat my little sis' in a glare off. Maybe. At least his glare was far more intricate, even going so far as to showing off his intentions. Which evidently is more effective than I thought because I froze up.

Frozen and unsure of what to do now, for once in my life, I didn't have any sort of schemes, plots, or dangerous ideas left.

I had no clue what to do anymore so I just stared dumbstruck, jaw open.

Eventually he threw me off and spit out, "Whatcha' lookin at."

Then he left and I watched him go.

"My name's Chelsea!" I yelled after him stupidly with a small wave.

When he had left I started shaking lightly from all my bunched up expectations that came upon me. He was interesting, very interesting. And he was cute to boot. Being shipwrecked here might possibly work out as the best thing ever.

Suddenly I felt that I needed something to do.

I looked to the field, 'maybe clearing those weeds would be a good idea now?'

I set to work, humming, thinking of future fun.


I walked into the animal shop fuming.

Who the heck was that insane girl? Oh yeah, the stupid shitty rancher that if my luck is low, I'll have to do business with.

"SHE NEARLY BROKE MY FRICKIN' NECK FROM THAT JUMP! I'LL KILL HER!" I bellowed entering the kitchen where Julia makes her poisons she calls food, and Mirabelle makes actual, very much good, meals.

"Hey Vaughnie boy. I guess you met Chels?" Julia giggled.

I glare cold and hard finding my rage lashing out towards Julia as well.

She flinches.

" Hey what's up with that? I didn't do anything to ya!" She squeaks.

" No, but you sent me to a rancher who thought jumping on top of someone off of a stable roof was okay." I spit.

Julia's jaw dropped, then she somehow saw fit to burst into a riot of laughter.

I glared at her.

" Chelsea would go so far to entertain herself that she'd jump off a roof onto a cactus of a cowboy like you!? I knew she could go far, but not that far! That's a freakin riot!" She squealed tears coming to her eyes.

"Shut up." I warned.

Julia stopped laughing but any fool could tell, she was trying very hard to restrain herself, even having tears run down her face from the effort.

I glared her down then left to my room feeling beaten.

The second my door closed I could hear her let out every last laugh she was holding in.

I thought of the ranchers face when she looked at me. Same as all the stupid one's. I punched the wall and growled.

That stupid rancher. I'm tying her up next time I see her.