Chapter 1- Hiya, this is me!
Hiya! I'm Isabella Marie Swan but I only get called Isabella when I'm in trouble, which is never, so I get called Bella. I'm 18 and am a straight A student and I am going to graduate from high school in a couple of months then it's off to college and I've been accepted into Dartmouth, Oxford AND Harvard, where I'm going to become a music teacher or a journalist. Besides that I'm plain and boring, I'm about 5'6" with mahogany hair that goes up to the top of my butt, brown eyes, skinny but not the anorexic kind I have muscles, a heart-shaped face, pale and I'm really strong for a girl my age and despite that you can't really see my muscles which, in a way, is my 'secret weapon', I also live in the small town of Forks, blink and you'll miss it.
My life was almost completely perfect up until a couple of months ago where my life has just gone to the worst spot in hell. My Grandma Swan told me that she has had a cancer in the brain for about 2 years and she didn't have long left, that she wouldn't be with me physically but in my heart, mind and in spirit which killed me even more than the fact that she didn't tell me she was sick. She was the only one I had left ever since that day when I was 4 my mother was getting a divorce from my father but he was still madly in love with her but they both wanted different things. My mother wanted to travel and be in sunny places such as Phoenix and Jacksonville while my father loved the rain and was Chief of Police here so naturally he wanted to stay and my mother wanted to be 'free as a butterfly' as she said and see the sun everyday instead of once in a blue moon.
One day my dad came home from work and found my mum packed and putting both hers and my stuff into her car so he threw all of it out onto the ground and started yelling at her while she stayed calm and when she went inside to get me he backed her up against the living room wall and punched a hole through it right beside her head and she screamed in shock so he kissed her, apologized then shot her in the middle of her forehead and I screamed from where I had been standing on the top of the stairs where I had watched the whole thing, I had started running down the stairs but only got down 2 steps before I fell down the rest of them. When I reached the bottom step I was in excruciating pain all over my body but I stood up and stumbled over to my mothers body, and when I `1reached her I sat down on my knees and put her head onto my tiny lap and started kissing around the bullet hole while crying for her to not be dead and to wake up when I heard my dad "No… I didn't… I love you… how… no, no, no… I'll be with you soon love" then another gun shot sounded and I screamed and ran out of that house as fast as I could and I haven't been anywhere near there again and I also can't be around blood, the rusty smell, the look, I can't even be near the colour red and that's how it's staying. After that I was classed as an orphan until my Grandma Swan let me live with her and even now I remember every detail of what happened on that day.
I started high school a couple of years later where I was classed as 'the hottest piece of ass in all of Washington' by all of the boys but in year 10 was when the school got a new kid, Jacob Black, he was funny, smart, sexy, tall, muscular and selfless and we got to know each other and started dating a month after he had arrived. We dated for 8 months before he moved to the La Push reservation and met a girl, Renesmée I think her name was, and they started dating after about 3 months and they're still together today and Jacob and I became best friends and we tell each other everything and I'm ecstatic for him that he found someone good enough for him and not some plain, boring girl like me but he was the only relationship that I have ever been in. Me and Jacob dating got all the boys at school asking me out and annoying me so much that I had to take refuge in the library, which is quite nice seeing as I love books and music plus it's also like a teenagers kryptonite unless they need to enter to get a book for a subject or if their class is in there for the lesson, in which case they're out in a flash. But now that we are near graduation all of the guys have backed off, well all but one… Michael Newton or Mike as everyone calls him and he never gives up or gets the hint so I just ignore him 24 hours a day 7 days a week, but I'm not going to get started on him.
This is me.
AN:/ Hi! I hope you liked the chapter, I'll try to keep up a routine of posting every weekend and sometimes I might post during the week just as a treat so it won't be often... I know this chapter is short but the chapters will get longer as the story progresses so don't worry... anyway don't forget to review!
I love you all,
MrsMichaela Cullen xoxo