Okay, so first off, sorry for the wait. I know I said it may take a bit, and this is actually on time for me (it's taken me months to update before), but it was already written... Anyway, to:

everyone who reviewed, followed, and/or favorited- Thanks so much! I didn't expect to get more than a review or two as I'm opening a brand new fandom, and the response was great!

Reader- You'll see!

Anyway, this chappie is shorter than the other one, and, as I said before, you'll be entering Dialogue Drive. But there's a little surprise on the way! :)

I do not own The Avengers or The Hobbit, no matter how much I want to.

Chapter Two

Previously on Dwarves, Assemble!:

The rest of the evening went by in an uncomfortable silence, only broken by Kili's occasional giggle at Clint and Steve, who made faces at the dwarfling in the hopes of getting a smile. Tony also joined in at times when Thorin's gaze wasn't on him. They were just finishing dinner when another thump echoed from the balcony.

"C'mon!" Tony groaned. "What is this, the Hotel for Dwarves?"

At that moment, a blond dwarf smaller than Thorin rushed in, two swords at the ready. Braids were threaded into his hair, beard, and mustache, and he held a worried look in his eyes.

"Fili!" Thorin growled. "I thought I told you to stay with Gandalf and the company. I was to fetch Kili."

"You took too long. "Fili replied. "... sorry... um, but where is he?"

Thorin grunted. "Gandalf didn't just send Kili... uh, here, he made him younger as well."

Fili gaped at the dwarfling his uncle held up for him to inspect. THere was no way... but there was. The younger dwarf lookd exactly like Kili had at that age. The same dark brown hair, same brown eyes, even the same cute little grin that screamed 'I'm an adorable dwarfling, love me and give me treats.'

"Waaaiiiit a minute." Tony said. "You mean he's not really four?"

"Well, no. Even at the age he is right now, he'd be about sixteen. But the age he's supposed to be right now is 77, about 18 in human years."

"And... who are you?" Fili questioned, gazing at the Avengers.

"I'm Steve Rogers, that's Thor Odinson, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, and Natasha Romanoff."

"Fili, son of Dis, daughter of Thrain, at your service." Fili replied, bowing down low at the waist.

"And now we really must be going." Thorin said firmly. "Thank you for your hospitality, Masters Steve Rogers, Thor Odinson, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, and Mistress Natasha Romanoff."

"No problem." Tony offered. "It's not everyday someone other than Thor eats all of my food, so feel free to come back."

Fili's jaw dropped at the new information. "You ate supper without me?!" He sounded so scandalized, the Avengers weren't sure whether it was considered a criminal offense for dwarves or not.

Meanwhile, Thor chuckled. "I had forgotten about dwarves and their appetites. Only second to a hobbit's."

One demigod, one super soldier, one doctor/rage monster, three humans, two dwarves, and one dwarfling headed to the balcony, where Thorin and Fili pulled out strange, identical devices. They simultaneously pulled a knob ad a blinking light appeared, followed by two portals opening above them.

"Need a lift?" Steve offered when he saw the height of the portals.

"Nobody-" Thorin and Fili began in unison before gazing back up at the portals. They were, unfortunately, at heights they wouldn't be able to reach. "Maybe a small one." Thorin admitted, shifting his youngest nephew in his arms.

Thor and Steve stepped forward, linking hands to form a small step up. People below were whispering and pointing, noticing the portals and the figures beneath them. Fili went first, taking a running start and bouncing with one foot into the linked hands of the taller blonds, who braced themselves and even added a little upward lift, flinging the dwarf into his portal. Said portal disappeared automatically with Fili. With Thorin, however, Thor and Steve were more careful, wary of the precious bundle in the oldest dwarf's arms. Said dwarf jumped without hesitation onto the linked hands, which, as they did with the first dwarf, flung Thorin and Kili into their portal.

Gandalf, Fili, and the company (minus Thorin and Kili) glanced around, waiting for another portal to appear. When it didn't, Fili raised his eyebrows at Gandalf.

"Where are my uncle and brother?"

"The device is not completely stable." Gandalf said, faltering at the look on Fili's face. "It is only guaranteed to work the first time. After that, well, Thorin and Kili may visit multiple other worlds before reaching here."

"But we don't know where he is?" Dwalin questioned, anger in his eyes.

"... No."

Thorin did, to his relief, land upright on his feet, still clutching Kili to his chest. As soon as he looked around, though, he groaned. Of course Gandalf's device would send him to another different world. He yanked the knob again and stepped through the next portal from the pine forest, breathing a sigh of relief when the large, white cat with black paws leaping at him was left on the other side.

Thankfully, it was only about twenty minutes before Thorin landed in a heap next to the company and Gandalf, a wide-eyed, de-aged Kili in his arms. Thorin staggered to his feet, an enraged look on his face. He pointed a finger at the wizard.

"I-" He snarled. "-have had enough. I encountered cats, stick-wielding maniacs, disappearing men, stone angels, man-hating girls, a paranoid bat as large as a man, a talking dragon, and that's just the beginning!"

Meanwhile, the dwarves (minus Fili), Gandalf, and Bilbo were staring at the small dwarfling clutching Thorin around the neck, familiar, dark eyes peering at them.

"Is that-" Bilbo began before stopping.

"Yes." Thorin growled. "Our brilliant wizard not only sent Kili to another world, he de-aged him, as well!"

"I told you I was attempting a spell and Kili startled me." Gandalf replied.

"But you can turn him back, right?" Balin questioned, obviously not wanting to deal with a small dwarfling at the moment.

"Of course." Gandalf replied, sounding scandalized. "In fact..." He chanted a few words, waved his staff, and suddenly Thorin was holding a fully-grown dwarf. Thorin grunted his thanks and displeasure, dropping his nephew to the ground.

Kili blinked his eyes open, looking up to see twelve dwarves, a hobbit, and a wizard surrounding him. He glanced down to see he was holding a strange type of arrow. "... What happened?"

Yup, so that's what happened! :) Was anyone surprised?

Also, this fic is now finished! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Please review!