Blossom's P.O.V

My head hurts, although I shouldn't think it wouldn't since I was just slammed face first into a building by a giant monster.

Buttercup flies past my face and punches the monster in the face, you'd think that at 16 she'd be a little less angry and aggressive, but age has just made it worse. At least she can control it better now though.

Bubbles grabs my shoulder "You okay? That looked like it hurt a lot!" She says, checking me for injuries or blood.

I smile and shake my head. "Bubbles," I laugh. "We fight monsters every day, I've taken a lot worse than this."

She smiles and nods "Yea, but still, that doesn't mean we shouldn't worry about injuries, what if they were to get infected?"

I laugh and Buttercup flies over to us, a light trail of blood running down from the top of her head. "Ya know," she says. "I love fighting monsters, a lot more than school. Can we just stop going to school?"

I shake my head and look at my watch. "Speaking of school, we're gonna be late, we need to hurry!" I say, flying towards the school, a trail of pink light flowing behind me.

My sisters both catch up in a second using their super speed and we make it just in time for the first block bell.

I sit down in my seat beside Bubbles, who sits beside Buttercup, who sits beside no one. Her boyfriend Mitch use to sit there, but since they broke up he moved.

The English teacher, Miss Shay, walks in, with three boys behind her, none of them looking amused to be here.

"Class!" Miss Shay says, getting our attention. "We have some new students joining our class today." She gestures to the three boys. "Would you like to introduce yourselves?"

One of them steps forward and looks around the class, his unusual red eyes scanning every corner and stopping on what appears to be me.

Wait, red eyes? Orange hair? Where have I seen this before? It seems too familiar, where have I seen this guy?

He smirks and crosses his arms. "I'm Brick, Brick Jojo, Leader of the infamous rowdy-ruff boys group."

My mouth drops as memories flash into my head, he fights and everything that use to happen with the rowdy-ruff boys.

I turn to my sisters who are both in similar positions, also in shock over the news that the rowdy-ruff boys are back.

After Boomer and Butch introduce themselves the teacher thinks it's a good idea to put them right behind my sisters and me.
Butch behind Buttercup, Boomer behind Bubbles, and of course Brick directly behind me. Who knows what this could lead to!?

About half way through the class Miss Shay walks out, saying that she has to go talk to someone in the teachers lounge for a few minutes.

Almost as soon as she leaves Brick is at my desk, staring down at me with deadly, deep, red eyed, a smirk on his face.

"Hey there Pink." he says, a teasing tone to his voice as he leans in closer and pokes the top of my head.

I scowl and grab his hand, pulling it away from my face. "What are you doing? Why are you and your brothers back?" I ask pushing his face away from mine.

He rolls his eyes. "God relax Pink, we're just here to chill, ya know, back in town. Gonna hit on the girls and be just like regular teenage boys." Then he shrugs "Aside from the fact that we have powers of course."

I roll my eyes and turn to my sisters, who both seem to be having the same problem as me with Boomer and Butch.

if the day keeps going like this it'll take forever!

It's finally Break and my sisters and I head outside to relax in the sun for a while before we have to go back to class.

When we finally get there and sit down on the soft, green, grass under the tall tree in the middle of the court yard, a loud crash comes from behind us.

I turn to see Brick, Boomer, and Butch lying on the ground beside us under the tree, a broken tree limb beside them.

They stand up, barely a scratch on any of them, but Boomer has a cut on his forehead, blood rushing out of it.

Bubble's eyes widen and she stands, grabbing his arm and pulling him down to a sitting position. She proceeds to pull out a bandage and a spray bottle from her purse.

She sprays ths cut, making him wince in momentary pain, then she gently applies the bandage over the, now clean, wound.

She stands and walks back over to us, then she turns to the boys. "Next time you guys fall from somewhere you should try to remember that you have powers."

Buttercup and I burst into laughter at that comment, raising our hands and hi-fiving each other. That was the most perfect thing Bubbles could've ever said to them, and she said it! She may be sweet and cute and sensitive, but she's still related to Buttercup, so she can be sarcastic and insulting when she wants to be.

And she just wanted to be.

(A/N So? What do you think? Should I continue? Yes? No? maybe? You decide! Review and tell me :D Okay then, have a nice day or night! BYE!)