I am starting this as a series too in order to get the idea out there. I call it as you see in the title The Naruto Brigade. This story will be much different to Abandoned Child, Hero's Dawn. In this story Naruto is not even really the main character until many chapters into it. If you follow the story long enough then you will understand the dark world that the Naruto World can become.

Welcome one and all to The Naruto Brigade fanfic. Let the twists and turns begin.


Both stared at each other in rim determination. This will be the final attack, they both knew that it would decide the winner.

"Chidori!" Lightning and dark purple chakra mixed into a crackling ball of power. He would always remember this as one of the scariest moment in his entire life.

"Rasengan!" Bubbling crimson chakra swirled with pure chakra into a ball of raw power. He would always remember this as the moment he fell into a dark unbeaten path to redemption.

A collision of sparks and force that knocked both of them backwards with enough force to render themselves immobile. Unfortunately one of them had not aimed to kill. One wanted to bring his friend back. The other to sever their bond. Both got their wish, but in a way neither had wanted or expected.

Kabuto appeared on the battlefield grabbing Sasuke and heading to take Naruto as a bonus. That is until a certain spiky silver haired Jonin kicked him at high speed. Sent flying Kabuto quickly redistributed his wait and came to a stop feet first.

He had lost Sasuke and looking at the situation possibly Naruto Uzumaki as well. Though Naruto was not caught by Kakashi yet so in order to fulfill some of his masters appetite at least he decided to take the jinchuuriki with him. Watching as Kakashi flew at him Kabuto used an exploding tag to push him back. Then he disappeared right before Kakashi grabbed him. In all this Sasuke remained unconscious but the tears that racked the Jonins body were silent yet mournful as he returned. Naruto Uzumaki, his sensei's son, his student, and a future Hokage was gone. Taken by the village's most bloodthirsty enemy.

_Village Gates_

Tsunade waited for him, not them, him to return. The blonde haired idiot had ran off on his own and was the last ninja out trying to get Sasuke. She could care less for his teammate who did not deserve any of what Naruto has given him in chances. All she wanted was for her godson to come back because as much as she denies it he had taken a place in her heart that she couldn't bear to lose.

There Kakashi was back and holding a body so she smiled knowing the idiot would need her to heal himself. That slowly ended when she noticed who it was. The ninja was not Naruto Uzumaki the orange clad knuckleheaded ninja. No this ninja was Sasuke Uchiha the traitor that the team was sent to get back.

The growl she emitted alerted the rest to the coming Jonin. Sakura Haruno quickly ran up and freaked over Sasuke her crush.

"How could this happen? Did that idiot do this to Sasuke-kun? How could he do this to his friend? When I get my hands on him I'll beat the heck out of him for hurting poor Sasuke-kun." All these questions slowly drove Tsunade Senju, Fifth Hokage, to her breaking point, but before she reacted someone else did.

"Shut the hell up Sakura Haruno or I'll shut your mouth for you, permanently" Kakashi, her sensei scolded, he was tired and furious because of what happened the tears continuing to come down.

Sakura looked shocked at this. Her sensei never scolded her like that? And where was Naruto anyway? Could...Could...he b-be d-de-dea-dead? No not Naruto right? He could never die right? Suddenly she felt herself grow colder.

"What happened Hatake? Where is the brat?" Kakashi looked at her and she knew but nodded at him so he could tell it out loud.

"Naruto Uzumaki has been captured by Orochimaru the Snake-Sannin, I'm sorry Tsunade-sama, all my fault" he finally collapsed falling unconscious. Tsunade held her tears though because right now she had stuff to do. Turning around though she let one fall and told ANBU to take the collapsed Jonin and Sasuke to the hospital.

Sakura finally knew sitting there while Sasuke and Kakashi were taken to the hospital by ANBU. What? No way, the same person trying to get Sasuke got Naruto? That cold feeling she had now became nauseas. Naruto was gone.

_Hidden Sound Shelter_

"WHHAAATTTT!?" a scream filled the air with hatred spewing from it like a plague. Orochimaru got his gift, a knuckle-headed jinchuuriki not the Last Uchiha like he wanted. Now the tantrum had started and only Kabuto the deliverer could possibly calm him down.

"You mean to tell me that not only are the Sound Five all dead but that Sasuke Uchiha was recaptured after this brat beat him!" Orochimaru screamed "that you decided to at least bring something to appease my hunger! Well explain yourself before I kill you Kabuto!" Kabuto quickly regained his composure because even he could not stand up to the full killing intent of this powerful leader.

"With Naruto Uzumaki we have the perfect test subject and if I did not take him I probably would not have come back at all trying to take Sasuke from Kakashi Hatake, so I thought one thing was better than nothing" Kabuto explained tensing up and waiting for the verdict from his cruel master.

"Fine then but we must make plans to take Sasuke from the Leaf or the Sharingan will be lost to me." And with that Kabuto stopped tensing and relaxed.

"Oh and Kabuto begin tests immediately" Orochimaru smirked as plans and experiments ran through his head.

"Yes Orochimaru-sama" Kabuto left with the young boys body.

"Well Naruto, it looks like life has decided to bring you on our path I wonder how this will change you" Kabuto whispered to the unconscious body, smiling cruelly.

This would be a beginning of a movement that will change our hero forever. Changes that would cause grief, sorrow, pain, and surprise to ally and enemy alike. For in just a few years the greatest organization next to the Akatsuki will rise, The Naruto Brigade. This is their story during and after their reveal.

So? How was it? Did it do pretty good to get your attention? Good if it did because I am planning to go over this and improve it later, it says prologue but really it is just to get the idea out there. So please Review your beliefs on it and any improvements you seem to find. And don't forget to favorite if you like. Bye Bye.