Legends of Role Playing

By: Cutegirlmayra1(Okay! Here it is! The end! Hope you enjoyed it! I know I've been REALLY lazy with spell checking… but I think this ones okay..? We'll see XD enjoy the last chapter! And please remember to read my other stories, if you liked this one, too! :D )

It had been many years since the knight boy in training had role played with the young princess. But now was not the time to dwell on the past…..

A royal princess was now trapped within a dark and evil castle, as a wicked man by the name of Ganondorf unleashed his sorcery upon the land of Hyrule. In desperate greed for the Triforce, he imprisoned the young woman in a room with only a small, shattered window to look out of and see her beloved kingdom drowning in ruin at his hands. With the Triforce of Wisdom still present on her hand, she knew from an old story book that it could guide the chosen hero to her and save this blessed land from certain doom.

In the side of the room, there was a single, hand-drawn picture, of a young boy with a doll in his hands, looking to the right where a young girl was, with her doll in hand, and a marvelous world of make believe behind them. The now grown princess paced the room, her trail on her gown moved gracefully behind her, as she dared not glance toward the small window, and see her people suffering. The sky was black, the clouds never left, and the land was bare and desolate. All she could do was grasp a hero doll in her long, delicate hands, and hold it close to her, directly below her neck. She leaned her head down and lightly held the back of the doll's head to her lips, mouthing these words….

"…Please…Please save us…"

She heard a loud and boisterous laugh from behind the door, and quickly turned around, shocked as her hair whipped with her head.

"There shall be no hero, doom Princess! I, Lord Ganondorf, shall rule this land with the ultimate power! And even if your hero comes…" Zelda could hear him whip back his head and let another horrid laugh out of his deep throat. "I shall kill him, taking the Triforce of courage, and any hope you ever had at defending- no, at defeating me! Haha!"

Princess Zelda looked away, hearing his footsteps slowly fade. She couldn't take it anymore; at last, she fell to her knees, crying softly. "I am but a weak child!" she scolded and belittled herself. "I am not fit to be the princess of destiny… Oh, Link… perhaps.. you were not meant to be the hero either…"

Just then, a monster screamed from the hall, sounding as if he was disappearing, as another then cried out its last sound. Zelda turned around, frightened. Still just barely crying, Zelda breathed heavily, but quietly. Not knowing if this was just a trick by The Dark Lord Ganondorf to make her feel hope or finally stop delaying the inevitable and slay her for her Triforce of Wisdom. He seemed more the patient type; after all, waiting so many years before taking over Hyrule, but this didn't seem like something he would pull on her…

Hearing footsteps, she was to paralyzed by her own thoughts of 'What if..' that she didn't move even the tiniest bit. Even when the door knob jobbled and seemed to be unlocking, she never made a sound, she just sat there, wide eyed. Then it began to squeak and creak itself open, slowly letting light from the outside flames from torches on the hall light a rectangle to her very face, she didn't move. More tears, as her eyes looked up to her savior's face.



"It is you… isn't it?"

"... Zelda… what has he done to you?"


Zelda quickly reached out to him, as he quickly ran in. Kneeling beside her, checking to make sure she wasn't injured, he didn't even notice her trying to embrace him. "I can't believe… you're…" she tried to touch his face.

"Zeld- I mean, Princess, we must get you out of here." Link spoke, his voice had changed from his small, shy boy demeanor to a now full grown man. His shoulder's broad, his body muscular, but his voice was still loving and calm, just how Zelda remembered him to be.

"You are the hero… I knew it… I-"she showed him the doll, which she had kept ever since she was a child and the day that he had left the castle grounds…

Looking it over, Link lightly touched the side of it, grazing Zelda's fingers gently. Through the shadows, Zelda could see him smiling, as he suddenly reached behind him, and looking back at her, showed her the doll of the princess that they used to play with.

"Y…you kept yours as well?" Zelda looked up, her voice full of surprised wonder and joy.

"Emm." He nodded, smiling back to her fondly. Then, without another word, seeing as she was alright and still keeping the habit of not talking to much, he picked Zelda up bridal style, and began to run.

"What about Ganondorf? You must defeat him!" Zelda said, as they ran down the halls, as quick as Link possibly could.

"You're my top priority right now." Link spoke quickly, but with a warrior's tone. Having quick steps down the stairs, he quickly looked back and forth to the new area they had entered, making sure no more monsters were around.

"He'll feel the absence of the Triforce, Link. If you run now, he'll catch us both!" Zelda warned, placing her hand on his chest, causing him to look at her.

"….Very well, Your Highness." Link obeyed, and then took off. Hiding behind some barrels, he looked around, seeing a mobian coming his way, he frowned. Placing Zelda behind the barrels, he helped her get her long dress ends to her, and out of sight. "Stay hidden, I'll come back for you." He instructed. "Whatever happens…" he looked up at her, but saw how her face was strong, but staring at him longingly… "…." He cupped her cheek and smiled, charmingly, "This isn't a Role play, Princess. Please remember that." He teased and barrel rolled out, surprising the mobian monster as its face looked surprised, but then swung a club down angrily at Link.

"Link!" Zelda shouted in worry, holding a barrel and staying low, as she was told. Link dodged to the left, pulling out the master sword, it only took him some quick aimed slashes before the mobian became nothing more than dark ash.

"Hyah!... phew.." Link looked back to Zelda, "I'll be alright, stay safe." He turned his back, pulling out his shield; he looked ready to meet Ganon.

"… I believed in you as a child, Link. And even now, I still believe in you…" Whispered Zelda quietly as she peeked her head out to see him. Though he didn't turn around, his head turned slightly in her direction, a light chuckle, and then,

"I became him… for that very reason… My Princess."

With that, he was off, running back up the stairs and charging to finish his destiny.

Zelda waited, grabbing her legs and making sure that every part of her was hidden. Holding the hero doll to herself again, she cried silently, this time in pure bliss.

After lightning was heard, there was crashing and so many unheard of noises from way above her and outside that in fright, Zelda had cupped her ears. Though it didn't drown out the sound, nor her worry. She tried to stay hopeful, she pictured Link prevailing, and in a way, was day dreaming of him rushing down to find her at last.

Link held his hurt arm, and breathed heavily. He was so sure Ganon was down for the count, until he transformed into a beast that is. Taking his master sword, he sliced at Ganon's leg, and barrel rolled to dodge another deadly claw, but was rammed by Ganon's horned demon head.

"Give up, boy! Hyrule is doomed!"

The Demon king roared as Link tumbled and rolled into the side wall, groaning his pain. "I liked it better when it was pretend…augh…" He mumbled, and slowly picked himself up off the ground.

Feeling a fleet of worry, Zelda couldn't help but get up. No mobians or any type of monster had passed by her since Link left her here; she knew they must have all been destroyed or that Ganon had absorbed their dark energy for the battle with Link, most likely killing them in the process of extracting the extra power. She quickly ran up the stairs, "Link!"

Ganon picked up the hero by his feet, and swung him around, laughing. Then, slamming him down, once to the left, and another to the right, he finally flung him over his head and watched his limp body hit the ceiling, and then slam at an angle to the wall behind him, until finally falling to the ground. Lying on his stomach, Link tried to push himself up, but only getting an inch up before letting himself fall back to the cold, castle's floor.

"Whahahaha! Do you now see, boy!? You are no match for me! This land is done for, give up your Triforce, or perish!"

"You'll kill me anyway…" Link smiled angrily, knowing that to be the case. Spitting out some blood, he drew forth his bow and arrow.

"I beat you once…" he continued, placing an arrow in its appropriate place. "I can do it again." He pulled back the string, and aimed.


"Aha! Zelda!"

Link was momentarily distracted by Zelda coming out of the entrance to the large thrown room. She smiled, seeing him alive, before Ganon's beast form looked back at her and roared.



"Look whose come to witness your demise!" Ganon swiped a claw at Zelda, picking her up in a quick swoop at a ferocious pace, and swinging her to him.

"Let her go!"


"Link! Here!"


Gasping, Link watched as Zelda drew her arms in the air, "By the power of the Goddesses, bless me with your grace!"

A light formed between the space inside of her out stretched arms, and three arrows of light were forged.


"Link! Catch!"

Zelda threw the arrows to him; they toppled in the air until clanging down on the hard stone floor. Link lunged for them, before Ganon could stomp on them and rolled out of his amorous clawed foot's way. Link threw the arrow he had off of his bow, and replaced it with one of the light arrows. Aiming well, he first aimed for Ganon's hand….



The Dark Lord's hand was struck, and Zelda fell from being released. "Link! Help!" Link dashed to her side, and was able to catch her with one arm, though, almost falling in the process. For a moment, the two looked at each other, smiling giddily, before turning their attention back to Ganon's sword as it tried to slice them in two. They quickly ran out of its way, but when the space wasn't enough Link jumped and saved them both from losing a leg. "Well, this is fun!" Link teased.

"Oh Link,… This is better than any adventure I could come up with!" Also joked Zelda, giggling at the fact that Link could keep this epic battle of life and death light and cheerful.

"Hold on!" Link stepped in front of her, again, turning back into the brave hero of time as he pulled back the string on his bow again, and let another arrow out. As Ganon was about to swing again, the arrow hit his right eye, causing him to shake his head, roar, and stumble a bit. Link was about to get the other arrow in place, when he looked down to see Zelda already had it, and that his hand was now on hers, where she placed the arrow on his bow. Smiling up at him, he looked into her eyes and blushed a moment. Shaking his head, he winked her a 'thank you' and she moved her hand, giving him space to pull back the string and aim once again.


The arrow zipped through the air, until stabbing straight through to the Gem upon the Demon king's head. Rolling his head back, he finally came crashing to the ground. Link pulled out his Sword, and Zelda grabbed the hilt of it too. "Together!" she said, looking at him bravely, like a true princess of destiny. He wasn't sure at first, worried she might get hurt, but nodded in agreement after seeing her strong, leader-like look in her eyes. "As it should be." He responded. The two looked back to the beast, and pulled the sword back- "HYAHHHH!"

"Kids! Oh, come now, children! You're going to be late for breakfast!"

Four children looked to their nanny, and frowned. "But Nana! He was getting to the best part!" one of the smaller boys said.

"Y-yeah! The hero and the princess were gonna slay the evil dude, and then kiss!" another, older looking boy spoke out.

"Eww, nu-ah!" An even smaller boy protested, holding a large stuffed toy in his arms, that drooped as he hugged it tighter around its waist.

"It's just a legend, kids! Nothing more." The woman said, "Now hurry in! Come along, hop to it!"

The three boys got up, ready to leave. But when the oldest stopped, so did the other two, "Hey, Zelda! Hurry! Or mom will be angry!"

The little girl turned around, seeing her brothers marked with Triforces that they couldn't see on their hands, and sighed. "I don't think it's just a legend…" she spoke quietly, hiding her face in her father's chest.

"Hahahha! Rosie, just a few more seconds?" The father inquired.

"Oh, your highness!"

"Just a moment! I promise, I'll explain everything to the queen." He explained.

"Alright…" the old woman ushered the other boys in.

"So… you don't think it's just a legend?" the man asked, smiling down to her.

The little girl, shyly, didn't speak. She just shook her head, violently. Showing she agreed it wasn't just a story.

"Why is that?"



"….Legends are born from fact."

"So…?" the father pushed, leaning his head down closer to hers.

"I think… the princess and the knight boy found each other again… and maybe that mean boy from before kidnapped her, trying to destroy hyrule… but he came back and saved her."

"…like a myth? Your saying, that the true story, that's been passed down for ages in our family, is nothing more than a mistranslated folk lore about true love?" the father said, almost incredibly, as if not believing it.

"I think… like the Purple Dancing, and Talking Cat! Who tried to steal the princess's apples!"

"Well, now I know that's a fable… but the Legend of Zelda? That's Hyrule history!"

The little girl shook her head, "Just another Role Playing Princess, if you ask me!" she teased.

"Oh, like you?" The father tickled his little girl, making her giggle and struggle to get him to stop. "Haha! Okay, so you think the princess just 'exaggerated' the story of the hero of time?"

"Uh-huh. Like… Like how I ex-ag-mer-ate that I can beat you to the kitchen!" she tried to say, 'Exaggerate' but she wasn't that old…

"haha! Oh yea?!" he father took her off his knee and placed her down on the garden path way. "Race ya, then?" he playfully said.

She nodded excitedly, and dashed into the castle, giggling all the way in.

"…Haha, sweet kid."

"She's yours you know." A lovely woman came out of the doorway, dodging the sweet princess girl. "And you should of made her believe it was real." The queen argued.

"Ah, Zelda. I thought you were waiting..?"

"You know the Nanny, she always has her own schedule." The Queen walked over to him and lovingly wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him kindly.

"Ehmmm… I missed that." The king smiled.

"I missed our Role plays…" The Queen pouted, cutely.

"Role plays?! What about the real adventure we went on, only a few years ago!?" he said, almost in playful shock.

"Hmm… to scary, and dangerous." She looked away for a moment.

"You mean, fun and exciting?" teased her king.

"Something like that." She looked back, and kissed him again, but before they could continue their little 'conversation' the nanny came strolling back in.

"Ehem. King Link, Queen Zelda? Food is served." The nanny stated, after clearing her throat. She stood to the side, not making eye contact with them through the doorway.

Both Link and Zelda sighed in annoyance, "She'll never leave us alone…" Whispered Zelda, "Can we ever escape her?"

"Not unless we pretend she's the dragon again…" commented Link, slightly glaring with a smile back at the nanny. Then, as if playing it off, he closed his eyes and grinned a fake smile to the nanny, "Coming~" he chimed back, making Zelda crack up laughing.

(Aww, now wasn't that cute? XD I hope you liked what I did. I kinda ended it as if the whole 'Legend' was but a 'Role play' to most people. A story that lost it's creditability, however, both Link and Zelda know it's more than that. But they keep the secret and keep calling it a role play. Lol, I love how Link refers to the Nanny as 'the dragon' haha! Hope you enjoyed this! And yes,… the boys have the triforce while the legend survives with the youngest daughter, the new Princess Zelda. Since I found out it's tradition for each princess under the hyrulian blood line to be called Zelda. Oooookay lol, thanks for reading! Please look at my other stories too u you know, if you liked this one and want to read another one. Hehe~ bye bye! Till next time you read!)