Hello readers and welcome to the next chapter. Now I hoped most of you enjoyed the sort of cliff hanger. Now I hope I can do a chapter with Shizuka justice. For not only have I not really done anything with her in a while (meaning writing wise ONLY) but also I just don't see many people doing stories including her. Which of course is kind of a shame seeing as I found her to be a pretty interesting sub character…with as little we know about her. But anyways enough about my rambling lets get on to the actual story.

Chapter 78

+Hokage tower+

"Y-you mean they want us to get married then have a kid right away!" Naruto asked in disbelief. After all while they were all adults now he still had no dreams of being a parent until the distant future.

*sigh* "I know it is a scary idea and that you DEFITLENTLY aren't ready to be a proper parent…but if you two want the freedom. But if you really don't want to you two could wait for a while BUT then you would be required to stay in their village until they have a heir….sadly with Orochimaru on the move currently and your…special...circumstances the village will need your abilities as well." Tsunade told him with a frown. For while she didn't want to think about it, she knew that if there was going to be a war the council would try their hardest to force her to get their jinchuriki back in action. She already was hiding the fact from the blond that the council will most likely force her to make the blond produce a child in their village to keep his bloodline if a war starts anyways.

"As much as I want to take my time and really get to know my girlfriends before we even think about creating a family I really want to help stop the snake." Naruto thinks with a frown. For while he didn't want to rush into something like creating a family until the girls and him were fully ready he also wanted to make sure Orchimaru didn't have his way. For while he knew that the village had plenty of ninja ready to face Orochimaru he wanted to be there as well just in case. "…well I have to marry Shizuka-chan anyways to keep our villages on peaceful terms. I guess I will just have to talk to her before making that decision" Naruto finally decides.

"Well seeing as I have no choice I guess I will prepare for my wedding at least. As for the rest…well I believe Shizuka-chan has a place in discussing it before deciding anything." Naruto told Tsunade who nodded in agreement. He then turned towards the rest of the women in the room. "So, what do you girls want to do? Don't think that you need to come with us just because of me." Naruto told them all.

"Che, what are you saying Naru-baka?" Ino asks with a frown. "You should be happy you get to marry a girl already. Not to mention you get all of us." Ino says knowing that Shizuka was a proud kunoichi despite not knowing much about her. She then gets a teasing smile as she pokes him in the chest. "And don't you dare think you are going to take away my chance of dressing up for a proper wedding….hehehe I got the best excuse to make my father get me some more fancy clothes." She tells him happy making most people around her sweat drop.

"…well besides that I am sure all of us are willing to go with you in order to support our boyfriend like girlfriends should." Haku tells Naruto with a small frown at Ino's way of thinking. "Course seeing as we are in a harem I don't even know if my way of thinking should change at all." Haku thought seeing as she had no clue if normal boyfriend/girlfriend 'rules' apply in this case.

"Umm, I would love to agree with Haku-san but would a civilian like me be able to travel with all of you? I mean don't you want to take longer just because I want to go as well." Ayame asked nervous. After all it wasn't smart to have a kage outside of a ninja village for longer than matter how strong they are.

"Heh, don't worry Ayame-san that blond idiot next to you will just create a clone to carry you and we will go a bit slower to keep our speed at a safe level for you if you want to go." Jiraiya told her with a smirk as his student sent a glare in his direction. "And hopefully with you there he will have one more girl to 'party' with on the wedding night. Hehehe, I can't wait to see what material I can get from him…but what should the books name be…" Jiraiya thinks with a perverted grin on the mental image of himself.

"…you better not be thinking about anything perverted there bastard." Tsunade thinks with a small frown before focusing on Ayame. "Yes Ayame-san, if you really want to come feel free." She told htem with a kind smile that Ayame quickly shared.

"Thank you Tsunade-sama." She told her making it clear what her answer is without actually saying it.

"No problem. Now everyone meet up with me here at seven am; and just in case you need to be told…bring at least two weeks' worth of supplies. But Naruto you are required to set up everything for Ayame except her clothes." Tsunade ordered the ninja.

"Heh, don't worry Baa-chan I promise that I'll take care of my hime." He tells her with a smile while Ayame blushes embarrassed.

"Baka" She mutters trying her hardest to keep her blush hidden.

*cough cough* "Everyone go prepare." Tsunade orders while hiding the fact that she was amused with the scene in front of her. But with that being said the group broke up and went their separate ways.

+Naruto and Ayame+

After they left the office Naruto followed Ayame as she walked out of the office.

"Okay so Ayame-chan when you get home you should get your two weeks of clothes set up…actually you will probably want more just in case seeing as your clothes aren't as durable. Make sure you also grab a decent amount of stuff to keep yourself entertained and stuff like a swim suit just in case. Finally make sure that you dress in something comfortable for the journey tomorrow." Naruto told Ayame calmly.

"Umm will we be able to bring that much? I mean there is only so much you guys can carry right?" Ayame asked seeing as that much supplies would fill up at least two or three bags just for her. Course she then heard her boyfriend laughing. "Oy stop laughing! I am being serious here." She tells him quickly turning around and glaring at him. Sadly, for her said glare was cute more than anything else.

"Hahaha, I am sorry Ayame-chan. It is just that I forget how much normal civilians don't realize about us ninja." Naruto tells her honestly patting her shoulder trying to calm her. "While we carry tools and stuff in various pouches around our body; they are only so that we can be ready immediately. For things that we don't use all the time such as spare clothes we use storage scrolls to cut down on the bulk and weight dramatically. This is why when you look into a 'ninja' shop there is always a bunch of scrolls for sale. Most of them are simply empty storage scrolls seeing as most of us carry around quite a lot of them. In fact, they are so common that it wouldn't be surprising at all for each ninja to have at least a dozen scrolls ready at any time." Naruto explained.

"Huh. I never realized. I just always saw you guys carrying around random bags and assumed you carried everything in there." Ayame told Naruto. "Well I guess I'll get everything ready. Do you need me to help with anything else?"

"Hmm, no not really. I can take care of the regular traveling supplies; you just need to take care of your personal stuff." Naruto told her after thinking for a minute.

"Perfect! Thank you Naru-kun." Ayame tells Naruto with a smile. "Then that will leave me plenty of time to see if the other girls want to come with me to get a proper kimono." She told him with a smile making Naruto chuckle.

"Well have fun then…actually you know what? Here." Naruto tells her handing her a wad of money. "With me being so busy I haven't been able to spend as much time with you as I would like. How about I buy whatever dress you want?" Naruto tells her making said girl's eyes widen.

"A-are you sure Naruto-kun?" She asked the blond seeing as she figured that she would have used the money she saved up from working for the last month to buy her outfit.

"I'm sure Ayame-chan. Besides that, would have just been the amount of money that I used on ramen if I was here." He told her with a large smile making Ayame look at the money she had.

"I guess ninja really do make loads more money than us civilians." Ayame couldn't help but think seeing as she never realized just how much money Naruto spent on ramen on a regular basis. But she soon pushed that thought away till a later time and instead gained a mischievous smirk. She then leaned close to Naruto and kissed his cheek. "Thank you Naru-kun. Just for that I will make sure the lingerie is just as fancy for you." She told Naruto then left him while giggling to herself. Meanwhile Naruto was left frozen in place with a blush on his face. Mainly due to the fact that his mind was now filled with Ayame in various forms of enticing ling lingerie. Before he finally was able to clear his head and continue on his walk home.

"Who knew that girls had their perverted moments just like guys…or are my girlfriends just special?" Naruto thought as he continued his walk.

(AN: Note that I really have no idea what marriages are like for ninja/Japanese. So, while I may do a bit of research I will also be taking a decent bit from American weddings. But I am at least assuming that dress codes are more kimonos than suits for weddings in Japanese history)

+Next morning; village gate+

Tsunade sat calmly at the gate's guard post waiting for the rest of the group to show up. Normally she would have been one of the last people to show up but Shizune forced her to come early in order to both meet the Anbu tasked to protect her but to also give them orders. For while she wanted to follow the villages rules about protecting kages she also had no desire to have to deal with them reacting to the smallest thing. After all when you can kill someone by basically poking them in the head there wasn't much need for help from things like bandits.

"Oh, didn't think I'd see you this early." Jiraiya calls out to Tsunade from a ways away.

"Che, don't remind me…I wanted to sleep for at least another hour." Tsunade told him then took a sip of a glass of tea she had a guard get her a few minutes ago.

"As lazy as ever." Jiraiya muttered only to notice Tsunade's hold on the cup began to crack the material. *cough* "I mean at least you get to enjoy a nice glass of tea." He quickly told her hoping to avoid her rage.

"Tch, fuck tea. I would have gotten booze if I didn't promise Shizune that I'd remain sober while we travel." Tsunade muttered taking another sip of the tea.


"Eh what do you mean I can't drink during this trip? You know how long I am going to be stuck with the brat? No way am I going to stay sober and have to listen to him." Tsunade told Shizune and slammed her fist down on her desk gentle enough to not break it.

"But Tsunade-sama even though you are an S rank ninja we still must make every precaution we can to make sure you stay completely safe." Shizune tells her with a frown.

"Oh, and you expect Anbu to be able to deal with something I can't?" Tsunade asks with a raised eyebrow.

"You know that's not what I meant.." Shizune mutters before sighing. "I really didn't want it to come to this." She told Tsunade simply before walking closer to her teacher.

"Hmm what's that?"

"Lady Tsunade I am sure that you are well acquainted with all of the paperwork we have here correct?" Shizune starts seeing Tsunade visibly flinch at the thought of the work. "Now thankfully with the help of a few others and me we are able to cut down on the amount you need to go through. BUT you know it's a lot of hard work for us. So much in fact that it is oh so easy for worked to get backed up…and now with you leaving for a while who knows how much could stack up." Shizune told her boss with a smile as she saw the older women pale a bit. "Now normally I could prevent this from happening but if I hear of my kage being careless during her journey I would be so nervous that I just couldn't help but let some work fall through the cracks….and of course the only way I could ever catch up would be with you doing a few all nighters." Shizune told Tsunade who gulped.

"Y-y-you wouldn't dare." Tsunade told her weakly.

"Try me. After all a certain women taught me to take my problems head on." Shizune told her with a visous smile on her face.

"D-damn you….fine I will be good during the trip." Tsunade mumbled out with a frown.

"Great! Thank you for being so considerate Lady Tsunade." Shizune told her with a happy smile before walking out of the office.

"Since when has she gained a pair?" Tsunade couldn't help but ask herself.

+Flashback end+

After remembering yesterdays meeting Tsunade couldn't help but glance at the spots where she knew her guards were wondering if any of them were ordered to tattle on her if she 'acted up'.

"Che, what ever happened to them only listening to me?" Tsunade mentally complained. Both her and Jiraiya then waited about ten more minutes before all of the girls came together including Ayame with a few of them carrying rather large bags.
"Good morning Lady Tsunade, Lord Jiraiya." Ayame greets both of them with a smile.

"Morning all of you…but what's with the unsealed luggage?" Jiraiya asked curious.

"Oh, hehe sorry its mine. I got so focused on finding the best outfit that I didn't have time to have Naruto come over and grab it for me." Ayame admitted seeing as by the time she got all packed up it was time for her to get some sleep. Thankfully the rest of Naruto's girlfriends came over to 'collect' her as she was saying goodbye to her dad and were willing to help out.

"Ya, and I thought I overpacked." Ino teased making Ayame blush a bit.

"Naruto told me to make sure I packed more clothes than needed." Ayame muttered.

"Don't worry Ayame-san it doesn't matter. We would seal it up for you now if you want." Haku tells her calmly. But seeing as she wanted the supplies Naruto put aside for her to be in the same place are the rest of her stuff to keep organized. So, she politely denied the girls offer. Then after a few minutes more Naruto joined the group as well and happily did just that.

"Okay now let's get ready to go." Naruto told the group with a smile and quickly created a clone. Said clone quickly scooped Ayame up into a princess hold causing the girl to let out a surprised 'eep'.

"Heh, seems like you are getting the going to have a good trip brat." Jiraiya told Naruto with a perverted grin. They all then watched as both Naruto and Ayame blushed.

"Anyways let's get moving." Tsunade ordered and they all got in formation. With Naruto and his girlfriends surrounding Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Naruto's clone. They then moved out of the village and began to travel at the fastest pace that Ayame could safely handle. Due to this they made a large amount of progress with their journey before nightfall finally hit and they began to set up a camp ground. A task that took the large group only about an hour until they had two smaller tents and two larger tents set up around a campfire. Making one tent for Tsunade, one for Naruto and Jiraiya, and the other two for the girls to stay in. Finally, after a quick meal they decided on the rotation plan for guarding the camp and most of them finally fell asleep.

Currently it was Ino and Hinata's turn and both of the girls sat around the fire.

"Mouu I still can't believe that more of Naru-kuns firsts are being taken." Hinata complained with a frown as Ino shook her head.

"Hinata I really don't understand your way of thinking at times. I mean you are perfectly fine with Naruto having a harem but yet when other girls do things with him then you complain." Ino told the girl who glared at her.

"I don't care if they do things with him; that's just part of relationships. BUT it is completely different when I didn't get a chance to do it with him first. I was the first person he got with so I should always go first." Hinata complained.

"…your mindset is really strange" Ino muttered seeing as she still could not wrap her mind around Hinata's thought process. After all if it was that important to her she would have just had Naruto not date anyone else until they finally decided to have kids.

"Hmm talking about Hinata-chan's strange habits?" Ayame asked making both girls turn to her as she walked to the logs they were sitting on.

"What are you doing up?" Ino asked as Ayame sat down across from them.

"I couldn't sleep…not that it matters seeing as I'm not actually doing anything." Ayame told them honestly with a small frown. "Anyways mind if I join your conversation?" Ayame asked them with a smile as Ino just shrugged.

"Wasn't too much of a conversation. Hinata's just still upset that Naruto's first are taken from her…even though she had no problems with him dating more girls." Ino explained.

"Mouu you don't understand. The village required Naruto marry multiple girls and…and…dlfagad" Hinata told them before muttering the last part quiet enough that the other two couldn't understand her.

"What was that?" Ino asked while Ayame just smirked.

"She probably was thinking something along the lines of wanting to use some of the material in her books." Ayame told them making Ino confused and Hinata blush.

"I-I have no idea what you were talking about." Hinata told them looking the other direction.

"Oh? So, that orange book you had in a shopping bag years ago was just my imagination?" Ayame asked making Hinata blush some more.


Hinata just got out of school and walked through the village until she reached a specific alleyway. She then quickly looked around with her eyes active to make sure there was no one around before finally going into the alley. She then quickly went through several hand seals and became a rather ordinary looking women who appeared to be in her mid-twenties.

After her henge was complete she quickly walked back out of the alley with a smile on her face and entered a nearby bookstore. She then bought the newest copy of a certain perverted book before re-entering the alley and stopped the jutsu. Finally she happily walked back through the village with a smile on her face.

"I can't wait to get home and start reading Lord Jiraiya's next masterpiece." Hinata thinks happily before feeling her stomach rumble a bit. So, she quickly decided to put reading on hold for a moment and quickly went to get some food from one of her favorite stalls. So, she quickly ended up at Ichiraku ramen stand and sat down at the stool. Course it partially became one of her favorites due to the chance of seeing her crush appear next to her. But that wasn't today so instead she just carelessly sat the bag that contained her book onto the counter and placed her order.

"So how have you been since I last say you?" Ayame asked Hinata kindly as they waited for her father to cook her order.

"I am pretty good Ayame-san just excited to get home and read my new book." Hinata tells her with a smile patting the bag. Course she failed to realized that by doing so a corner of the orange book was now visible to Ayame.

"Well…have fun reading that…different book." Ayame told her not too sure how to feel about seeing a younger girl with one of the worst porn books made in the elemental nations. Course this strange reaction confused Hinata until she glanced over to her bag and finally noticed that Ayame could partially look into it.

"Ah! T-this isn't what it looks like." Hinata told her with a heavy blush.

"Hey whatever you want to read…I can't judge." Ayame told her honestly. Afterall what kind of professional would she be if she judged a paying customer for something as minor as a book.

"J-just don't tell anyone." Hinata orders Ayame.

"Hai, hai. Don't worry I wont."

"Promise me." Hinata told her firmly making Ayame blink in surprise

"Ok, I promise I won't tell anyone." Ayame told the girl before grabbing her food from her father. "honestly it seems like one of the requirements for ninja is to have some weird hobby or something." Ayame thought as she watched the younger girl eat her meal

+Flashback end+

"You promised you wouldn't say anything about that." Hinata growled out glaring at Ayame.

"Oh, come on. Eventually we are all going to be living in the same house. We were going to find out sooner or later about your secret." Ayame told Hinata firmly but saw that Hinata's glare didn't weaken at all.

"Hold on a second. What are you two talking about?" Ino asked confused. Course this time Ayame just looked over to Hinata who eventually just sighed.

"I MIGHT have a hobby to occasionally read Ichia Ichia." Hinata told her with a blush on her cheeks.

"Huh. Never really expected that. I mean I know that she stalked Naruto but I never would have guessed the princess of Konoha was a porn lover…but it makes sense when you think about it I guess." Ino tells them making Hinata blush even more. "But tell me did you plan on trying to fix your 'problem' by using those books during the wedding night?" Ino asked with a teasing smirk. She then watched as Hinata's blush became even worse as her eyes glazed over lost in her own little world. A while later before either could think of any way to pull her from her thoughts Hinata had a small amount of blood come out of her nose and fainted with a happy smile on her face.

"…well I did not expect that" Ino said amused by her reaction. She then payed more attention to their surroundings until Hinata woke up from her fainting spell.

After this happened Ino began to tease Hinata a bit more often but other than that their trip was relatively boring until they finally saw the village come into their view.

"Ah finally here." Naruto says happily as he walks in front of the group.

"Ho, I taught you well me boy. So, excited to reach a village he knows he'll get laid in." Jiraiya says with a smile as he knew Naruto's face just became a tomato.

"N-no that's not why I was meaning at all. I-I just meant that the trip was finally over not that I was excited to h-h-have s…do that." Naruto told the group making them all smile at how embarrassed Naruto was.

"…I'll allow that perverted comment to go unpunished seeing as the brats face is so funny." Tsunade told Jiraiya.

"Hey! Quit making fun of me." Naruto growled out at the group.

"Then stop making it too easy." Tsunade told Naruto not feeling any pity for him. After all she had to get back at him constantly calling her granny somehow.

(AN: please read the note at the end of this (right after this message) for more information but know that I am sorry for leaving this kind of at a cliff hanger. A spot where it will stay for at least a month or two…but to be quite honest it has to happen to fix or try to heal a good amount of my stupid mistakes.)

Hey readers just to let you know I have been thinking of taking another hiatus for maybe a month or so. This is not because I need a break or anything but a reader sent me a PM with the same thoughts as I have. For I am sure that many of you have already noticed that my character development seems to have been suffering. So, I wish to go through all of my old chapters and make notes of where I am with different characters and ideas I have. Now I will try to keep the story mostly the same but I will most likely be editing several chapters as I go simply because they don't seem as good as I would want them. (I would like to think that while I am NO WHERE near an experienced writer; I would have to say that I have at least gotten a bit better). So, while I have a lot planned for the new year one of the things I am adding to it is to make notes and correct (a bit anyways) my chapters/stories. Course this will be the last post for this year anyways so I kind of am informing you readers late. Please forgive me but especially seeing as I am trying to finish this story I want to leave as few loose ends as possible. So please forgive this fool of a writer. (But I will admit that with everything else going on in my life adding this will make my new year even busier/filled…but that is what adulting is about).

P.S. Please note that while I do write some lemon scenes I don't like focusing on them and on perverted things in general. While my stories may bomb for some reason I would hate the reason to be that I focus so much on trying to fulfill perverted fantasies of people instead of actually making a story. I have seen too many great stories that fall due to doing this. (If my story bombs it will be my own fault…which sadly probably has happened according to some people)