Change of perspective

Chapter 1 An unfortunate event

Cedric was restless. The rebel leader had once again managed to break in and steal several swords and tins of gunpowder. He could not understand why his guards could not capture one immature boy. Something had to be done about the little pest. The Guardians were already a pain in the neck, but the rebel leader aiding them made it unbearable. Not to mention that Phobos had become impatient and angry. The rebel leader had to disappear before the princess would arrive, but only if Cedric knew how.

He walked through his room, past several potions and magical dust concoctions until his eye fell on a peculiar black dust. A grin spread on his face as he took the little jar from the shelf. This could at least keep the boy from rallying more citizens for the rebellion.

"Guard!" He yelled.

One of the guards, Tynar if his memory served him correctly, came running. He saluted and looked scared at Cedric, while Cedric only smirked.

"I want you to sprinkle this over the rebel leader, the next time he invades the weaponry." Cedric said as he gave Tynar the jar. "Not the full jar, just a handful."

Tynar accepted the jar and looked curious at the dust.

"Yes sir." He answered. "I presume that I'm placed at the weaponry from now on?"

Cedric nodded absently and Tynar saluted again. Cedric watched him go and he could not help it but to snicker. Caleb was in for a big surprise and his days in the rebellion were numbered if his plan succeeded.


"Tell me, why am I here again?"

Caleb rolled his eyes and looked back at a slightly agitated Guardian Leader. He and Will were supposed to raid the weaponry for some more gunpowder, but the redhead had been complaining ever since they stepped through the portal.

"Because you said it yourself. If I managed to get a higher grade in math than you, you would come with me." Caleb said with a grin.

"Yeah, you still have to explain how you did that." She said annoyed. "How did you, a guy from, like, the Middle Ages, manage to get a B in math?"

Caleb simply shrugged.

"It's just applying logic. Like chess." He said. "I'm surprised that you suck at it."

"And why's that, oh rebel leader?" Will sneered.

Caleb merely sighed.

"Never mind." He said. "Now be quiet, we're here."

He and Will looked up at the giant castle. Caleb could easily pinpoint the window where the weaponry lay. He nodded at Will and she sighed. She flew up in the air and grabbed him under his arms, pulling him into the air as well. He whispered directions and she flew him to the right window. Together they flew into it and Caleb grinned when he heard the sound of a snoring guard. This was going to be easy.

"Tell me again. Why did you want me to come with you?" Will whispered as they slowly pushed the gunpowder out of the window.

"I can use your super strength with moving more of the gunpowder." He answered, getting an annoyed sigh from Will.

"Oh yeah..." She said sarcastically. "My great powers."

Caleb shook his head and pushed yet another tin of gunpowder through the window when he saw some swords laying on the ground. He softly growled at the way Phobos was caring for the weapons of his men and picked some up when suddenly the sound of a horn echoed through the chambers.

"We've been spotted!" Will yelled, making Caleb want to slap himself in the face.

Now the guards knew where to look.

Within seconds the only door broke open and several guards stormed in. Caleb dropped all of the swords except one and started to fight them off, while Will was throwing cannonballs at the guards. Caleb winced slightly when he saw how one cannonball hit a guard in his stomach, making him collapse immediately. He really did not want to know how strong Will's throwing was.

More and more guards started to flood the weaponry and Caleb even saw several Lurdens joining the fray. They had to get out of here before they were captured. Which would mean that the rebels would lose their leader and that Phobos would gain the Heart of Kandrakar.

"Caleb! Watch out!"

Caleb looked surprised up, to see a guard holding a jar. He saw how the guard threw something in the air, but then he felt the weight of someone pushing him away. Caleb looked surprised to see Will pushing him out of the window, while being hit by what seemed to be black dust. The two of them fell out of the window while arrows zipped past them.

"Will! A little flying would be nice!" He yelled, but to his horror he saw that Will had transformed back to her human form and seemed unconscious.

Together they fell into the water and Caleb swam towards her. Will was knock-out but her skin seemed to be glowing slightly. He had no time to wonder what was going on and pulled her on his back. He swam to the shore and quickly ran into the forest. He could hear Cedric's roar from afar, but to his surprise he wasn't followed.

Caleb calmed down and went to the nearest entrance to the Infinite City. Perhaps the healers there, or the Mage herself, could tell what had happened to Will.


A pain ran through her body and Will slowly regained her consciousness. The last thing she remembered was that one of the guards urged another to throw something on Caleb and that she'd pushed him out of the way, but after that everything was blank. Had they made it out of Phobos's castle? Or were they captured?

Though these were the first questions that ran through her head, they soon made place for others like: Why does it feel as if my bra isn't on the right place? Or: Why is my underwear so ill fitting? And: Why is my shirt so tight?


Will slowly opened her eyes to see Caleb standing over her, looking with both concern and amusement at her.

"What's so funny Caleb?" She asked, but immediately after that she noted that her voice was a lot heavier than she remembered.

She saw how Caleb had to suppress a snicker and shook his head.

"You're…Uhm…You're clothes were ripped during the fall out of the castle. I've placed some new clothes next to you…. Uhm… I'll leave you now."

With that he quickly left the tent. Will raised an eyebrow. Fall? Had they fallen? And why was Caleb smiling?

Will sighed annoyed and slowly got up from her bed. She did note that she was a bit taller than before but she shook it off.

'Probably still hallucinating from the fall.' She thought as she slowly stripped off her clothing.

Once she had disposed of her jacket and shirt her eyes widened. Because when she wanted to strip out of her bra, she noted that she no longer had her breasts. In fact, there were a couple of red hairs growing on her chest. Will felt her heart beating wildly and quickly went through the clothing, to find that there were also a pair of underwear laying. With a heavy heart she slowly let her own underwear drop and what she saw made her shriek at the top of her longs.


Caleb hadn't believed it when the healers had told him about it and even when he saw it he wasn't sure what to believe. But when he heard Will's shriek from the tent he couldn't stop himself and started laughing loudly. Tears jumped in his eyes and he kept laughing when Aldarn came walking to him.

"Caleb? What was that? Who screamed? And why are you laughing?" He asked concerned.

Caleb, who was still laughing, pointed at the tent.

"Will." He managed to pronounce before another fit of giggles caught him.

Aldarn seemed to get the joke and started laughing as well. Caleb slowly managed to calm down and he saw how several healers walked into the tent to get Will up to date. From the angry screams and the more than annoyed groan Caleb could understand that Will was not happy with her situation.

The canvas was pulled aside and it revealed a guy around the age of fourteen. He had short red hair and chocolate brown eyes. He was dressed in a loose shirt with some old trousers of Caleb and some boots. Also he had a frown on his face which only deepened when he saw Aldarn laughing and Caleb's smirk.

Caleb took a step forward and looked critically at the guy. He was slightly surprised to see that the guy was rather buff from what he had expected. An evil smirk formed on his lips as he approached the guy.

"I'm sorry sir." He said, getting a growl from the guy. "But I believe that there was a girl laying in that tent. Could you tell me about her condition?"

The guy sneered at him and Caleb saw how he clenched his fists.

"Haha. Very funny Caleb." He sneered. "Remind me that I'll never save you again from strange things. Ever."

Caleb laughed and patted the guy good-heartedly on his back.

"I'm sorry Will. But this is pretty funny." He said with a grin.

Will only sneered at him and then shot a deadly glare at Aldarn, who immediately shut up when he saw his glare.

"Very funny." Will said, though his voice now held some panic. "But how am I supposed to tell this to my mother? I'm doomed Caleb! Doomed!"

"Being a guy isn't that bad." Aldarn said with a grin.

Will glared once again and Aldarn looked down. He then turned his gaze on Caleb, who had trouble with reminding himself that Will was a girl.

"Okay, calm down." He said. "We'll figure something out."

"Does the Mage know how I can transform back?" Will asked desperately. "Cause this is hell."

Caleb shrugged.

"Don't know. She's meditating, which can take a while. And we're not allowed to interrupt her."

Will groaned annoyed and went with his hand through his short red hair.

"My hair is even shorter than before." He moaned.

"You know, you're quite buff for a girl turned guy. Are you this buff when you're a girl too?" Caleb suddenly asked.

Will raised an eyebrow and seemed to be insulted. He crossed his arms and glared at Caleb.

"Don't know. Don't care." He said. "Now what are we supposed to do?"

Caleb sighed.

"Let's go to the Silver Dragon for now. Perhaps Yan Lin knows a way to get you back to normal."

Will suddenly glared at him and Caleb unconsciously took a step back.

"I hope so for you or else I'm going to find that dust and throw it over you. Let's see how much fun you think it is to be a girl."

With that he stomped away. Caleb looked awkwardly at Aldarn, who merely shrugged. Caleb sighed and followed Will. He had the feeling that this was going to take a while.

[A/N] Okay...Will just turned into a guy xD. Which means that Cedric's evil master plan was turning Caleb into a girl... Well...That's awkward. But now our Guardian leader is of the wrong gender. How will she/he coop with it? And how will the others react when they find out? Find out in the next chapter!

Also, you may have noticed it, but just for the record. When I'm talking about Will I'll refer to her as a him or he. Only to keep it less confusing and to keep the picture of a male Will a little intact.
Also Bloodprince1234, I hope you're happy!
