Ch. 1
"Come on Liz. We only have four more boxes to bring up." Jane called from down the hallway while lugging a heavy box towards their new apartment. By the time she reached the door, she found Elizabeth face down on the floor in exaggerated exhaustion.
"I can't." Came Elizabeth's muffled voice as she lay face down in their new hardwood floor. "I've fallen and I can't get up."
Jane put the box down by the entrance of the door, walked over to her sister, and crouched down. She pat her back in a loving manner. "Just think: The sooner we get everything unpacked, the sooner we can enjoy our new life. Los Angeles is going to be so exciting!" Jane chirped.
"You're always Janie. Maybe now that we're in L.A we can get our own reality show. How about 'Liz and Jane Take Hollywood.'" Liz joked, picking herself up from the floor.
Jane laughed, always amused with her sister's humor. She then grabbed Liz's hand and marched her into the elevator and down to the lobby. As they walked past the empty front desk to grab the remaining boxes, Liz spotted a copy of US Weekly sitting there, begging to be picked up. She knew most of the stuff printed in magazines was crap, but the picture on the cover was just too handsome to resist. She recognized the face from countless movies and tabloid magazines over the past few years. Liz picked it up, forgetting that she was supposed to be helping her sister. The cover read William Darcy Single Again!
Elizabeth let out a "Hmmphh." This ought to be good. Liz opened the magazine to the page with the spread on Will Darcy. The article read:
The newly single man was spotted jogging in the park on Saturday. Although he refused to comment on the status of his relationship with model Caroline Bingley, his former girlfriend had a lot to say. Bingley said that "William and I are just taking a break. We are both two extremely famous people who have a lot on their plates right now..." She spent over an hour talking to the paparazzi about her ex-beau (For the entire impromptu interview, visit our website!). Bingley is confident that their relationship is not over yet and that the public will be seeing more of them together. Fingers crossed! Willine all the way!
Willine? Elizabeth thought. The mixture of the name Will and Caroline didn't seem to fit well at all, and the couple itself didn't seem to fit well either.
Spread across the page was various pictures of the former couple. One of Darcy and Caroline leaving a nightclub, Caroline holding onto Will's arm for dear life. Another of the two at an awards show. Caroline had a smile plastered to her face and Will was clearly unhappy about being there. Even though his personality seemed to be seriously lacking from what the press always uncovered, Elizabeth had to give the man some credit, he looked good. He had broad shoulders and dark brown hair slicked back. Elizabeth thought the couple looked dreadful together. She let out a little chuckle from her spot leaning against the front desk. She was so engrossed in the article that she hardly noticed that Jane had loaded all the boxes into the elevator.
"What are you laughing about?" Jane asked from over Elizabeth's shoulder.
"Oh nothing. Just about how pathetic Caroline Bingley is. Apparently she and Will Darcy are 'taking a break'. She is so fake it's disgusting." Elizabeth said while holding up the magazine, allowing Jane to see the headline.
"Don't say that Lizzy. You don't know her. Maybe she is a very nice girl." Jane chided her sister.
Of course Jane would say that. She's so nice that she would defend Satan.
The two girls got into the elevator and Elizabeth pushed the button for the tenth floor. Still holding the magazine that she pilfered from the front desk, Elizabeth said "You're right, I don't know her. But I'm not only talking about her personality. I'm pretty sure those are fake too." She was pointing to the cleavage on a picture of Caroline at Venice Beach in a very tiny bikini.
Jane looked at the picture and shrugged. "Maybe she's just naturally busty."
"That could be true." Elizabeth conceded. "But I'll bet you twenty bucks that she got a nose job. She has a different nose in each picture."
"It could be the lighting." Was Jane's sweet response.
Her sister playfully smacked her shoulder. "Stop being so nice Jane. This woman is super fake. I'm pretty sure she's not even a real human."
"But you don't know her so you can't make unfair assumptions. You know what they say about assuming..." Jane's doe eyes staring straight into Elizabeth's soul, making it hard to not concede to her sister.
"Fine, I won't assume anything. I'm sure she's a nice person" Liz huffed. She opened her mouth to say something more but the elevator beeped, signaling their arrival to the tenth floor.
They quickly brought the boxes out of the elevator and into the hallway. Liz started dragging two heavy boxes towards the open door of their apartment.
"We probably should have closed the door while we went downstairs. This area is pretty sketchy. What if someone came in and stole all our stuff?" Jane voiced from behind Liz, dragging a box of her own.
"Well, they wouldn't have much to steal. It's not like we have anything of value to a potential burglar. That's part of the reason why we got this apartment, we're broke."
"Well hopefully not for long." Jane smiled. There was always a brighter side to everything in Jane's eyes. That was what Liz loved the most about her upbeat sister.
They returned to the hallway where that last box was waiting for them. The last box. One more box and they would be starting a new life. Away from their crazy family. No more constant annoyance from their over-emotional mother or their apathetic father or their silly sisters.
Jane reached down to grab the box but Elizabeth stopped her. "Here Janie, I'll get that. Wouldn't want you to hurt yourself before starting your new job tomorrow." Elizabeth picked up the box with difficulty, but managed to balance it on her hip.
"You're right. I'm so excited for tomorrow. I'm going to be working in Hollywood! Can you believe it!" Jane beamed. Her face lit up whenever she talked about her new job. Becoming a set designer had been a dream of hers for about 10 years now and Elizabeth had always supported her. When Jane decided to move to Hollywood to pursue her career, Liz followed. It didn't matter that much to Liz where she was as long as she had her sister.
Elizabeth loved writing and since her major was Journalism, she decided to get a job as a journalist in L.A when Jane told Liz she wanted to move. In her search for the perfect job, Liz found that she was able to combine two of her favorite things: food and writing. Liz landed a position as a restaurant writer for one of the top magazines in L.A. Elizabeth knew it would be a fun new adventure for her and her sister.
Elizabeth smiled as they entered their apartment with the last box. She smiled as she set it down. Liz truly was excited to start her new life with Jane.