I was always happy when Gale made it back to this underground base. He had survived so much at home, I totally believe he could survive this too. So many people were dying, it was hard to think much about the ones you didn't know. A pair of sisters from this district had both side, one in my district, one in Ten.

The rebels had a big loss in District Eight, and Snow's propaganda was glad to talk about this. Cecelia's husband Alex was killed helping the rest of the rebel soldiers get back out. We'd make a big deal out of that funeral as an example of what the Capitol had taken away.

Cecelia II, Taylor and Stitch had just lost a father. I was reminded of something Gale had said many times before. He thought the mine explosion was a setup to kill miners who were a threat to the Capitol. So our father had also died fighting the Capitol, in a way. At least there was enough to bury this time. Gale helped carry the coffin.

Some victors were still in the Capitol, and the rebels were able to get some of them out. In the next big battles, victors were killed and victors were brought back. Gale taught me new words while describing those victors who had remained loyal to the Capitol.

The girl from the 71st Games was a rebel too, and she was even bigger and prettier in person. Gale looked at her even though he loved Katniss, so I thought it was okay for me to do something like that. When Vick saw Sapphire, he stood there silently with his mouth hanging open. Several seconds later, he announced "Suddenly I don't think girls are so icky."

"That … that is a unique version of the effect I have on boys," she answered with surprise. He was young enough that it was sweet and innocent coming from him.

Cato was just as interested in her swordfighting. She had one with a pretty handle, but his plain weapon was just as good. She barely won a duel against him. At least they weren't trying to kill each other, so it seemed okay.

In District Two, Gale had thought of a clever way to bomb a Capitol fortress. Back here, he and Beetee were working on other clever weapons. He was so good with snares and it made sense that he could use that for things besides hunting. Well, maybe you could say he was hunting Peacekeepers now.

Glimmer was wearing a pair of black pants with a pink stripe on the waist; this was an explosion of color compared to most clothes here in District Thirteen. Cato was giving her a smile that seemed in no way sweet. It was great that they loved each other, but Gale was right that they did too much of displaying their affection in public.

The whole country knew Glimmer was having a baby, but so was Annie. Apparently once she and Finnick could finally get married they weren't wasting any time. Glimmer, because of her little sister, had always wanted a baby girl. Gale certainly wished Katniss thought this way.

"She probably will eventually once it's clear that the Capitol's gone for good," Prim said. We were all getting more confident that the Capitol really could be defeated. "She cares so much about the few people in her life, and she loves her family so much. I wouldn't be surprised when she has kids of her own."

"And 'Auntie Prim' makes you sound even sweeter," I replied, brushing some water droplets off the corner of her mouth.

"'Uncle Rory' doesn't sound bad either," she answered, brushing my dry face.

We all knew that eventually the rebels would be attacking the Capitol itself. Glimmer and Peeta worked together to write a speech for Gale. They had found an old political speech in the library and made a version of it to fit our situation. This was the last broadcast before the soldiers and aircrew left.

It was almost the end of the year, nearly five years since me and Prim's dads died. Finally the districts would have their revenge for that and so many other things. We'd keep the Capitol form doing stuff like that to us ever again.

Prim was gone! I couldn't find her anywhere! I wondered where she was, but didn't find her any place she might be in the district. Not the Everdeen compartment. Not the infirmary. Not the nursery with its few occupants; someday she might be with our baby instead of little Mockingjay Flowers. There must be something very wrong if she wasn't in any of those places. It dawned on me that somehow she ended up on a battlefield. She cared so much she could do reckless things to try and help. Did she talk District Thirteen officials into it or did they talk her into it?

There was a reason the minimum was fourteen, and some people went on about how even that was too low. We didn't seem desperate to go even lower; the war seemed to be going well. Lustre was barely old enough; she'd done quite well throughout the war, including the rescue of District Twelve. There was no news about how she was doing in the Capitol right now, but we weren't worried. People in a war couldn't talk about some stuff in case the enemy found out. Maybe we only would have heard if something bad happened.

Katniss being off in the Capitol would merely delay Still Ms. Everdeen's wrath against Coin for sending Prim away. Ingrid would certainly felt a renewed surge of motherly love. Surely Coin knew that. Maybe she thought she could hide being responsible for it; a lot of people overestimated what they could get away with. Alma Coin would definitely be punished for clipping the little angel's wings.

Not only had Prim gone to the battle, she had been badly wounded! Coin had used rebel firebombs on Capitol children. She had been hurt because she tried to help. Gale knew the bombs were still dangerous and got the rebel medics to get out of the way. Maybe they were one of the things he had built with Beetee. Yet certainly he meant for them to be used only on Peacekeepers. Beetee was usually a calm old man, but no wonder he was very angry now.

Rebels made a propo at the hospital where Prim was. Her momma was still caring for her. District Twelve healers were really good with burns because of all the people hurt in the mines. Now she had fancy Capitol equipment to work with, and really needed it. I hated to see how hurt Little Duck was! Her braids and the back of her shirt were burnt through.

"Catnip?" she said softly, using the nickname for Katniss that Gale did. "You really got Snow?"

"Sure did, Little Duck," Katniss said. Lots of really sad things were happening, so it seemed really helpful that she was being happy.

"No more Games?" Prim realized.

"No more Games," Katniss answered. Practically everybody cheered, both the people in the hospital and the people watching back home.

The commander of Prim's medic squad said she'd been told Prim was born in 60 instead of 62. Sarah Morgan was real angry with Coin too, but said she couldn't have sent Prim back once the battle had started. Lieutenant Morgan announced that Glimmer's sister had survived, along with some other rebel soldiers we also knew.

Some morphling did make Prim feel better, just like it was supposed to, but even that super powerful drug could only do so much. Still, Prim was able to explain some more of what had happened. "Maybe Coin was trying to blame it on Snow. Although pretty much everybody knew how bad he was, maybe she thought it would've finished the war quicker."

"It was pretty much over anyway, Little Duck," Katniss responded.

"She was trying to replace Snow, rather than free us from him. She was trying to kill people who were too smart to let her get away with that, and those Capitol kids were in the way – poor babies, they're not so rich now."

Talking about it public would make it harder for Coin to keep things quiet. She tried to stop the broadcast, but the communications techs kept going. Most of Coin's immediate subordinates voted to remove her from office while this was being investigated. Her second in command was in charge for now.

Snow had been publically executed, Gale and the other victors naming Capitol victims while loading rifles for the firing squad. Something similar might happen to Coin. To really fix things, we'd also need to get rid of other people like Snow.