Hello, this is Pastrinator64 with yet another important announcement!

I am so sorry, I have been changing posting dates left and right, but after hearing what I have to say I am sure that it will make EVERYONE happier. I have yet again changed the posting date for VOiD to this coming Thursday! I already have several chapters finished and ready for public viewing and I am currently working on the cover-art, but I have some things that I cannot put into the cover-art until later chapters. So, lucky for you, I'm posting the story very, very soon! As I explained before, I will be posting VOiD this coming Thursday, which in this case is tomorrow, so grab your popcorn, your soda and your pickled garlic, because the very first chapter to VOiD will be up tomorrow morning! (This is all because I can't wait for anything exciting to happen, I must have it done as soon as possible.) I'll see you tomorrow! ;D

~Pastrinator64 [~]