Death Walks Again

I do not own Rosario+Vampire or Darksiders or any of the characters. I own only Nyxaros/Death II. The original Death Character from the games is owned by THQ and Vigil games

Author's Note: Alrighty, after 3 weeks and a whopping 0 reviews of last chapter I'm back. Also, I started a facebook page so I can keep you guys updated on ideas and story progress. Just search the 19th Angel and you'll probably find it. I regularly post story updates and ideas I have for stories.

Chapter 9- An Eventful Visit To Nijo Castle

Kurumu was bouncing with excitement in the backseat of the school bus as it drove through the streets of Kyoto. Gin sat at the front of the bus, passed out on a seat. While Mizore sat next to her, staring out the window with a depressed look on her face. She had been in a melancholic mood for the last few weeks since the had come back from Witch's Knoll. Kurumu had tried her best to find out what was wrong with her but Mizore refused to talk about it with anyone. This had lead to things being tense, not only between Mizore and Kurumu but between her and the rest of the Newspaper Club as well.

"Mizore, I hope you aren't such a buzz-kill when we get to Nyx's place. I've already accepted that you're gonna be in my way while I'm trying to win Nyx' heart. But I won't put up with you casting a dark cloud over what should be a romantic break with me and my future husband." Kurumu said as she crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back against the seat.

Mizore simply continued to look out the window despondently. Kurumu sighed tiredly as her thousandth attempt to snap Mizore out of her funk failed miserably. Despite what people thought about her, she liked Mizore and considered her one of her closest friends, even if she was trying to snatch away her future husband.

"Hey Kurumu, you and Ms. Shirayuki should grab your bags. We're nearing Nyx's home of Nijo Castle, and I'm sure you're both eager to see him again." the bus driver said as he slowed the bus to a stop, causing Gin to fall to the floor with a flump. Kurumu jumped up from her seat and quickly walked over to the rack where she had stored her duffel bag. She reached up and with minimal effort, yanked it down off the overhead rack before running to the front of the bus and disembarked. Mizore trudging silently behind her. Gin shook himself awake and grabbed his book bag before getting off the bus.

"Whoa." Kurumu said in an awestruck tone as her jaw fell open at the site of the building before them. It was a Japanese-style castle with at least fifty rooms judging just by the number of windows she could see. Mizore said nothing as she exited the bus.

"Geez Mizore, you're real fun. I sure am glad we brought you along." Gin said flippantly as he stepped onto the ornately decorated walkway that lead up to the front gate.

"You know what Gin, you can bite me." Mizore said flatly as she slung her bag over her shoulder and took off toward the front gate. As she neared the front gate, it slid open with a creak as if it knew she was approaching. None of this fazed Mizore as she continued inside without a word. Kurumu and Gin hurried inside behind Mizore before the door closed behind them.

They passed through the front gate to find themselves standing in a large courtyard, it was tiled with gray cobblestone, while the walls and architecture decorated with lavish quantities of gold leaf and elaborate wood carvings.

"Whoa, check out these digs! Nyx is one lucky bastard to live in a place like this!" Gin said as he ogled the aforementioned "digs".

"I'm glad you think so, now if you'll follow me. I'm my Master is eager to see you all once again." said a voice from behind Gin. Gin turned around to see Ruby standing behind them with her hands behind her back.

"Wow, who's the babe?!" Gin exclaimed as he quickly scanned Ruby up and down. Taking time to blatantly ogle her breasts, which were barely contained by her pink corset. It faintly registered in his sex-crazed mind that there were faint outlines up and down her body that resembled links in a chain. But thankfully for Ruby, he was too busy staring at her breasts to think anything of it. Though, one thought did cross his mind.

She smells like sweat and... Oh my God! Wow, Nyx is one lucky bastard!

"That's Ruby, she attacked us at Witch's Knoll. Nyx challenged her to Nex something-or-other and she lost. So, now she's his servant, in exchange for him letting her live." Kurumu said as she glared daggers at the witch.

"I'm afraid it's true. All I can do is apologize and say that, Nyx has been far kinder to me than Her Ladyship ever was and I will serve him faithfully until he determines my usefulness is over. I bear you no ill will, and I hope you will forgive me." Ruby said with a bow to Kurumu.

"Yeah, whatever. Just take us to Nyx." Kurumu said venomously as she narrowed her eyes at Ruby.

"As you wish." Ruby said with another bow as she turned and lead them inside. It was only natural that the succubus still held some animosity towards her over the incident at Witch's Knoll. She led us through several ornately decorated rooms until they arrived a room that looked like an audience chamber that ha been redone into a home gym. As soon as they entered they heard a voice saying.

"Six-seventy-six, six-seventy-seven, six-seventy-eight." Kurumu, Mizore, and Ginei turned to see that the source of the voice was a shirtless, toned, wiry looking vampire with long midnight-black hair tied up in a ponytail, hanging upside-down from a pull up bar doing crunches.

"Hey Ruby, what's up?" Nyx asked from his place on the bar.

"Ginei Morioka, Kurmu Kurono, and Mizore Shirayuki have arrived to visit you." Ruby said as she stepped aside to reveal the line of visitors. Nyx flipped off the bar and landed on his feet with a solid sounding THUD.

"Hey girls, what's up?" Nyx said as he grabbed the towel from the bar he'd recently been hanging on and started to towel himself off.

"Hey what about me?" Gin asked indignantly.

"I'm well aware of what I said." Nyx said with a grin as he toweled his chest off before walking over and putting on the black shirt he had thrown into a nearby corner.

"Everything alright girls?" he asked as he turned around to face his visitors, but halfway through his turn Kurumu had thrown her arms around him and wrapped him in a bone-crushing hug. Nyx inhaled deeply, trying to prepare himself for her next move, which was usually to smother him in-between her impressive bosom. But the smothering never came, Kurumu simply stood there hugging him, until finally she said.

"I've missed you so much, Nyx. It was so unfair that they expelled you, you basically saved the school. I can't tell you how much I've missed you these last few weeks." Nyx stood there, trying to process what was happening, until finally he wrapped his arms around his best friend and said,

"I've missed you too, Kurumu. Hey you and I are gonna have to talk later, but right now I've gotta catch up with the others and find out WHY GIN IS IN MY HOUSE!" Nyx finished with a shout. Gin flushed and rubbed the back of his head awkwardly and opened his mouth to speak when Kurumu reached up and planted a light kiss on Nyx's cheek.

"Alrighty, we'll talk later. I have something I wanna tell you later anyways." she said as she walked over to Ruby,

"If you'll follow me Kurumu, I'll show you where you're gonna stay." Ruby said as she turned and lead Kurumu to her room. Gin, opened his mouth to speak when Nyx silenced him by saying,

"Gin, go away. I need to talk to Mizore, alone." Nyx said.

"Yeah, good luck with that." said Gin as he moved to follow Ruby and Kurumu.

"So Mizore, what's wrong?" Nyx asked as he leaned casually against the wall once the others had left. Mizore started at his question, as she finally looked up from the floor at him as she said,

"How do you know something is wrong?"

"Mizore, you're my friend. I know when you're upset. Besides, you haven't tried to grope me yet. That's a pretty good sign right there." he said with a wry chuckle.

"It's kind of personal, is there somewhere we can talk in private?" she said as she rubbed the back of her neck nervously.

"Yeah, I know just the place. Come on, I'm starting to smell anyways." he said as he beckoned her to follow him.

Half an hour later, Nyx was reclining in the onsen-style bath, one of many contained within the castle; enjoying the feel of the hot water on his sore muscles. When he heard the door to the bath open and craned his neck to see Mizore enter the bath, a towel wrapped around her slim figure. She was fidgeting slightly as she walked over to the bath.

"Hey, is everything alright, Mizore? You look uncomfortable." Nyx asked.

"I'm fine, it's just... I've never been alone with a man in a bath before." she said quietly as she began to blush.

"Oh thank the Creator! I thought I was the only one who hadn't!" he mock exclaimed as he clutched a hand to his chest dramatically. Mizore gave a small giggle at his joke. The sight of her laughing brought a smile to the Vampire's face.

"No, it's just... I'm a little nervous. Aren't you nervous too? I mean, we'll be able to see... everything." she said as she blushed once again.

"Mizore, are you intending to make a move on me in the bath?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No, it's just-" she began when he cut in, saying,

"Then it's a non-issue. As to your other question; my mentor at Noctus, one Ms. Gyokuro Shuzen watched me everywhere I went, so I've no problem being nude in front of others. And if it makes you feel better, I promise not to stare at your chest or anywhere else on your body unless you want me too, okay?" Mizore hesitated for a little before nodding and letting the towel fall to the floor as she joined him in the bath.

"So what's up Mizore, you're not acting like yourself. I mean you've been here and hour and not once grabbed my ass. Seriously, what the hell?" he exclaimed as she took a seat next to him in the bath.

"My dad's dead." She said suddenly. Nyx's heart nearly stopped at this news.

"What, when?" Nyx asked, utterly dumbstruck at this new development

"About a day after we got back from Witch's Knoll, I got a letter from my Mom. Apparently , he got caught by a group of rogue Shinigami. They didn't even leave enough for an open casket. He had to be cremated." Mizore said as she began to tear up.

"Were you and he close?" Nyx asked. Mizore nodded wordlessly as she threw her arms around his chest and began to cry into his shoulder. Nyx sat there awkwardly, unsure of what to say or do. So he just wrapped his arms around his friend's slim shoulders and held her close to him and let her cry into his shoulder. They stayed like that for half an hour until they decided to get out and get dressed.

"Hey Mizore?" Nyx said as he turned to look at the Yuki-Onna.

"Yes Nyx?" she asked as she turned to look at him.

"If you ever need to talk to someone about your dad or anything, you know you can talk to me right?" Nyx said as he pulled his pants on.

"I know, thank you. And I really appreciate you listening to my troubles, I can't tell you how much it means to me. You're the only one who I feel like I can tell about this." Mizore said with a smile as she pulled her shirt on over her head.

"Well I'm glad that you trust me enough to tell me stuff like this. It means a lot to me." he said as he put a belt on.

"Can I tell you something else?" Mizore asked as he once again turned to face her. When he turned to face her again he noticed that she had her hands hidden behind her back and she was blushing and fidgeting once again.

"Mizore, what's going on?" he asked slowly, as if he was afraid that if he talked too fast she would "pounce" on him. Without saying a word she once again threw her arms around his chest.

"I'm starting to sense a pattern here. So why are you hugging me this time?" he said with a sigh as he let his arms fall to his side.

"I just want you to know, Kurumu wasn't the only one who missed you. Even after I heard about my dad, I never stopped thinking about you. And again, it means a lot that you listened to me about my dad. I really needed that." she said as she looked up at him and for the first time in his life, Nyx blushed at her words. The next thing he knew, Nyx was suddenly struck by just how beautiful her eyes were and his heart began to pound so loudly he could hear it in his head.

"Can I tell you something?" he asked quietly as he leaned down closer towards her face until her forehead was pressed against his own.

"Anything." she responded quietly as she stared back up into his orange eyes, (They had turned back to orange after the siege of Yokai Academy(PS, for those who don't remember Death's eyes are orange)) she was about to ask why his eyes looked different from before. But all thoughts of his new eye color vanished when she heard the next sentence that passed his lips.

"I would very much like to kiss you right now." he whispered. Nyx had barely finished his sentence when he felt Mizore wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him and pull him against her body with what Nyx could only describe as a primal need as she pushed her tongue into his mouth and down his throat. He felt her hand reach down and grab a hold of his belt as she fumbled to get it off of him. But before she could, she felt one of his hands close around her wrist.

"No Mizore, we can't. Not with you still sad over your dad's death. I'd feel like I was taking advantage of you." he said as he moved her hand away from his crotch. Nyx half expected her to protest but instead she only said

"I understand." she said.

"Thanks, I'll talk to you later. But first, I have to go find Gin and stop him before he molests one of the maids or worse, Ruby."

"I'll go get settled in my room. Thanks again for listening, Nyx." Mizore said as she hurried form the room.

Nyx spent the next half of an hour looking throughout the castle for Gin. Until he found him hitting on one of the prettier maids in the house.

"So whaddya say you come back to my room and- GACK!" Gin said as he felt Nyx hoist him by the collar and slam him into the opposite wall.

"OH HELL NO! I will not have you giving our maids rabies, ticks, or whatever else you're infested with. Konoka, you're dismissed!" he said as he turned to face the maid Gin had been in the middle of wooing.

"But sir-" Konoka began to say.

"NOW!" Nyx said as he bared his canines at the maid, who proceeded to scurry off only mildly terrified.

"Now Gin, would you be so kind as to tell me why you're here at my house." Nyx growled as he pressed his elbow into the werewolf's trachea and proceeded to hoist the Lycanthrope up the wall by his throat.

"I'm here to...*gasp* chaperone." Gin choked out as Nyx pressed his elbow harder against his throat.

"Bullshit. What else you got?" Nyx asked as he watched Gin start to turn blue.

"Please... let me go." Gin choked out. Nyx set him down with more than a little reluctance.

"Ten seconds. Explain. Now. Ten." Nyx replied tersely.

"The dean sent me to-" Gin began


"The girls got into a few fight with a group called-"


"The dean wants them to learn to"


"There was no way that was 5 seconds!" Gin exclaimed as hi eyes widened.

"Was now." Nyx replied with a grin.

"LISTEN! The girls got in trouble with a group called ANTI-THESIS and they almost got hurt. The new dean wants them to learn to protect themselves. I told him you were the best fighter I'd ever seen and he agreed. He's agreed to wipe your record if you help teach them to fight." Gin explained.

"Fine, but you have to help. But hands where I can see them at all times!" Nyx exclaimed as he pointed an accusing finger at the Newspaper Club's Editor.

"No promises." Gin said with a grin.

"No, you promise or I'll fix you." Nyx said as Harvester appeared in his hand in the shape of a nasty looking hook.

"Okay promise!" Gin exclaimed as he held his hands up in surrender.

"Alrighty, now c'mon it's time for dinner. We'll get started tomorrow." Nyx said as he banished Harvester. After that the two friends turned and headed of towards the dining room.

"So Ruby smelled like sex when we showed up, you hittin' that?" Gin asked from beside Nyx.

"No, we'd practiced me controlling the excess power my Holy Lock is leaking. It involves a chain and whip and Ruby's into that apparently. It turns her on that's where the smell was from" Nyx said with a shrug.

"So you're not hitting that. But could you if you wanted to?" Gin asked as he looked over at his friend, who was quite possibly the strangest dude he'd ever met. But for some strange reason, the two men had been friends ever since Nyx had kicked Gin's ass for framing him as a peeping tom.

"Oh God yes, I could." Nyx said flippantly.

"Well, if you aren't gonna hit that, can I?" Gin asked. Nyx sighed exasperatedly.

"Fine Gin. You have my permission to try to woo Ruby. But if you break her heart, I swear to God I'll kill you, she's a nice girl. She's just a little messed up." Nyx said, and he meant it. He liked Ruby a lot, even if she was a kinky bondage fan.

"Okay, I hear you. But could you put in a good word with her for me?" Gin said with a lopsided grin.

"Dear God Gin! Why don't I just save us a ton of time and fix you!"" Nyx exclaimed as he turned to face Gin.

"Alright man, geez! I'll think of something." Gin said as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

"What sort of things do bondage freaks like?"

"How should I know?" Nyx asked as he threw up his hands in frustration.

These next few weeks are gonna be a doozy... Nyx thought tiredly as he face-palmed himself.

Author's Note: WOW! 3400 words in less then 36 hours! I am the man! Anyways, enjoy. Please please please PLEASE REVIEW! Or don't, it's whatever. Seriously though, it really does help when you review though. Next chapter will feature everyone's favorite transforming bat wielding Vampire pest. Also, I'm thinking of starting a Highschool DxD Fic and I'd appreciate anyone who knows a significant amount about it reaching out to me, I really need the help on it It'll feature the children of Ophis and Great Red as the new servants of Rias. While Akeno will have her own peerage consisting Issei, Xenovia, Yuuto, Rossweisse and Asia at least, perhaps more. This is 19th Angel, signing off...