I'm finally about to post the first chapter of my Days of Future Past: Onslaught Edition story. I promised a preview here so people who wanted to read it would know when to look for it. I'll probably be posting the full chapter later today. It'll be called "The Good Fight". It's aptly named because it's been fighting me hardcore as I've been attempting to write it. Anyway, here's the preview. It has some direct quotes from the movie from the scene right after the Past-Future Charles pep talk. I hope you like it!

Logan felt when Charles pulled away.

"Find what you were looking for?"

Chuck was staring at him, not saying anything. Shit, had he messed up again? Really, any other mutant would be better suited for this. He'd told them patience wasn't his strong suit. Neither was helping those who were lost. What had he been thinking? Was he even helping or was his future even worse than it had been?

And what the hell was that?!

He could've sworn an orange flame had flared behind the telepath's eyes. Leaning over, he tried to look again, but the man had shut his eyes and had a hand to his head like the few times he'd overused Cerebro early in the war, back when they had a chance of saving people. Logan shook away the memory.

"Professor, you okay?"

The Prof's eyes fluttered open again. It almost seemed like he was watching for a reaction. There was none to be had. The eyes were the same sparkling blue as they had been before. Must have just been a trick of the light. But then why was he watching for a reaction? Had he been freaked by what he saw in the future? That had to be it. Nothing more. Right?

Hank must have figured out the lights because they flickered back on. Sure enough, the kid strode back into the room not two seconds later.

"Power's back on."

Thank you, Captain Obvious.

Charles smirked. Odd. He looked almost smug. Then again, Logan had never been the best a reading people. That was the Professor's job.

"Yes," Charles said.

As the telepath turned to head back to Cerebro, his two companions were deprived of the chance to see his eyes flare brilliant orange again.

"Yes it is."