Changes: Prologue
I was badly hurt at Dalton.
I was hospitalised.
By someone who mattered to me.
By someone I thought I was treasured by.
My dad told me to treasure myself, but how can I? After my ideals and my innocence were so cruelly ripped from me? Don't get me wrong, I matter... I just don't matter in the way I want to. I thought we had been at least friends – at least – but after too much alcohol and an argument, I didn't matter enough for him to just stop.
Effectively, while my heart and mind still matter to me, my body no longer does. It's just skin.
I hate him for what he did to me.
But I'm thankful that it brought him to me. That it brought Noah to me.
I'm suffering a little writer's block at the moment, but this idea has been floating around in my head for quite some time. Let me know what you think.