The bell is about to ring any second now and Kitty's class will be done. John leans against the wall close to the door and slouches, back pack over one shoulder, one hand shoved in his pocket, the other rolling his lighter over his fingers, back and forth. He is scowling out of habit, but his thoughts are actually much sunnier as he remembers waking up with Kitty in his arms.
He had been as startled as hell to see her petite form curled into his when he first opened his eyes, before he remembered- bouncy ball, talking, kissing, boyfriend/girlfriend type. He had instantly stilled in an effort not to wake her. She was so damn peaceful, beautiful. But soon her dark lashes fluttered open and she smiled shyly up at him. They laid together for a few minutes in the soft stillness of the morning. He hadn't said much. It would've been too easy for him to screw up something so fucking perfect by running his mouth. She slipped out his arms shortly after, mumbling about getting ready for school and that she'd see him soon. She had kissed his cheek before phasing away.
He realizes now as he leans his head against the wall that for the first time in forever, his sleep had been nightmare free. He smirks as he thinks he'll have to tell Kitty that someday. Add it to her list of kick-ass powers.
He takes a deep breath and tries to be patient. Her clean citrusy scent lingers faintly on his skin. It's a tangible reminder that this is really real. It almost irritates him, how wrapped up he is in her, how much he wants to see her again... it's only been a few hours for God's sake... but all of that is forgotten as the bell rings and she's one of the first students to pop her head out the door.
She looks around, spots him quickly and her face lights up with a smile. His scowl fades in spite of himself as she walks up to him hesitantly. Her friend Jubilee is behind her and he holds in a sigh. This is first of probably many tests, trying out this whole "being together" thing because even though Jubilee annoys him, he knows she and Kitty are close.
"Hey, John," Kitty says, as she stops in front of him. Jubilee gives her a funny look and then stares at him openly with an eyebrow raised.
"Hey, Kitty... Jubilee,"
He smiles at Kitty first and then acknowledges her friend with a mild nod. Kitty holds her English book in one hand, but the other is free, so he reaches out and holds her hand, lacing her fingers with his own. Her smile is brighter, if that's possible, and she steps in closer to him.
"Didn't you have class first period?" she asks as Jubilee gapes.
"Thought the last part was optional. Wanted to walk you to your next class," he shrugs, like he's done this a hundred times, but he never has, for anyone.
"Really?" She bounces on her heels a little and her pony tail bounces with her. It makes him smile.
"Yeah. You're going to the Danger Room, right?" he asks awkwardly. He doesn't say that he wants to make sure she's feeling good before she goes in there because he knows how nervous she gets. But her wide eyes and her hand squeezing his give him an idea that she knows, that she wants him there.
"Yeah... thank you," she answers softly and she drops her eyes.
"Alright, what the hell is going on? You can't really be …? Like, when did this happen? How did I not know? Chica, we're close, right? You didn't say anything yesterday and..."
Kitty groans and then laughs a little as she glances first at John and then at Jubilee. She's blushing and he thinks it makes her even prettier, if that's possible.
"Yeah, this is new... but it's all good, ok, Jubes?"
Jubilee blinks rapidly and takes a step back. John lets out a grunt of frustration and then raises up the hand slightly that is holding Kitty's.
"Is that alright with you, Jubilation?"
Kitty draws closer to him and Jubilee finally closes her mouth.
"Yeah... I mean sure... I gotta go now, chica. Pyro... wow... I want all the deets later, kapish?"
Jubilee turns and walks away quickly and Kitty seems to be blushing harder. John puts his arm around her loosely and starts to walk down the hall.
"You do know the whole school is going to know about us in about twenty minutes, right?" she asks as she leans into him slightly.
John thinks it may only take ten. Nearly every person walking by them does a double take. Some are better at hiding their reaction than others, but the over sized Russian, Peter Ras-something or other, nearly knocks over a kid half his size looking at them instead of where he's going. Better keep your eyes to yourself, Colossus, John almost says out loud, but Kitty looks up at him expectantly, still waiting for an answer.
"Oh...Yeah, probably. Does that bother you?" He asks, suddenly unsure and hating the flash of insecurity he feels.
"No. It really doesn't."
As if to prove it she stops him, right there in the middle of the hallway with people looking at them curiously, until she has his full attention. He frowns in question and she gives him a half smile with mischief in her eyes.
"Com'ere," she says softly and she stands on her tippy toes. She wraps her free arm around his neck and brushes a kiss quickly against his lips.
He's a little shocked and sure he looks it, so he covers it up with one of his cocky grins. She rolls her eyes.
"My girl," he says as a statement of fact.
"Yeah," she agrees, then she nods her head forward with a grin. "Com'on. Walk me to class."
He walks with her, feeling better than he has in he doesn't know how long. It takes him awhile to realize the lighter in his pocket is all but forgotten. The feel of her hand in his is infinitely better.
A/N: The end for now! This is more of an epilogue than an actual chapter, but ah well. I love these two! I love how innocent, brand spanking new and fluffy their affection is for each other.
I already have started to write the sequel for this story. I contemplated continuing the story here, but... we all know Pyro and we know the story of the movies. Dark, angst filled days are coming. They are going to have to fight with everything they have to remember the innocent way their relationship started. When I post the separate sequel, I will let you know! Thank you so much for reading and reviewing.
Anita, Sunnybrook, BrilliantDarkness, mylyricsaremylife, elea121, lachlanrose, and doctorg! You guys are amazing.
Stand alone shout out to JayLaw; beta, cheerleader and awesome friend. Thank you, girl. :)