Author Note: Please remember I don't have a beta so please bear with me! Also this is a fanfic story that used to be called His Last Words but I'm upgrading my stories to make them go more smoothly that my last stories.

Warnings : Slash, mpreg, teen parenting, don't like don't read and no flames!

Thank you

At age fifteen Harry Potter was a single father of a newborn daughter. He didn't know what will come watching an innocent girl grow up without her other father. Harry didn't even had a chance to tell him about the baby.

She was named Lillie. Named after her two grandmothers, Lily Potter and Millie Diggory, who had both died by of Voldemolt's hands. But the girl looked so much like her father, her brown messy hair her pink lips.

Going through her curls hushing her to sleep. Lillie seemed to be crying for hours. Harry couldn't blame her. But he knew with Voldemolt gone life was going to get better.

But downstairs Ron Weasley and his father were crying and so was Hermione.

Two Years Later…

As the summer went by Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Sirius lived at Grimmauld Place. It wasn't the best place to live in, but it brought privacy for Harry and Lillie. Also Hermione liked living in a muggle community to at least have some of her old life back.

After Hermione found out that her parents had another daughter that was named Hermione, she decided it was best for her parents to know nothing of her. Sirius who was now free, took Hermione in as his own for he never had any children but his godson Harry.

With Harry, Hermione and Lillie, Sirius missed being a man who could do anything at anytime instead of buying nappies,"

Hermione slammed the front door, "I want to get out of here!" Hermione shouted as Harry came running from upstairs, Be quiet! Someone is trying to sleep!" Harry whispered harshly and before Hermione could say sorry the child started to cry. Harry groaned as he gave Hermione a harsh look.

"What's wrong with you Hermione?" Ron asked, "Is it the neighbors because we can get the muggle police." Hermione tried to smile. The neighbors have a son about Hermione's age and he's been trying to woo on her, which Ron the boyfriend disapproves.

"No but I feel we need to… move out. Maybe even this country!" Ron looked at Hermione oddly, "Why?"

"I hate it here! Full of depressing memories!"

"Why is Hermione upset?" Harry asked as he came downstairs with Lillie in his arms hushing her,

"Hermione hates it here and want to move out of the country because of depressing memories." Ron sighed, "I don't blame her, mate."

"Why?" Harry asked awhile he was cuddling his sleepy daughter, "Harry, have you ever thought that your fame isn't healthy for Lillie? I mean look at this place! It isn't even healthy to live in!"

Harry snorted slightly offended, "Yes but my fame wasn't meant to happen. If it wasn't for Voldemolt." If it wasn't was for Voldemolt, Cedric would be alive.

Hermione smiled with an apology, "I'm sorry Harry. But do you think moving out of the city live in bigger house and maybe even a yard where Lillie can run around in?"

She was right. It would be nice for Lillie to run around instead of Harry worrying about her falling of the stairs.

"Well I have 'Mione. But Lupin and Tonks are here and we can't just leave them!" Hermione sighed, "You know they can come with us! I heard that at Seattle, Washington the state that the corner right by Canada and Alaska? There is a Ministry of Magic also but it's more relaxed than here."

"And Mooney will have the wood. I heard with the volcanoes there are lot of trees so Lupin can go somewhere during full moon with all of those trees." Ron said.

"So how about you Harry, Lillie, are you up to it?" Ron asked. Harry thought for a moment. It would be nice for Teddy and Lillie to have a safer environment than here where Dumbledore is taking over control of the whole Ministry,

"Well,' Harry stopped, "Fine, but Hermione you know we have to go to a muggle high school if we do, we are still seventeen."

Hermione yelped for joy, "Oh, Ron! You can go to a muggle school!"

Ron smiled, "I suppose I talk to dad about it. He kind of wants to get away from sad memories so I suppose this can work and I always wanted to go to a muggle high school," added Ron

From the kitchen Sirius came to the stairwell finding the children talking awhile he was eating his bright red apple,

"What's going on?" asked Sirius, taking another bite of his apple. Ron smirked at Hermione,

"We were thinking about moving,"

"We as you two?" asked Sirius, "I don't think so! Your not even married yet!"

Hermione slapped her head, annoyed as Ron started to blush.

"No!" Harry chuckled, handing Lillie to Ron, "As the whole family. Us, Dad, the Lupins. Just move for awhile. Just get away from sad memories and make new ones. Besides it would be nice to not have Lillie surrounded by paparazzi,"

"Well I suppose it'll work." Sirius said, "Maybe I can finally marry and settle down myself,"

Ron smiled, "Sweet! Hey Harry since I'm carrying Lils about you call dad and see if he wants to join,"

Harry went to his bedroom were Lillie's toys dominated the room with a crib was by the window filled with muggle and magical stuff animals where, like a mountain.

Harry went through his muggle mobile contacts searching for 'Arthur'.

When Sirius was in hiding, Harry had no guardian who could take care of him. If he'd stayed with his mother's sister and her family he could've miscarry. So Arthur and Molly Weasley adopted Harry and took him as his own.

After Harry had Lillie he moved in with Sirius since Arthur was still mourning for his loss and barely could afford for himself and Ron alone.

Harry lost a sister and five brother as well a mother, he also lost Cedric. War is never kind.

Contact: Arthur Weasley

Hey Dad! Come over on Lillie's b-day. Ron and I need 2 tlk 2 u!


After hitting send, Harry went back to cleaning up Lillie's toys.

That next day Harry woke up extra early, to go on a run through muggle London and before Lillie wakes up he had to pack up more of Lillie toys.

Tomorrow is going to be her second birthday. Harry couldn't almost believe that she was turning two. Harry wanted to make this special. After all it was going to be her last time at U.K till she gets her Hogwarts letter.

At Harry's fifth year almost a few hours before Lillie was born Voldemort broke into Hogwarts and killed almost hundreds of innocent of people. Harry was surprised he made it out alive. Once he killed Voldemort with his own wand, Harry had his first contraction. A day later Lillie was born, she looked just like her other father. Harry never talked about Lillie's other father. He never wanted to he didn't wanted to go through the memories again it hurt Harry to talk about Ced…Cedric.

When Lillie woke up Harry got her ready but a muggle child leash on her. Lillie was a runner. When Lillie was just started to walk Ron and Hermione took Lillie to the park and when Ron went to reach his pocket to buy Lillie ice cream she was gone.

Awhile Harry was taking his O.W.L exam for Potions, Severus Snape and Arthur Weasley had to help Harry to find her.

When she was inside the playhouse.

So every since Harry made sure his daughter has a leash.

The alley was filled with people. It was so crowded you couldn't feel the wind passing by. Harry thanked the gods for bringing Lillie's leash slash backpack that looked like a owl.

"She's to much like you," Sirius chuckled as Lillie struggled to run away from her father, "Dada!" The little girl ran to the pet shop that was held in the corner of Diagon Alley pointing to the window.

Animals, even toads were being advertised at the window. Harry grinned,

"I think she's like Ced,"

Sirius bit his lip,

"Dada! Meow!"

Harry looked at this daughter pointing to the window which had a cat.

Lillie started to meow again, "Me wanna!"

Harry sighed, "Lillie you know we can't get kitty."

"Pwease, papa!" Lillie's eyes turned big and started to pout. Harry groaned silently, she was the puppy eyes at age one (well almost two in the next ten hours).

"A cat would keep me company when I'm nannying your daughter, Harry." Sirius said sarcastically. Harry picked up his daughter turning to Sirius,

"Sirius, Lillie has a fifty percent change of being a squid." Harry said, "So if I'm going to make sure my daughter fits in the muggle world I want her go to university. So I'm saving it up."

Sirius didn't looked to convinced.

"It's true Sirius. I've been saving muggle pounds since the day she was born. So the answer is no."

"I'll buy the beloved cat." Sirius smirked, Harry groaned,

"Fine but it better not do anything to my stuff!" Harry said strictly. Sirius picked up Lillie and went into the pet shop. Harry wasn't to happy. His daughter was going to be spoiled rotten by the time she grows up.