A/N: I can't believe that today a year ago I posted the first one-shot to 'Her Riven'. Well I thought it's a good idea to post the last one on this date too. I am a little sad that it's over, but I am thankful for everyone who read and reviewed my story or added it to their favorite list, so my biggest thanks goes to my readers :) Also I wanted to thank Musa'sHeadphones for motivating me to keep writing 'Her Riven'.

To the guest-reviewer with the request: I have read this idea somewhere, but I have an idea on my own which includes tattoos. If you want me to write a separate story with this theme let me know :)

I hope all of you will enjoy the big finale of 'Her Riven' and happy Valentine's Day :)

Every year the twenty best heroes of Red Fountain were honored with a special celebration where they could invite their parents, so they could see their sons succeeding. Riven was one of the best, but he had no parents who could be proud of him and attend the celebration. The Specialist sighed deeply.

'Looks like I will be alone again.'

Suddenly he got an idea and went straight to the headmaster of Red Fountain to ask him for permission.

The evening of the celebration Musa entered the huge hall. Looking around she wondered where she should sit. Riven had only told her that she should dress elegantly and come to Red Fountain at eight o'clock. She smiled, remembering how happy he was when he had told her about this evening.


Riven had pulled Musa away from the rest of their friends to talk to her alone.

"I have to tell you something important."

"What is it?"

"There is a special celebration at Red Fountain this Friday and I wanted to ask you if you can come?" The way he had asked her made Musa alert. He sounded almost like he was pleading her and that was something Riven never did.

"Of course." She smiled at him.

"Thank you." He said and kissed her passionately.

Now the music fairy was surprised. Why did this mean so much to him? When they pulled away from their kiss she had to ask.

"What is that for a celebration that you are so excited about it?"

"You will see when you are there." Riven smirked.

"Fine. Are the other girls already invited by Sky and the others?"

"No, you are the only girl who is allowed to come."

"What? Why?" Musa was confused.

"Just be there and you will see."

Flashback end

Now here she was and didn't even know what was being celebrated this evening. When the headmaster of Red Fountain came over to her she was more than surprised.

"Good evening Musa. You are here for Riven I assume?"

The music fairy nodded shyly.

"Well then take your seat. The celebration starts soon."

"Excuse me sir but can you tell me where I sit?" The music fairy asked a little embarrassed. Riven hadn't showed up yet and without him she didn't know where to go.

"Follow me to the first row you are sitting next to me."

Musa tried to hide her shock the best way she could, but it still showed on her face.

"Why?" The word slipped out before she could stop herself. By now they were in front of their seats and sat down.

"Didn't Riven tell you about the reason of this celebration?" It was the headmaster's time to be surprised.

Musa shook her head 'no'.

"This boy is full of surprises I see." Saladin smiled slightly. "Well then I think you just have to wait until it starts to know what it is about."

The music fairy sighed deeply. So she wasn't getting answers from him and had no other choice than to wait. She took her time to look around. Except for the teachers she could only see older couples. Maybe these were the parents of some of the Red Fountain boys? But when this was supposed to be a family thing why was she here?

The headmaster saw her confused face.

"Something wrong Musa?"

"I just wonder why I am here. Not that I don't want to be or something, but it seems like a parents evening to me."

"That's because it kind of is one." Saladin laughed.

"Sorry sir but now you lost me completely."

"I think it's time for me to explain some things to you." The headmaster began. "This is a celebration for pupils and their families and normally no girlfriends or friends in general are allowed to be here. I made an exception for you."

"Oh...but why me?"

Saladin smiled warmly. "Riven came to me a few days ago and asked me if he could bring you to the celebration. Of course I said no at first, because it is against the rules but in the end he made me agree."

"But how? I mean why did you make an exception for him?"

"Well let's see."


"No. The rules say clearly that only the family is allowed to come. You know that Riven."

"I have no family to show off and you know that, but I have someone who means the world to me and I want her to be there." The magenta haired Specialist argued.

"But she is not a family member."

"That's where you are wrong. I intend to make her my wife some day and then she is part of my family." Riven said it with so much confidence and passion that Saladin couldn't help but allowed him to bring his girlfriend to the ceremony.

Flashback end

Musa had tears in her eyes by the moment Saladin finished his story.

"He really said that?"

"Yes he did. I was surprised at first at how much he wanted you to be here, but then I have to say that he is always passionate when it comes to you. The first time I saw this was when the Specialists asked me to go on a mission with you girls and I forbade it. Riven was the first to get angry and said they needed to be there to help you."

Musa was still speechless. She couldn't believe what the headmaster was telling her about her boyfriend.

"You know Musa this isn't the first ceremony where Riven takes part in. He was always alone and saw the others happy with their families. I think it was hard for him and I am sure it means a lot to him that you are here tonight."

"Oh Riven." Musa whispered. She could understand how much it must have affected her hero to see other families happy united while he was alone.

Suddenly the lights went off and the ceremony started. After the opening speech the music fairy understood that the celebration was held to honor the best heroes of Red Fountain. They were already down to the third best and Riven hadn't be named yet. The second place went to Sky and Musa clapped for her friend happily.

"Now we are coming to the best hero contender this year. It goes to Riven."

When Riven entered the stage Musa stood up and cheered loudly. She didn't care if it was rude, all that mattered to her was that her hero saw that she was here for him.

The magenta haired Specialist smirked confidently into the crowd, accepting the medal. When his eyes landed on his girlfriend his smirk turned into a smile and his eyes softened.

'Finally I am not alone anymore.' He thought.

The official ceremony ended and Musa rushed into his arms.

"I am so proud of you." She said before she kissed him softly.

Riven couldn't believe how much luck he had to have her in his life. Never had anyone said to him that he was proud of him. It felt so good to hear it and he couldn't remember how he had ever lived without her by his side.

When they pulled away from each other Riven hold Musa gently.

"It means a lot to me that you are here with me."

"What a soon-to-be wife would I be if I wouldn't support you?"

"Saladin told you?" Riven's eyes widened.

"Yes he did." Musa smiled playfully.

"If he weren't the headmaster I would..." His temper flared up slightly.

"No time for getting angry let's celebrate you. After all you are the best hero of Red Fountain." She said and pulled him in the direction of the dance floor.

Riven looked at her back while she dragged him there and couldn't help but smile.

'She is so amazing. I am sure she will be my wife someday.'

Musa couldn't remember a day where she was happier in her life than this Friday evening. Not only had she spend it with her boyfriend, but she had learned something new about him as well. Her Riven was planning a future with her and to know that made her the happiest soon-to-be wife in the world.

A/N: So that's the end of 'Her Riven'. Thanks again for the support and I hope all of you enjoyed the ending :)