A/N This is my first story so we'll see how it goes. I don't own these characters or anything. Just this story. Disclaimer: Most of the ties this story has with Twilight ends at the name of the characters and some basic descriptions. The story may not take place in Forks at all. We shall see. If you don't like that for whatever reason, kindly turn away and read another story. My feelings will not be hurt. If you're still interested, please continue. And try to enjoy.

Bella's Point of View

I was having a really awesome dream about fucking a sexy little Brazilian beauty when I got a face full of pillow and was instantly woken up.

"Rise and shine, Bella!" came my mom's irritating singsong morning voice. I was blinded by a sudden burst of sunlight caused by my mother opening the curtains covering my window.

"Fuck mom, can you not?" I said, grabbing the pillow she had hit me with and burying my face in it.

"Don't say fuck in my fucking house," she said happily and pulled the blankets off of me "Now get up and get dressed, sleepyhead. It's your senior year! You should be excited."

She left my room then and I knew better than to simply roll over and go back to sleep. You know how some parents threaten to dump cold water on you if you don't get up? Yeah. My mom actually does that. She's a crazy bitch and sometimes I think that she's the teenager in our relationship instead of me but I totally love her.

I got out of bed and slipped out of my pajamas which consisted of a black tank top and red boxer briefs. I went to the bathroom and examined myself in the mirror. My brown hair was short but shaggy, somewhere between surfer dude and rocker girl. Perfectly tousled. My eyes were large, round, and such a dark shade of brown that they were almost black. My skin was snow white and I had just a few freckles on my nose. I was pretty thin and had a sort of athletic build. I had a lot of scars from a lot of different things. I shook my head. I was going to be late for school if I didn't hurry.

I showered quickly. I brushed my teeth, ruffled up my hair a bit, and searched for the coolest outfit I could find that didn't make it look like I was trying too hard. I ended up settling on a white v neck, loose fitting black skinny jeans, all black converse high tops, a beaded bracelet, and a black leather necklace with a silver key on the end. Nothing too complicated and yet I knew that the girls (and some of the boys) would be eye fucking me all day long. Such is the life of a player. I didn't really mind.

I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs to the kitchen where my mom and stepdad were having coffee.

"There she is!" my mother exclaimed when I walked in. "Jesus, Phil I'm telling you it was like trying to wake the dead up there."

"Oh leave the kid alone, Renee. I had to bribe you to get out of bed this morning." Phil said, sending me a wink. My mom laughed.

"It's true," she said. "He owes me a romantic movie night."

"Remind me why I love you again?" Phil teased, his blue eyes gleaming with amusement.

"Cause I'm sexy." My mom said, flashing a perfectly white smile and wiggling her eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes. My mom really was a teenager on the inside. She and Phil were perfect for each other though. They were both kids at heart, fun loving, and outgoing. Phil was younger than my mom but he was still a really cool guy. He was good to my mom and didn't push me too hard so I respected him. Phil was a minor league baseball player and sometimes he went away for long periods of time. My mom liked to go with him when she wasn't planning a wedding and she trusted me to hold down the fort. I think all three of us knew I was kind of the grown up in the house. Sure I was young and I acted like it. But I just had an old soul and I was different. I've always been different.

"Okay, weirdos," I said, heading for the front door. "I have a school to rule. Stay out of trouble, kids. Peace out."

"And she calls us weird." My mom said, rolling her eyes when I flashed a gang sign on the way out.

I got in my car, which was a 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle SS, and headed out for the first gray Monday morning of my senior year. Honestly, as much as I was already missing my bed, I was excited for this year. It was my last year with all of my friends before they all went off to chase their own dreams. A lot of them had gone on vacation with their families over the summer so I hadn't seen them as much as I would've liked. I wanted to really make this year rock for me. I needed to hang out with my buddies and I really needed a fuck. Two weeks and I was starving for some action. What can I say? I have needs.

I pulled up in front of the school and parked my car next to my friend Edward's silver Volvo. He was leaning against the side of his car, waiting for me, his bronze hair even more tousled than my own. The guy seriously looked like he'd just been fucking all the time and with his reputation, the idea wasn't so far-fetched. He loved fucking boys almost as much as I loved fucking girls. He wore a lazy smirk on his face as I got out of my car.

"Damn, girl." He said, pulling me in for a hug. "How many hearts are you planning on breaking today?"

I laughed and couldn't help but notice that he was wearing a dark blue V-neck that was so tight I thought he might have stolen it from a 6th grader.

"Whatever, man. I swear I have never seen you in a tighter shirt. You must be really trying to get your muscles noticed." I said, rolling my eyes when he flexed and made an overly dramatic "sexy" face.

The bell rang, signaling for all of the students to head to class.

"What do you have first, Bella?" Edward asked.

"AP Biology I think. Ask me if I'm excited." I said, making a face.

"You hate science but you're really fucking good at it." Edward said shaking his head and grinning "Which I totally don't understand. Your average in Chemistry was a 106 last year. If I got grades like that in science I would love it."

"I don't know, man. School is easy for me. If there weren't any babes here I'd be bored out of my mind." I said, winking at him.

Edward rolled his eyes. "Well I have Music Theory first period so you'll have to walk yourself to class, missy."

I laughed and gave him a hug before he headed off to the building where all of the art and music classes were.

When I got to Biology, most of the class was already there. Sitting at a lab table in the back of the room was Katie Marshall, the head cheerleader. She had her long blonde hair flowing down over her shoulders in ringlets and her blue eyes were full of an incredibly sexy confidence. She smiled at me and waved. That Katie Marshall was a fucking freak in bed. You totally wouldn't peg her as a lesbian but that girl was gay sex on legs. I had to use a lot of self-control not to run to the seat next to her. Instead, cool as a cucumber, I smirked back at her and walked over to her slowly. I could tell she was undressing me with her eyes by the way she looked at me and bit her bottom lip.

"Hey Katie," I said, sitting down on the stool next to her "How was your summer?"

"Well," She said slowly, looking up at me with devilish eyes "I just really...really missed you."

She rested her hand on my thigh and I really really wished we weren't in a room full of people just then.

"How important is your next period class?" I asked her quietly so nobody else could hear.

"It's art. I can skip that." She said, smiling brightly.

Our teacher, Mr. Brunner, walked in and the class got quiet.

"Alright, class. Let me pass out your syllabus for the year. You'll see that the first grading period should be mostly review and after that this class should get significantly harder. Please remember that this course will-" Mr. Brunner was cut off by the opening of the classroom door as a student I had never seen before walked in.

It was a guy, well over 6 feet tall, with short blond hair and kind brown eyes. He was dressed in faded blue jeans and a flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He was obviously muscular and had golden brown skin like he was outside a lot. Mr. Brunner hated being interrupted and marched right up to him.

"I hope you have a pass, young man. You are late. I do not accept lateness." Mr. Brunner turned purple with anger as he talked.

"I'm sorry, sir. I'm new here and I just got a little lost. It won't happen again." The guy said politely. His voice was deep and smooth with just a touch of a southern accent.

"What's your name, son?" Mr. Brunner said, less purple now after being called sir.

The new guy smiled, "Jasper. Jasper Whitlock."

A/N Hey sorry for any confusion, guys. I combined chapters 1 and 2. There's more to come. Also, spoiler alert. The next chapter will get sexy and in the next few chapters we might have a change in point of view.