A/N:So this is some record of some kind for me because here is another chapter! And it's the longest one yet and I think makes up for the lack of physical contact in the last one. Hope you enjoy!

Lizzie was so tired she thought that here feet were going to drop off right in front of her but she was also weirdly content. She had that sort of feeling you get after a long day when you're finally at rest and all is well with the world. It was kind of lovely.

She was in the front seat of Darcy's car, at Gigi's insistence, while he drove them through the San Francisco streets and his energetic sister bounced around in the backstreet probably tapping out an update to Fitz.

Darcy glanced across the to the passenger seat and gave Lizzie a small smile which she returned happily. Things had returned to sort of normal since their awkward kisses previously and they were back to being civil with each other. Maybe even more than civil, maybe friends. Neither of them were quite sure where they stood at that moment in time but it was slightly less awkward than it had been before.

"So," Gigi began from the back seat, slipping her phone into her bag. "I was wondering if we could all go back to our place we can order some takeout and watch a few movies. Will? Lizzie?"

"Oh you've been so nice to me all day and showed me round. I don't want to impose anymore." Lizzie replied awkwardly, it was true it was a much more pleasurable offer than going home to heat up old leftovers. But she didn't know how Darcy would feel about this and didn't want to make things worse by giving into Gigi when her brother might not want her there.

"Don't be ridiculous Lizzie, you wouldn't be imposing." Darcy replied, eyes on the road but a smile playing on his lips.

"We'd love you to stay. I can even show you my brilliant cocktail making skills." Gigi wiggled her eyebrows. "What do you say?"

It was tempting. It was so tempting.

"Are you sure?" But everyone knew who Lizzie was directing that question to and it wasn't the perkier of the Darcy siblings.

"Of course. I, erm, we would love it." He replied, taking his eyes from the road for just a second to give her another reassuring smile. He had to resist the huge urge to take a hand off the wheel and squeeze her hand. It seemed almost natural and he could see, in some perfect dreamlike future, him and Lizzie on road trips as a couple. Him driving as she picked the music and talked and laughed and every so often he would have reached over and gave her hand a squeeze and gave her one of those smiles. Only in the dream she would have squeezed back and smiled too. In reality he didn't think she would've reacted quite so kindly so instead he shook his head to clear them of the ridiculous thoughts and just tightened his grip on the wheel.

"Right then it's sorted." Gigi said before Lizzie even had a chance to reply. "Now what are we feeling for takeout? Thai or Italian?"


Gigi must have thought she was ordering takeout for an entire army with the long order list she spieled off down the phone to the poor guy on the other end who must have been struggling to keep on.

"Now it was extra money for delivery so I thought I would just go pick it up while you guys choose a film." Gigi said all in one spiel, directing it to Lizzie and Darcy who were both sat a respectable distance from each other. Before either of them tried to protest at this thinly veiled charade, because let's face it the Darcy's did need to worry about money, Gigi was already out the door with her keys and purse in hand.

"Damn it." Lizzie cursed, turning to share an eye roll with her Darcy. "I wanted to see if we could split the bill and she was off before I got the chance."

"Lizzie don't worry about it." Darcy said.

"No I mean you took me out all day and showed me all the best parts of the city. The least I can do is pay for dinner."

"It was our pleasure to take you out today. It was almost like seeing the city anew through your eyes so don't think you were the only person who got anything out the day." He smiled warmly: things were beginning to get less and less awkward between them as the days went by and their friendship solidified. "Plus you insisted on paying for ice cream so I wouldn't worry. My good manners would forbid me from letting you pay in our home."

Absentmindedly he patted her lightly on the arm and it sent a little shiver through both of them at the skin to skin contact. They both tried to pretend nothing happened as he removed his hand again.

"Well my manners tell me to accept graciously then." She said. "But I was being serious when I said thanks for today. I really enjoyed it."

"As did I. I just hope we didn't tire you out too much."

"No not at all. I was fascinated by everything you showed me. I mean you see things on TV or read about them but it's never the same. I found Alcatraz particularly interesting. If not oddly beautiful to look at."

"I hope I didn't bore you too much." He replied, a small smile playing at the bottom of his lips. "Gigi often tells me to shut up but I can't help it I just find the history of places so interesting. And I can't help but agree with you. There's something about Alcatraz I find beautiful too. In a weird way. Like you can't help but see the past there."

"Exactly." Lizzie replied, returning the smile genuinely. "I felt exactly the same. Maybe that's what I like about San Francisco. In my town it's like the only past I can see is my own and my sisters but here it's like I can see past my own past. If you understand?"

"Yeah." He replied. "I understand completely."


By the time Gigi came back, she may or may not have taken longer than was strictly necessary flirting with the delivery boy just to waste some more time, Lizzie and Darcy were in a discussion far different from the one they had when she just left. Although it was no less good humoured.

"William Darcy you've been holding out on me!" Gigi heard Lizzie shriek from the other room. "You are a total nerd!"

Gigi chuckled to herself under her breath.

"I am not." He protested but his sister could hear the laughter in his book. "So what if I'm a fan of comic book movies. I liked comics as a child so therefore I have a small space in my heart for marvel comic films."

"Oh Darcy, there is no way of getting out of this." Lizzie teased, and Gigi could see through the open door Lizzie's triumphant face half turned to Darcy with a DVD dangling from her grasp. "I am never going to let this go. William Darcy: a comic book nerd."

"Hey guys." Gigi called out, deciding to let them know about her presences. "Foods here."

"Great. I'm starving." Lizzie shouted back, bounding happily into the kitchen to help Gigi unpack the food.

"Thanks Gigi." Darcy said, following after Lizzie and placing an affectionate kiss on his little sisters head.

Gigi had to press her lips together to stop from commenting on both Lizzie and Darcy's ridiculously happy moods and her brother's unusual display of cheery affection. It seemed to Gigi that, for once, now was the time to stay quiet and let the evening flow in the direction it was hopefully going. Lizzie similarly had to stop the smile from spreading across her lips at Darcy's nonchalant affection: it was nice to see their sibling relationship even if it did make Lizzie miss her own sisters a bit.

"Right now who ordered the satay?" Gigi simply said, handing everyone their orders.


Throughout the course of the evening Lizzie had found out a lot about the Darcy siblings and in particularly their taste in films. She discovered that all the superhero films were Darcy's, left over from his childhood comic book phase that Gigi had some choice stories about, but the Star Wars were Gigi's. Most of the romcoms were Gigi's too but William had admitted to being quite fond of Notting Hill and Pride and Prejudice. There were also all sorts of old, artsy and foreign films some of which Lizzie and seen and some she hadn't. However they all collectively decided that maybe they needed a bit more concentration than any of them could've given.

Of course Gigi pushed for a romcom, to set the mood, but was shot down by both Lizzie and Darcy. Eventually they settled on the first Harry Potter film with Lizzie and, surprisingly to her, Darcy being a huge fan. It was the perfect comfort film so they settled down for the night.

Gigi, of course, had made them all a gin and tonic just to show off her cocktail skills. Well maybe she had some ulterior motives too. Not only that but she had also purchased two bottles of wine that she had taken along with them to the den.

Somehow Lizzie and Darcy had ended up sat together on the couch with Gigi curled up on a nearby armchair. Lizzie knew that it wouldn't have been by accident but still she couldn't say that she minded much at all.

The thing was she found it fairly difficult to concentrate on the film when the lights went out with Darcy sat so close she could touch him. It was his own fault for wearing those stupidly attractive glasses and that damn button down and she couldn't help it or deny it. She was ridiculously attracted to him and even just sat near him in the dark she felt like electricity was running between them.

Little did she know that Darcy felt exactly the same. He hardly noticed the characters on the screen so preoccupied in stopping himself reaching out to touch her. To hold her hand and touch her hair. He longed for the time or relationship where he could just put her arm around her and she could've rested her head against his chest. But it wasn't to be so he tried to focus on the film with her sat so close.

Gigi hopped up when the first film finished and rushed to put on the next one before any protests could be made.

"Gigi it's getting quite late," Lizzie began, checking her phone and being startled at the late time she noticed. "I should be getting home."

Gigi pouted that famous pout.

"No don't leave yet!" The brunette replied, still crouched over the DVD player. "We've all had quite a bit to drink so can't drive you home. Why don't we just watch another film and you can stay the night? You've slept in the guest room before. It's fine."

Darcy nodded encouragingly for once secretly pleased at his sisters conniving schemes if it meant that he got to sit next to Lizzie for longer. Maybe even talk some more: he loved to hear her talk. The thing was they had all had quite a bit to drink. One bottle of wine was already gone and they were well on the way through the second one. Not to mention the two gin and tonics early. In fact Lizzie was most certainly beginning to feel a bit fuzzy and tipsy (she had always been a lightweight) and the prospect of flagging a taxi home seemed daunting to her. And if she was being honest she kind of wanted to stay.

"If it's okay I might just take you up on the offer." Lizzie sighed, giving in quicker than anyone expected.

"Of course!" Gigi's beam practically blinded her.

"Please stay Lizzie." Darcy added, the alcohol making his statements blunter than he might normally have phrased it.

This time it was Lizzie's turn to nod.

Gigi squealed quietly so as to not draw too much attention to herself and then darted back to her seat as the opening scene of Chamber of Secrets began to run. Both Lizzie and Darcy steeled themselves for another hour or two sat trying to ignore the tensions between them.

About an hour through the film the youngest Darcy got up and stretched like a cat, but her face looked anything but tired and instead looked mischievous and scheming.

Anyone would've been able to tell what came next.

"Well wow look at the time I'm so tired I'll have to go to bed night night. Don't go to bed on account of me you finish the film and William will show you your room again. See you in the morning." She said all that with almost no breath before shooting at the room and down the corridor.

"That's Gigi." Darcy chuckled, both under no illusions of what had happened.

"Yeah." Lizzie smiled, feeling somewhat woozy after the second bottle had been drained. "Shall we finish the film?"

Darcy shrugged but turned his head back to the film which really made the decision for them.

The alcohol in Lizzie's system was beginning to make her feel a little tired, as well as the long day she had had, and it all seemed to be combining to make a very drowsy Lizzie. That was the excuse she made for her head falling back against the coach and her eyes fluttering shut. In her sleep the redhead seemed to gravitate towards Darcy which was the only reason she found herself with dozing with her head against his shoulder.

Darcy couldn't bring himself to move for fear of her waking up and for the life of him he didn't want the warmth her presence on him gave to go. He wished this was the way the world was and for that moment with Harry, Ron and Hermione prancing around the screen, he could almost believe it was.

Until she woke up about half an hour after she had first fallen asleep.

"Oh shit." She turned her face to the side only to see Darcy's face much too close for comfort. Even if she wanted to lean in closer.

"I'm really sorry." She muttered, lifting her head off of him and scooting slightly away.

"No Lizzie." He replied, cheeks flushed slightly as if he had been caught doing something wrong. "Don't worry about it."

He reached out with his arm to give her another reassuring pat. And for Lizzie that was the tipping point. It felt almost as if it had been leading up to this all day with their trip around San Francisco, the alcohol and the tension rising until she couldn't resist.

So she kissed him. Again.

And damn it did he kiss back.

It always seemed to wind up like this. Her hands in his hair and his around her waist pulling her closer and closer until she was pretty much on his lap. She tasted like sweet red wine and he wanted to drink her all in and never take a breath again.

"Is this okay?" He gasped, reluctantly breaking their kiss as he had to know.

Lizzie nodded before diving back in, her brain switching off with too many sensations and too much alcohol, and he gladly reciprocated. He would know in the morning that this was wrong. That they shouldn't because let's face it they were both drunk but he couldn't stop himself no matter how much he tried because he couldn't deny himself he wanted this. Had wanted it for so long.

Her hands slipped down his shirt and began to unbutton that stupidly attractive button down.

Darcy broke apart from her again his eyes wild and his hair mussed up from Lizzie's actions. He looked so attractive that Lizzie just wanted to pounce on him all over again.

"Not in here." He panted, eyes wide like he couldn't believe what was happening.

"Gigi." He hissed instead of a full explanation.

Lizzie's eyes widened in understanding and before he knew what was happening she had hopped off of him. Immediately he missed her body's warmth and regretted his own words as he would rather his little sister walked in on him that never get to kiss Lizzie again. But then Lizzie had grabbed his hand and led the way out of the den.


She remembered the way from her last visit there, though she didn't remember much from the night the morning she could remember clearly and it wasn't hard for her to find the door to Darcy's bedroom and pull him in after her.

Suddenly they were all alone and it didn't take much for them to be on each other again.

Neither of them would've been able to say who initiated the kissing but they weren't kissing and then just as suddenly they were. Lizzie found herself with her back pressed against the door her hand scrabbling to unbutton his shirt so he could shrug it off.

Lizzie all of a sudden pushed him away and it was like Darcy was resurfacing from a dream. He knew it was too good to be true and that he had to stop getting his hopes up. He knew that it was for the best if they stopped then instead of going further and having to deal with even worse consequences in the morning. However Lizzie had a different idea which shut Darcy up completely as she pulled her dress up over her head.

For them both then there was no turning back. His face took on an almost hungry quality as he drank in the image that he had been dreaming about for so long. He was advancing on her now, her back made contact with his wooden door as he pressed his body against hers. He trailed kisses down her neck and she very nearly lost all control struggling just to stand up.

"William." She breathed out, she couldn't help the sigh escaping her.

A very un-Darcy like growl sounded deep from his throat at the sound of her using his name. It was like all his fantasies coming true in front of him only so so much better. Because this wasn't a fantasy at all. It was reality and here he was touching her and looking at creamy expanses of skin he had never seen before. For the moment it didn't matter that it was all fuelled by tiredness and alcohol and close proximity because Lizzie was moaning his name not in anger but pleasure.

"Lizzie." He whispered into her neck, the word sent shivers in her spin and she clutched even harder to the bare skin on his back.

Before she knew what was happening Darcy had pulled her round and pushed her towards the bed. It was meant to be one smooth motion but they tripped together so Lizzie ended up sprawled across the dark blue bed sheet with Darcy on top. It didn't stop them though. Lizzie giggled and Darcy chuckled back but that effectively stopped the laughter when she could feel the vibrations of his voice against her skin. The laughter turned to moans and both of them turned their attention to other things.

"This is okay?" He had to check one last time, hovering above him holding his body weight above her so that their bodies were just about grazing each other. Lizzie leaned up for more contact, nipping against the junction of his neck and shoulder which almost caused him to lose concentration and his train of thought.

"Yes" Her voice was so soft he wouldn't have heard it if he wasn't for the close proximity of her lips to his ear.

Getting this final confirmation he leant down and there was no stopping either of them.


Lizzie, surprisingly, was the first to wake up in the morning and it seemed she always seemed to wake up in the Darcy household confused, disorientated and in a strange but luxurious bed. The difference between that morning and this one was that previously she had been alone. She was definitely not alone now. In fact she found herself pressed flush against Darcy's body, her head against his chest, her legs tangled up with his and his arm clutching her tight across the midriff. The thing was Darcy was doing this all in his sleep and Lizzie was most definitely awake.

Awake and coming to a slow realisation of what had happened.

Because if it wasn't awkward enough that they were in such close proximity the fact was that they were both still naked. She flushed red at this fact, and at the fuzzy memories of the night before, wondering what she could do to try to remedy this situation. She couldn't decide what would be more awkward: getting caught trying to wiggle free from his grip or just waiting for him to wake up.

Soon enough though the decision was made for her as just as she began to wiggle free of him his eyes began to flutter open. Lizzie's mind went blank with panic so she shut her eyes straight away feigning sleep and feeling utterly foolish.

Just moments after Lizzie shut her eyes again Darcy's opened properly and he too woke up confused and disorientated. Although admittedly he was in his own bed he was, unusually, wrapped around someone else. A very naked someone else.


Quickly and carefully so as not to wake the still sleeping Lizzie (or so he thought) he removed his arm from where it was clutched around her bare skin. That was the first step in trying to manoeuvre himself from this situation. He had to stop for a second just to take in the sight before him because he thought that it was probably the last time he would ever see Lizzie like this again. He couldn't help from taking one last look at her, looking so peaceful, creamy skin and cheeks flushed a slight raspberry where she lay against his chest. Her red hair was fanned out across Darcy and the pillow next to them and William would've sworn right then that he had never seen anything more beautiful. But in the light of day it felt somewhat wrong to be looking at her as she was sleeping and would surely not give him permission if she was awake.

Before he could second guess himself he was shaking her awake and carefully averting his eyes from her where the top of her body was exposed above the covers.

"Lizzie." He whispered quietly.

Lizzie had to try to convincingly act as if she was just waking up and stretched before remembering her state and pulling the covers back up over them. Thankfully, or not depending on your view, Darcy wasn't looking at her but instead trying to give her some illusion of privacy.

Lizzie resisted snorting slightly thinking it seemed quite redundant considering the night before but she was also sort of gratefully for his gentlemanly behaviour. It made her feel slightly better about what had happened that no matter what he was still so polite and unfalteringly kind to her.

"Thanks William." She said, when the duvet was pulled up to her neck completely.

"You're welcome." He said, glancing back to double check that it was appropriate for him to look again.

"Listen." They both said at the same time and then flushed red.

"You go." Lizzie said quickly.

"I wanted to apologise if I was improper at all last night." Darcy said, looking down and to avoid seeing Lizzie's expression. "I let the alcohol overwhelm me and I sincerely hope you don't blame me for anything that happened."

If he had looked up he would've broken the façade he was putting up, to protect himself and Lizzie, at the expression on Lizzie's face. She looked a little hurt but determined like she knew what was coming. And she had known what was coming. She had known that he would regret it straight away as soon as they had started last night so had prepared herself for this. After all his feelings for her were in past and he didn't have to know her feelings were very much in the present. As far as he had to know it was just a drunken fling for both of them.

Little did she know but Darcy was thinking along a similar vein. He knew that Lizzie didn't feel for him like that but even so they always seemed to end up in this situations. She hold told him so herself that she didn't like him and never would in harsher words. And he wasn't stupid enough to deny that nothing had changed but he couldn't believe things had changed that much. They were friends now and nothing more and he was sure that Lizzie would think of the night before as a horrible mistake. Darcy could never think of it like that but he knew that Lizzie would so he was fully prepared for a reaction of that sort.

If only they knew what the other was thinking it could've solved so many problems.

"I understand Darcy." They still weren't looking at each other and he almost winced at the way she went back to using his surname. "I get it don't worry about it. It was just a drunk thing okay, how about we forget it happened?"

"Right." He said, worried that his voice was betraying his emotions. "I am just going to get a shower if you don't mind Lizzie, could you shut your eyes? I hope that gives you enough time and privacy to dress. Although of course you are welcome to take a shower too."

He turned away abruptly: wanting to get out of their as soon as possible for fear of saying something he might regret and confessing all his feelings for her in an ill-judged monologue. He had already tried that once before and it hadn't gone so well. So instead he slid off the bed and into the bathroom whilst Lizzie averted her eyes and felt her heart clench in disappointment.

When the door shut behind Darcy for one wild moment Lizzie felt the urge to get up and join him in the shower. She imagined herself just waltzing into the room and under the water for a replay of the night previous but she couldn't bring herself to do it. She worried about rejection too much considering the awkwardly stilted conversation they had just had and the confirmation that last night had meant nothing to Darcy.

So instead she dressed as quickly as possible, checking both ways as she left Darcy's room, to grab her purse from where she had left it on the counter and flee the house as quickly as possible. She couldn't bear to sit through a horrible breakfast trying to feign normalcy for Gigi's sake and trying to act like she hadn't ripped off her brothers clothes the night before.

By the time Darcy was out the shower Lizzie was long gone and he didn't know whether to be relieved or disappointed by that.

A/N:Tada! I really hope that you liked this chapter and as always a review would be great. And let me know if you think that this chapter means it requires a higher age rating? I'm not sure.