He must have a masochistic streak; it was the only explanation for his behaviour. But he couldn't help himself, especially when it came down to her. It had been the same when Gigi had forced him into the room with her and straight on camera. He knew she must hate him, after all: he hated himself.

He couldn't resist asking her if she needed a ride, it was the gentlemanly thing to do. Even though he knew she wouldn't accept his offer, as it was quite clearly obvious she couldn't stand to spend longer than a second in his presence.

Yet here he was again, determinedly holding the empty elevator open for her. Despite the three other lifts available; not to mention the stairs. She hadn't seemed to notice him as her eyes remained fixed to the screen of her phone, her legs rushing to catch the open lift.

This gave him plenty of time to partake in his favourite activity: looking at Lizzie. Of course, it wasn't quite his favourite pastime, his favourite was talking to Lizzie. Hearing her lilting tones as she fought with him or the fiery gleam in her eyes as she protested her point, even just listening to her speak so passionately

If he had to pinpoint a moment when he fell in love with her, which was exceedingly difficult for him, he would have to say the first time she challenged him. It was so refreshing, Caroline had an annoying trait where she seemed to agree with every single thing that every crossed Darcy's socially awkward mouth. When Lizzie fought back it was like every single thing came into focus. He became to become so enamoured with angry Elizabeth Bennet that he began to say things with the intent purpose of reeling her into an argument.

And he wondered why he deluded himself into thinking she could like him like he liked her.

Now he had to face her, face her when he knew the wrath she felt towards him. It was too late to shut the door now, as Lizzie was so close, close enough that Darcy could almost catch a whiff of her perfume. So he stood willingly pressing the button, simultaneously agonising and revelling in the moments to come.

Still she didn't look up, muttering a word of thanks to someone who Lizzie assumed to be a stranger. In fact the only reason that Lizzie noticed Darcy was when she crashed into him. He stiffened at her touch as her scent seemed to surround and consume him, her eyes flew up startled.

It was then Darcy noticed something he had failed to before, as observation didn't seem to be his strong point. Lizzie was crying, her cheeks flush and her eyes red, the tear stains still present on her perfect skin.

"Lizzie." He said tenderly, momentarily forgetting his usual awkward demeanour. "Lizzie, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." She faltered, her voice letting on that she was exactly the opposite. "Perfectly fine."

She whipped her head round to the closing lift doors, the sinking feeling in the pit of Darcy's stomach that she was searching for an exit point that was already out of reach.

He couldn't bear to see the distraught look on Lizzie's face as she turned back to him, instinctively he reached forward to place a hand comfortingly on her arm, in much the same way he would comfort his sister.

He felt her flinch slightly under her touch and he drew his arm back stiffly, as if he had been burnt. "I apologise, I seem to have momentarily forgotten myself." His nervousness turning him into an overly formal caricature of himself. He took a step back, placing what he believed to be an appropriate distance between himself and the girl he loved.

"It's fine Darcy." She replied, her voice still unsteady as she desperately tried to stop the tears from coming.

William felt like there was an actual, literal pain in his heart as he looked at her trying to hold her facade up. His chest constricted as he suppressed the longing to reach out to cradle and holdher. For the first time in his life he wished he was more like his sister, that he could form a rapport with someone so comfortably. He knew Gigi would have no problem with slipping an arm around the girl and comforting her. Although he of course knew if she was in that elevator with them then she would certainly be pushing him to do just that.

"I assume you will be heading to ground floor." He nodded towards the bank of buttons flashing, his arm outstretched.

"Erm, Yes. Thank you." She tacked on the end rather stiltedly.

He simply nodded politely and pressed the aforementioned button, and immediately the elevator jolted into life, the lights dinging as it made its way down towards the bottom floor.

The silence was so thick that Darcy swore he could swim in it, the cloying feeling surrounded him as she stared blankly at her phone.

Only thirty seconds into the uncomfortable ride did the lift lurch, and then again only a second later the lights malfunctioned and plunged Lizzie and Darcy into darkness. The lurch caused Darcy to stumble, bracing himself against the chrome walls.

Lizzie however, was not as lucky.

Already unsteady on her feet Lizzie had managed to topple on her small heels and found herself flying straight into William Darcy. Automatically, his arms wound around her waist to hold her steady as she caught herself on his broad shoulders. He tightened his hold on her as the lights flickered; it crossed his mind that this could possibly be the last time he would hold Lizzie in this way. He desperately wanted to memorise every single facet of that moment, the way her body felt pressed against his and the feel of her hands against the sinewy muscle taught with panic.

Darcy took this as his cue to release her, reluctantly removing his arms from around her petite frame as she stepped back looked around slightly dazed.

Quickly William whipped out his phone and typed a short message to the head of maintenance, almost immediately he got a reply and promptly let out a most un-Darcy like groan.

"I apologise Lizzie, but it appears the elevator has malfunctioned and we may be stuck here for quite some time." He truly did look upset too, upset that she would be forced to spend more time than necessary with a man she despised.

"Figures." Sighed Lizzie, moving over to lean against the wall next to him, staring dejectedly at the phone in her hand, the tears once again threatened to overwhelm her. She fell to her last line of defence, her eyes closed as she tried to keep her breathing even.

It was too much for Darcy to endure, as he cautiously placed his hand against the soft skin of her shoulder, her cardigan lying discarded at her feet.

"Lizzie," He began, "I fully understand I am most probably the last person you wish to speak to. But I just wish to let you know I am here, if you need me."

"It's stupid anyway." She murmured, her eyes still half closed.

"Nothing that troubles you could ever be considered stupid Lizzie." He said back, equally as quiet, the words stringing together in his wish to get them out, he was very much aware that his hand was touching her warm, bare skin.

"It's just," She said reluctantly, opening her eyes to turn them directly into his concerned blue ones. "My mum just texted me, she was practically in hysterics. The house is pretty much lost; we have so many loans on it that we could build our own house out of the paperwork. And she's upset which means she'll be making my dad upset. I can't deal with it when I'm out here, but I've got to stay here because otherwise I won't pass my degree. A degree I turned down a job to finish. Something my mum hasn't let me forget and I'm fairly certain she blames that partly for our current situation." She didn't know what she was doing, confessing all her money troubles to someone who's idea of spare change meant hundreds of dollars.

Yet somehow, it felt sort of nice to get if off her chest. Charlotte was of course there for her, but Charlotte wasn't there, she was off working insane hours for a boss who didn't appreciate her enough. And they were stuck in that goddamn lift with nothing else to do.

Then before she knew it Darcy's arm was around her shoulders, rubbing soothing circles across her back as she sobbed against his shoulder. In a heartbeat Darcy would have thrown all the money he could at Lizzie and her family, anything to stop these problems that weighed down on her. He would have done if Lizzie would have accepted it, if she wouldn't have thrown it back in his face.

"I can't say I understand the specific problem." He whispered into her hair, "But I do understand what it's like to feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders."

"You must think I'm pretty stupid huh?" She shakily laughed, lifting her head from his shoulder.


"Never?" She questioned.

"Never ever ever." He replied quietly.

"Well thanks Darcy." She said sincerely, her chest feeling a little looser and freer than before.

"William." He said abruptly, his voice sounding halting and strange. "My name's William."

"William, then. Thank you William" The warmth that spread through both of them when she uttered his name was almost unparalled.

The heat that spread through his body would be to blame for his next move, it was as if he lost all control over his body as he leant down to kiss her.

When his lips pressed against hers it was as if someone turned his switch on, he realised what he was doing and stiffened, about to retreat. That was until he felt her kiss him back, and Darcybot shut down for good. He pulled her closer towards him, sculpting her body against his as she responded to his hesitant kisses. Her arms snaked around his waist, her arms sliding against the fabric of his shirt as the kiss deepened.

It was almost dreamlike, as his hand played with the silky auburn strands of her hair, a scenario he had dreamed about for so long but never believed would actually happen. She began to pull at the bottom of his shirt, lifting it from his trouser to allow her hands access to the expanse of his back muscles. He let out a moan into her mouth as her nails scrambled against his warm skin, it was so much better than he had imagined it would be.

Suddenly, the lift lurched against, sending Darcy toppling against the floor of the elevator. He pulled Lizzie down with him so she landed against him, her whole body aligning against his. Both their eyes flew open, as they spent a long second searching each others eyes. The lift dinged, breaking them from their reverie as Lizzie scrambled off him and pulled down her rumpled skirt. Embarrassed, Darcy averted his gaze, straightening his tie as Lizzie grabbed her discarded cardigan and bag.

The lift deposited them on the ground floor, slightly more dishevelled than when they'd been at the top.