Downton Abbey does not belong to me in any way, just borrowing the characters for a bit...
This is part of the Cobert Valentine's fanfiction exchange (brilliant idea!), so Happy Valentine's Day dear lovely Coberts. Have fun.
This is unbetaed - so I want to apologise for any mistakes in advance.
My prompt is/was: "Patrick sits Robert down for a serious talking about pleasing a woman, as Robert has been very awkward for the first two months of his marriage to Cora. The results impact all three of them."
"Mmmh, that was very nice," Cora purred, while her fingertips drew lazy circles on Robert's sweaty chest.
"Yes, it was," Robert drawled in his post-coital bliss, not bothering to open his eyes but enjoying Cora's featherlight touches.
Suddenly, Cora giggled. "What is it?" He asked lazily, a little smile playing on his lips.
"Do you remember our wedding night?" She asked.
"How could I ever forget this disaster?" He answered with an audible sigh. "I was such an arrogant twat. I do apologize."
Cora laughed again because Robert's face had taken on a rather pained expression and she knew, she had touched a sore spot and did not want to ruin their perfect evening. She had only mentioned it because after their exceptionally intense lovemaking of just half an hour ago, Cora had realised how far they had come in 20 years. Both of them. Together. And how unbelievably happy she was now with this man, who had married her all those years ago only for her money. If someone had asked her then whether she thought she would be happy at the side of this man, she would have laughed, or cried more likely. But now, she didn't want to be anywhere else.
"Well, it wasn't a complete disaster and if I'd known then what I know now, I probably wouldn't have wept that much," Cora said and edged even closer to him. She started caressing his cheek softly with her hand, while under the covers her leg found its way between his. She kissed him on the lips, her tongue asking tentatively for entrance.
"I'm still so sorry about those first months," he sighed when they broke the kiss for air. He had pulled her on top of him and stroked her back lovingly.
"Don't be," she whispered still a bit breathless, "sometimes it's better to start at the bottom and work your way up, so to speak."
She hadn't even finished her sentence, when she felt both of his hands kneading her naked buttocks slowly but deliberately, pressing her body into his, his blue eyes piercing into hers.
"Like this?" He growled huskily.
"Yess, good God, exactly like this" she gasped, before her lips found his again.