
I am really nervous about releasing this. I have trashed so many drafts of this chapter it's a blur. It's taken so long to publish this because I'm STILL nervous nobody will like it. I loved working on 9 Months- and I love how it turned out... but I doubt my writing. Really, I do. It's changed so much since 9 Months- It was so long ago! It was never meant to take this long. In fact, it was supposed to take a completely different direction. But, eh.

I hope you all like this. I can't tell you how sorry I am for how long it took but blah blah you're probably not reading this anyway and your brain's like 'screw this READ READ READ!' but I appreciate all your support all the same. I'm shocked to see how popular 9 Months got. Really, I mean. THANK YOU. I can't say it enough. I hope this makes up for it- I tried, I really did! I guess this is dark, but somehow a bit lighter than 9 Months.

THIS IS AU. I imagine Townsville (and the world) as Him's world now. Kinda Hellish. Underworld. What happens when Evil outweighs good. Very dark. Very anarchy. Just imagine a bunch of demons running around causing havoc. And human's are scared out of their wits.

This is still a prologue, though. And even though I've drafted the story I still don't think I'll use all these POVs. This is just to introduce the Puffs and where their head is at. It will be predominantly Green POV.




We will never die,

We control the night.

We will never



-'Bloodlust', The Browning

Let's get one thing straight.

Buttercup Utonium is dead.

The vibrant, rebellious raven haired green Powerpuff died the night Butch Jojo killed her. She died long before the paramedic declared her heart had stopped beating, she'd passed away on the cheap shag carpet of that downtown motel in a pool of blood with a metal shard lodged in her chest.

When Cass ran in and saw my chest rise and fall, another Buttercup was born. A different girl, with different blood, different heart and different dreams.

No more Buttercup the green Powerpuff. She died with the city of Townsville.

Townsville is dead. It's buried under a veil of darkness that can't be lifted. Instead of the mayor there is a bloodstained office, instead of a school there is an abandoned graveyard. Instead of proud citizens, demons roam the streets. Evil is around every corner. Citizens are scared. They're no longer humans but victims, bait.

And the evil only spreads. From Townsville to other cities, to other states, to other countries. There is no hope, only darkness. Only demons.


Lights were flashing, music thumped through my ribcage, and I was lost in a sea of lost souls- jumping and grinding on top of each other in what looked like a sea of skin and sweat- sharp teeth and empty black eyes flashing before me. I moved to the music shyly as I pressed my back to the wall, surveying the scene around me.

Their eyes were steadily growing hungrier, their touches more forceful, and I saw more and more breaking off to grab their next victim. They were getting restless and hungry amongst each other, like they fed off each other's own animalistic instincts.

Heavy music pounded in my ears from the speakers, body heat seemed to radiate off every cold individual, and everywhere I looked a pair of hungry black eyes glared at me, as if they were trying to eat me alive. Every now and then a flash of colour went by as a scared human passed, but other than that it was overflow of demon activity, cackles and howls echoing through the club. Primal instincts overtaking as they sought out their prey.

I stood amongst it all, clenching a drink and scanning the sea of scum before me. By now it's a regular scene, just another night.


I had to smirk whenever I saw a demon out of the corner of my eye eyeing me, attempting to make a move on me. The same empty black eyes, wild hair, pale skin and calloused fingers-

"Hey sexy..."

I fought back a shiver as hot breath slurred in my ear, the smell of spirits overwhelming. Rough fingers wrapped around my arm before I could even pull away, and I felt myself smack into his hard chest. I looked up to see his black eyes bore into mine, his dirty snow white hair hanging in his face. He stood slightly taller than me and stumbled with every step- but I could tell he was only young. Seventeen or so. My throat tightened uncomfortably as I looked him up and down. His cruel eyes glared into mine, his lips stretching into a sly smirk as he tugged me further away.

Just a kid.

I grit my teeth as I fought against the fire that ignited in my chest. I felt disgusting at the fact his hands were even on me, nevertheless that he was now leading me into the bathrooms. But this was a kid, even though he was an embodiment of evil I couldn't shake the fact there were worse out there-

"Look," I skidded to a halt, causing him to stumble. I gave him a stern glare, my eyes narrowing. "Just go home, okay? I'll let this slide." I shoved off his grip easily and made for the exit, already fuming at myself. But before I could slither back through the crowd his hands were back on me again, and he was throwing me around much rougher than before, snapping in my ear, his fingernails slicing my skin as his grip tightened with every shove.

"Nobody says no to me!" The young demon spat at me, and before I could even smirk he'd thrown me towards the back rooms, the others around me smirking in encouragement. I found my footing and pushed myself from the grimy cement floor before he grabbed my hair, pulling me to where I knew the bathrooms were. "I've never taken no for an answer..." He sneered at me mockingly. "Like any of you are worth listening to-"

A sharp shove into my back and I was engulfed in the dim lighting of the bathrooms- a lone lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. The door slammed behind me, the clicks of locks following it. He was encircling me now, his sharp teeth nibbling into his lip as he took me in. I stared back.

There are three types of demons that roam our world, divided into classes. The lowest of the classes I call 'Mischiefs'. They're virtually harmless to me, they're the trouble makers that make up most of the people on the streets. Their pitch black eyes show their demonic souls, and they have higher speed and strength compared to regular humans, but that's where their individual threats end. They hunt in packs, and are responsible for most of the thefts and attacks in the city area...Mostly women and children. Groups of them terrorise anyone deemed beneath them. They're the sole reason most people are afraid to leave their homes. Due to how many women they attack their breed is spreading, and what are known as 'mongrels' (half human-half demon) quickly join the ranks of Mischiefs.

I took in the sight before me. This youth was clearly a typical Mischief. He was young but now I could see, obviously experienced. Any Mischief that has the balls to act solo has a few 'notches on his belt'. My stomach churned at his proud stance, his malicious smirk. I bet he's not so tough without his gang around him...

"This will only take a second..." he purred at me, eyes flashing as he backed me up against the sink. "You'll love it, they always do..." he licked his lips, flexed his fingers. "They can't get enough, no matter how loud they scream..." He chuckled- a deep, mocking laugh that sent chills down my spine. We were inches from each other, distance closing quickly. I narrowed my eyes in warning, but his smirk only grew wider.

"You don't want to do this, kid." I hissed at him quietly, the muffled thumps of the music cutting through the silence. I stared up at him- into those empty eyes. He was just a pawn, just another demon that ran around causing havoc, attacking anyone they could- but it wasn't in my heart to target him, of all demons. I know I have to... but not like this, not without a chance- It just wasn't in my heart. "Walk away, and you can go home."

He let out a bark of laughter, his cruel eyes narrowing as his grin only grew.

"You?" He snickered at me. "You're nothing but trash! You're the ground we walk on! This is our world, and after you I'll take someone else." My stomach was churning again as that knowing smile hit me hard. "You're just too fun to play with, it's too fun to resist..." He made his way closer again, teeth bared into a cruel grin and his fingers flexing in anticipation. "Please..." he purred to me. "Scream if this hurts..."

He took another step and without a second thought I shoved my fingers into the waistband of my jeans, the split-second hum of metal was the only warning he got as I slipped my sharpened six-inch blade into the Mischief's ribcage, my eyes never leaving his.

He stopped in his tracks straight away, his expression slacking slightly. Looking down to see my fist on his chest, and red-black blood seeping out of his skin, his mouth opened in horror. I pushed against his shoulder, pulling out my bloodstained blade only to thrust it in again, all of my strength pushing passed the skin, muscle and bone to set my knife deep in the demon's chest.

A few choking gasps escaped him before I pushed him off completely. His limp body collapsed onto the tiled floor with a wet thump. The music continued to play outside, and I surveyed his writing body with interest as I wiped off the silver blade onto my black shirt. It's essential to wear black- always. That way, the blood doesn't show.

He writhed on the floor, twitching and choking as blood poured from both wounds. The dirty tiles were stained with dark red mess, a lake of blood spreading as he grabbed at his chest, rasping out threats. But it was final, the kid was dying. Another lowlife Mischief...exterminated. I turned around.

I stared at the cracked mirror over the stained sink. Apple green eyes stared back at me, a long wave of raven hair tied into a loose braid hung down my slim pale shoulders. My regular attire- a tight black halter shirt and black jeans- were dusted with dirt and grime, and my combat boots stomped against the wet ground, the splashes of water filling the thick silence that hung in the air.

A harsh, gurgling cough from behind me reached my ears and I glanced over my shoulder at the twitching Mischief. His black eyes were rolling around in their sockets, and he was gripping at the slippery, tiled floor as if he was afraid of sliding off. Only a few sharp stabs, and they were reduced to rubble. Their power was gone.

"Okay, Demon." I snarled at him, standing over the writhing figure with disgust. Not so tough now, are we? "Tell me where your little family hangs out, and where I can find some higher levels, or I'll shove this blade through your eye." I held up my trusted blade again, twirling it in my fingers so it caught the dim light. His fading black eyes watched it beadily. "Demon or not, your brain leaking onto the floor's gotta hurt, huh?"

He tried to give me a snarl, but his face was twisting too much to tell. His face had changed completely- now he knew who I was. What trap he'd fallen into. Twitching and writing, his body was sliding over the tiled floor like a wet sponge, leaking out more blood to stain the already putrid bathroom. He was slowly dying, and a familiar rush of warm adrenaline shot through me as I ran a finger along my trusted silver blade, waiting for answers.

"S...Screw y-you, Hunter." The snow haired Mischief slurred, choking up more blood as he clawed at the ground. "Y-you're gonna-gonna die. You an' your whole race. Y'ur...Y'ur nothing b-but f-fu- vermin- noth-nothing. We're taking ov-over. Y'ur world's gonna die...Y'ur gonna fail!"

I had to roll my eyes at that. I've heard it all before, like demon propaganda. I leaned down, giving him almost a pitying glance. He glared back at me, his black eyes empty yet fading. He was going where all dead demons go.

"And yet..." I cooed at him, tilting my head at his hateful face. "Who failed this time?"

"Th-There'll be more!" He spat at me, more blood trickling down his lips. Some splattered on my shoes, but it's nothing new."There-there's more of-f me, you c-can't kill all of us..." He gave a final growl, but his voice faded and his eyes showed fear. I guess he was only young, it must have been scary to see life fade away, thinking you're so powerful only to have it taken away...

I stared at him, and tried to imagine someone else. Instead of those cold, empty black eyes- I tried to see a brilliant, innocent emerald green. Eyes I've only seen a few times look so trusting and innocent. I imagined them widening at me with the same fear, that same vulnerability I held onto that image- the image I wanted so badly to become a reality...

I sighed, and I did something I usually never let show. I gave him a familiar wicked smile, and I let my eyes change. I let the heat and emotion take over, and I could feel my body tense. I could see his fearful eyes turn into shock, and his mouth grew even wide in a choked gape.

"You'll actually find that..." I sniggered, feeling my teeth sharpen that little bit more against my smirk. "I can."

I gripped my knife hard, and with one final thrust I put the kid out of his misery, his screams drowned out by the club music.



It was late, and I was only just getting home. I stomped through the foyer and flew up the rest of the way, checking the giant clock just before the stairs. I swore under my breath.

After Midnight. There will be Hell to pay in the morning.

I flew up the stairs and down the Hall towards the elevator that led up to the rest of the house. Since growing so much over the last few years, extra security was called for. Especially if the girls feel like escaping, or one of our enemies thought it was a good idea to attack our family- a weak link. I pressed my finger against the security pad and impatiently waited, running a hand through my hair.

I hate these mirrors. I snarled at my reflection in the walls of the elevator. You always find a mirror when you hate yourself most.

I glared at those stupid black eyes glaring at me, almost like my own father was riding up with me. My hair was a tangled mess, my pale skin was streaked with sweat, dirt and blood. My favourite jeans had a rip across the thigh. I'd grown out of them in the last couple of years- piled on the muscle. I stood at least three inches taller. My face was more rugged and worn too, my eyes much meaner and crueler...

I didn't want it this way... I grudgingly looked at my reflection as I rode up. But this is how it has to be.

The door dinged and I clomped out, my boots echoing through the hallway angrily. But that's nothing new... Despite myself, I smirked.I'm always angry at something, someone. I guess that's what you get when you hang around idiots all day.

Immediately turning at the end of the hallway I jumped up and soared through the air instead. Can't wake Blayze up, I'll never hear the end of it.

I skidded to a stop at my door and I couldn't hold back a scoff as my heart sank at the sight. My door was guarded by my own six year old son, perched up against it defiantly, his hands curled into fists and his brow furrowed in determination...but fast asleep.

He slumped against the door, spread out on the hard timber floor, his head on his shoulder and his lips agape as tiny snores escaped him. He twitched every now and then, frowning and kicking in annoyance as he dozed. There's no way I can sneak by him without waking him up- and he knows this. How long he's been perched there waiting for my return, I don't know. But his body's given in, and I held back a groan as I thought about the lecture I would receive in the morning.

Yeah...My six year old runs my life... But secretly, I wouldn't have it any other way.

I smirked and- as gently as I could- I leaned down to wrap my arms around him, debating whether or not to aim for his bed or mine. I usually just put him in mine, he feels safe when I'm around and his efforts to stay up waiting for me wouldn't have gone in vain.

I looked down at the kid in my arms, sleeping soundly against my chest. Even though it felt like so long ago I first held him in hospital, he still looked like that fiesty, chubby black-haired baby. He was still mine. He still had the wild midnight black hair, the pale skin, the fierce attitude and those treasured light apple green eyes. He always will be mine.

But...He's got to learn he can't camp out for me anymore, he has to learn to do what he's told and go on without me sooner or later... Become a fighter, just like we had to be.

Giving the quietest groan I could I turned around and headed to his room. There would be the biggest tantrum ever in the morning, but at six Blayze was already training to be a warrior- he wasn't my baby anymore, he has to learn I can't always be there for him. It was a time to fight, not to be scared.

I prodded his door open with my boot and carried him over to his bed- a huge king size canopy bed he begged me for but never uses except for a jungle gym. I slid him under the dark green covers. Other than a tiny moan I snuck out without any stirring and closed his door, heading off for my own room.

I hate this. I growled to myself and shoved my hands into my pockets. I admit- It's not just Blayze pushing to sleep close to me every night. I love having my boy there with me, I sleep so much sounder knowing there's still someone next to me, someone to hold and fight for. Coming out of this fight with Blayze, I'm thankful everyday...ever since Buttercup-

I winced, pushing those thoughts out of the way. Blayze will be pissed in the morning.

Yep...Hell to pay.

I made my way back to my room feeling much more tired than before. I just wanted to collapse onto my bed and never move again. I lit up a cigarette instead, zooming over my beloved bed to glide out onto the small balcony outside my room. Perfect place to think and observe.

The dark city of Townsville stretched out before me- once a pearly, glistening city now sat a dank, black hole that was almost swallowed up by the night. Hardly any lights, no movement or joy in sight. It was mystifying, and I watched it hungrily. I know even though the city looked sleepy, there was a hidden chaos down below. Anarchy- our own personal haven. This wasn't Townsville anymore.

This is our world now.

I watched the slow breath of smoke escape my lips and fade into the night air. I flicked the flickering ember off my cigarette only to take another drag. Immediately I calmed, my heart beating steadily in my chest and my skin cooling in the refreshing night air.

I never used to smoke this much, but I never used to get as angry as I did. Everyone around me seemed to go out of their way to piss me off. Plus with the added pressure of constant battles for our takeover, it gets kinda stressful. My brothers always on my back... it's enough to drive anyone insane.


I held back a snarl with difficulty, gripping the paper in my fingers so hard it almost snapped in two. Oh great. Not HER.

A few strands of blonde hair were pushed in my face as I felt her arms snake around me. I gripped the balcony barrier tighter than usual, as if I was holding back throwing her over it. I don't know why Boomer continues to encourage her over here. I hate her.

Her fingers stroked my bare stomach, working their way up my chest.

We've only slept together...once or twice.

I cringed at that as I felt her press against me, her lips pressing into my back. That stupid smirk she has. Her lipstick was sticky against my skin.

"I'm here..." Brat cooed at me. I rolled my eyes, staring up into the night sky.

"Congrats." I snapped, immediately taking another drag. Sucking down all the nicotine I could, I tried to ignore her whiny, annoying giggle behind me. Tonight, I'm not in the mood. I shrugged off her poisonous grip, glancing over my shoulder to give her a quick glare. "What are you doing here?"

She rolled her eyes. I noticed quickly they were thickly lined in makeup and her hair looked solidified with hairspray. The Punks had grown quite accustomed to living with us, and had wasted no time in bragging about being our closest companions. They liked demons...and demons just saw them like groupies. Looking for a free ride. Unfortunately, they fit in around here. I'd slipped up once or twice around her, just looking for a companion to hook up with, and now she refuses to leave me alone.

Instead of answering me her cold fingers rub along my back, slowly lowering to my hips- just above my belt. My face crinkled. Her hands felt so wrong, the icy jitters I felt up my midsection made me sick.

I pushed against the railing, shoving her off.

"Not in the mood."

She pouted at me, following me inside with those dumb doe eyes and shaking bottom lip. I threw off my shirt, chucking it across the room. I couldn't be bothered to do anything but sleep, I didn't even want to shower the grime and muck off me. I collapsed onto the bed, burying my face in the pillows.

Her bracelets tinkled and her perfume washed over me and I stiffened- her fingernails pressing into my back. I groaned, but definitely not in pleasure.

"Can you just go away?" I snarled at her from my pillow, trying as hard as I could to be 'nice'. "Blayze'll be in here in the morning, and he'll be pissed. I don't want him to see you."

"But Blayze likes me." Brat cooed in honey tones, giggling slightly. "He likes his godmother, we were talking tonight!"

I groaned again, feeling a headache pound in my temples. I'll be hearing of that tomorrow too...

"I don't know what the problem is, Butchie." Brat whined at me, her fingernails still poking into my hard skin. "We're practically partners, why shouldn't we be together? If you ever want me to be beside you as your mate-"

I felt my temper bubble within me again to boiling point but instead I squeezed my eyes closed, blocking out the blonde's babbling. Within seconds the world-along with her voice- became pleasantly fuzzy, and I finally fell asleep with my head buried deep in my pillow.



I slipped back into the club easily, the dark shadows of the club creating an easy mask for me to slip passed the crowds. I easily avoided the dancefloor, where a group of Mischiefs were grinding against each other. It's pretty sick, really... a bunch of demonic teenagers and sick human followers partying all night. I managed to resist the urge to roll my eyes as I pushed through the crowds, trying not to seem too conspicuous. A female at these things was always a liability- the sleazy Mischiefs stuck to you like glue, hunting you down thinking they can take whatever they want.

I smirked. But with me, the hunter becomes the hunted.

Mischiefs- in fact most demons- look the same to me. Their eyes give away their class. Mischiefs have black demon eyes. Empty- like a reflection of their soul. They always have black eyes, they can't disguise their demonic roots, their true intentions. That's why they're the lower class. They're bigger, faster and more taller, than most normal humans, with sharper canines. They can't hide who they really are.

A group of Mischiefs brushed passed me, their black eyes scanning over me hungrily. I surveyed them closely, but they moved along- already a blonde girl was in the centre of the group. Twisting my lips, I resentfully let it go.

I can't save everyone.

"Hey sexy." A cold voice purred from behind me. My lips twitched into a half smile as I turned to spot my next rival, but my heart immediately jumped in surprise, almost leaping out of my mouth as I gaped in horror. Expecting the regular empty black eyes, I was shocked to see a familiar pair of cold blue eyes staring at me from across the bar- black hair hanging in his pale face, malicious smirk-

I felt my heart sink back into my stomach.

"Jayden!" I scoffed, my mouth open in total shock. Of all the places, of all the nights, in all of the country- HE had to turn up... I couldn't help the prickle of anger that rippled through my system. "What the HELL are you doing here?!"

Jayden shrugged carelessly, his eyes rolling around the club. I just stared, hardly daring to believe it. A demon club, a Friday night, barely any humans are game enough to hang around here, nevertheless dudes. And the fact that it's been six years since he'd seen me...and everyone thinks I'm dead...

"Relax..." He drawled to me. I sneered. He hadn't changed much, if anything he'd gotten more sleazy and creepy. He hung back in the shadows and his cold eyes scanned the place slyly. "I won't tell anyone you're here, BC. Last I heard, you were dead." He gave me a chilling smirk, enough to make my blood run cold. "Which is how everyone is, these days..."

I gritted my teeth as I watched him light up a cigrette. It wasn't as if I'd completely forgotten about my friends. Cass is beside me no matter what, and even Tyler and Holly are nearby. I don't know what I'd do without them! The people of Townsville are still around in this world, but it's nothing like our old life...and the old friend standing before me felt like the Ghost of Christmas Past.

"I mean-" I glared at him, suspicious. "What are you doing here, in this club, in the middle of-"

"Aw, what?" He sniggered at me, grinning cockily. "I'm not scared of these guys, if you can't beat 'em-Join 'em."

With one malicious flash of those cold eyes I had to close my own eyes and take a deep breath to control my rage.

"You..." I clenched my fists as I took in the old friend before me. Club music thumped around us. Demon club music was not the same as the old music- a lot of screaming and shouting was heard, but apparently that was music to their ears. "You run with demons now?"

Jayden only smirked, leaning in close. "It's the only way to stay alive and make money these days, BC."

I glared at him hatefully, my lips curled in hatred. Anyone who helps demons to me is an enemy, even if said enemy did have a point. This world is all about survival.

"These guys..." Jayden grinned around at the slimeballs that surrounded us. A few gave us hungry looks, but were otherwise immersed in the music thumping through the club. He lowered his voice, leaning in closer to be heard over the music. "They've never had any drug before- it's like a total high to them! And their senses are stronger than ours, so it hits them hard! Gives them an extra hit. You should see these guys on pills- they get super whacked out!"

"Ugh." I grumbled at him."You sell them drugs?"

He shrugged. "It keeps me protected. These guys look after me." His ice cold eyes flicked me up and down again. "You'd know all about survival, wouldn't you Buttercup?"

I narrowed my eyes at him in warning. Nobody knows I'm still alive except for Cass and Ty- only because I know they'd never sell me out. Everyone else thought I was dead and I never wanted to correct them, Butch would find me for sure. It was only relying on the fact I looked so different and that I was in another city altogether that I got away with 'public' appearances like this- not that there's many humans around at this time of night. Trust Jayden to thrive on the appearance of evil on Earth.

He probably fits in well around here, he has the same sleazy attitude and malicious nature that demons probably relate too- like their little pet. No demon respects a human, we're just lower beings to them.

"Goodbye Jayden." I growled, already heading for the exit. He may be the only human being around here I can talk to, but he's not worth my time...

"Wait BC!" I heard behind me. I turned, but only to shut him up. I didn't want to be recognised (even though Mischiefs were probably safe- they didn't know anything) and his loud mouth was dangerous. He was grinning at me, and slid back up to me with a knowing look in those depthless eyes. "I may have some useful information for you..."

I resentfully turned back. One thing you have to know in this world- and that's survival.

"I'm listening..."



The pain was unbearable- the sadness, the guilt, the was all too much, and I felt completely alone and helpless in this dark world. It was so quiet and hopeless- I couldn't stand to look out the window just to see the destruction and horror of our beloved town. I still felt so drained from my powers being sucked from me, but maybe it hurt more to know that I couldn't help...I was imprisoned just like everyone else. And I was going to be forever...

My hands lowered and rested on my stomach, which now stuck out prominently. I still hated seeing it, I ignored mirrors and tried to avoid looking at it as much as possible, as well as any mention...but I had to admit I had grown attached to the growing being in my stomach, especially when I could always feel someone there. Ever since Buttercup died I had felt more lonely than ever, but now it was like there was always someone there with me...someone to talk to and stroke- knowing they were my blood, knowing there was no way they could hate me like everyone else.

The bedroom door opened and he stepped in, kicking it shut and stretching lazily. His shirt flew across the room as he made his way to the adjoining bathroom of our room. I heard the shower start, and I pulled a face.

I hated him.

But at the same time, I was desperately sad. I trudged after him resentfully, my hands still clutching my stomach. It had become a standard routine the past five months, and I grew hateful of myself that I needed his company...

I hated that I had gotten used to him.

I shuffled into the bathroom as he gave me a casual glance over his shoulder. I gazed at the thick, strong muscles of his back and shoulders, the way his skin flexed in the light as he ruffled his rust coloured hair. Streaks of ask and little red cuts littered his hard skin, and he loomed over me at a head taller. He threw off his jeans too, and the belt buckle clattered on the tiled floor.

"Hey Babe."

I didn't answer, I just glared at my glum look in the mirror. I hated giving in...again.

He tilted his head knowingly as his hand wrapped around mine, tugging me closer to him. My body pressed against his as his hand rubbed at my stomach.

"How's Bubs?" He cooed warmly in my ear.

I shrugged, avoiding his gaze. I could practically feel his stare on me, and I knew he was giving me a smirk. His fingers brushed along my face before sliding down to my collarbone, his fingers hooking into the straps of my top and slipping it off my shoulder.

"C'mon babe, stop being stubborn."

Still without looking at him I slipped off my shirt and pants, glaring down at the floor in shame. Something that made me feel so good made me feel so dirty...the last loving interaction I had with anyone was with my enemy. There were times I really hated myself... but these were the times I felt the most loved...

I stepped into the shower behind Brick and was enveloped in his muscular arms, the steam and water washing immediate warmth over us. My eyes closed as my body slumped against his, letting my mind wander. I hated that I loved being held by my enemy, but in the shower the water hid my tears and Brick seemed his calmest. We could talk like a regular couple, and for that moment I forgot about his mission and our circumstance. I forgot about my sisters and his brothers, I forgot about the baby and my family, the world...all that mattered was us together. Just him and me, and for those moments Brick could actually act like a regular 'partner'. It had become a calming ritual for me, and I think Brick went along with it because it involved nudity.

"Babe..." Brick murmured in my ear huskily. I opened my eyes, staring up at his bright blood red ones. His hands were slicked with soap and began sliding down my back, pushing slightly at the knots. My eyes closed, but his hand under my chin forced me to look back up at him- something I hated to do. "Not that I don't love being with you and all..." He grumbled to me. " gotta start being a bit warmer, ya know? I get tired of you ignoring me-"

"This is a lot to deal with!" I snarled at him, folding my arms. "I miss my family! Bubbles and I are having a hard enough time dealing with losing our sister, I feel lonely all the time-"

"But you love this." He reminded me smugly, his eyes running over my body. "You gotta like something about me to like this."

"You're there for me..." I muttered sheepishly. Guilt washed over me, but the warm water seemed to cleanse me again. "I need...someone there...that's strong...And I kinda like this..." I growled to myself, shifting my shoulders. "Even though I hate you."

"Aw..." He cooed to me, smirking as he leaned in closer, one hand leaning against the wall and the other wrapped around my back, his fingers stroking at my swollen stomach. "But Daddy loves Mommy..."




I jolted awake, Brick's strong arm was draped across my stomach and his loud snores were drumming against my back. My eyes darted back and forth in alarm before landing on a very big, familiar pair of blood red eyes- peeking over my mattress and quickly filling with tears.

"M...Mommy..." He whimpered to me, tears cascading down his cheeks as his fingers gripped at the bed sheets "I-I had a b-bad I think I wet m-my bed..." He gave a small sniff before dissolving into tears, pushing his face into the bed as he began to sob.

My heart swelled at those cries and I pushed myself up to stroke his hair, still shaking dazed thoughts as I fought to wake up. Brick gave a loud snore next to me and tightened his grip. I shoved him off, swinging my legs out of bed and pulling my baby closer. Well, he wasn't my baby anymore technically, but he always will be to me. I rose and scooped him up. He immediately pushed his wet face into my neck and as I held him close I could feel he was wet on his bottom half too. I heard Brick give a sleepy growl.


"It's just Bruiser..." I mumbled to him, already marching to the bathroom. He groaned loudly when I turned on the light and closed the door behind me. I set Bruiser down in the bath and stripped off his PJs. He gave me those cute wide puppy dog eyes as he watched me turn on his bath, and I couldn't resist giving him a smile.

He's adorable.

"I'm sowwy Mommy..." He whimpered at me, more tears welling up as he began to shake. I wrapped my arms around him, gliding a few fingers through his dark red hair. The colour of rust, like his Daddy's.

"You don't need to be sorry, honey." I gave him my best soothing tone. "Accidents happen."

He lowered himself into the water, his eyes still wide and apprehensive. He whimpered and pouted at me as he kicked around in the water.

"But Daddy's mad..." He mumbled, his voice high and squeaky. It signalled the tears were coming. Despite inheriting Brick's stubborn, aggressive personality my son easily burst into tears at the smallest things. I had to smile at those cute pouts. I squeezed some soap on a washcloth and began wiping him down.

"Daddy's always cranky..."I sniggered to him, pulling a face. He gave me a small smile as I dabbed away the last of his tears. I turned off the taps and stood, giving him one of my stern looks. "Can you be good until I get back?"

His eyes widened as he saw me get up, and immediately he stood up to follow me. "Don't leave me 'lone..." He whined at me. "I wanna sleep wif' you and Daddy... there's scary things in my room!"

"Honey..." I sighed to him. "You gotta start sleeping in your own bed sooner or later. There's nothing scary in your room..."

But he looked up at me with those horrified, wide innocent red eyes and my shoulders drooped in defeat as I grabbed a towel to wrap around him. "Fine. But Bruiser, you gotta promise to sleep in your own bed tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay. Promise." He nodded enthusiastically as I scooped him up out of the water, wrapping him in a towel as I helped him dry off. He still whimpered as I told him to wait, but at my stern look he settled on a pout and I made my way to his room, Brick grumbling at me on the way out.

"What's his problem?" He yawned, rolling over to squint at me in the dim light.

"He's sleeping with us, he had a bad dream."

"You're too soft on him." He snarled at me before I walked out.

After I threw off Bruiser's sheets and grabbed a fresh pair of PJs I got him redressed pretty quickly. At four years old he was pretty good at listening to his mother. He yawned lazily as he sluggishly let me put his arms through the right holes in his shirt.

"Mommy..." He mumbled at me, his tired eyes half lidded. "Will you read to me?"

"I've already read to you tonight, sweetheart." I reminded him softly. "How about just cuddles right now, hmm?"

He pouted at me, but nevertheless let me scoop him up to carry to bed. Brick was already snoring his head off when I lay back in my regular spot, Bruiser nestled in my arms to avoid getting squashed by Brick. He pushed his face into my chest as he made himself comfortable, and I ran a few fingers along his forehead, tickling his skin. Moments passed where only Brick's deep, rumbling snores were heard, then Bruiser's own small snores met my ears and his hands clung to my shirt, holding me close. I felt Brick roll over next to me and his snores were soon pressed between my shoulder blades, his arm winding around my midsection and clenching me close.

So with Brick's loud rumbling snores in my back, my son's dainty snores in my ear and both males clenching onto me for dear life, it was kind of suffocating to be under such a security blanket of body heat...but strangely enough the feeling was comfortably familiar, and I found myself falling asleep in seconds.


The very first second I held her in my arms, it was magical. All of the pain, the sadness, the despair, despite the world ending around us she was pure heaven. Nirvana. Never before had I felt anything like it, and it was all her.

Her bright aqua blue eyes shimmered up at me so brightly you'd think they were diamonds, and her milky skin and tiny hands seemed like they were carved by angels. She was so pudgy, pale and pathetic, yet so wonderfully perfect, for a moment it seemed like the whole world was at a standstill- and she and I were all that mattered.


Boomer flew into the room, his own eyes wide at the sight before him. I guess he wasn't expecting an early labour, or maybe he was...but he wasn't expecting me to actually take control- actually be brave and go through with it alone without my sister's help. He zoomed forward, eyes as big as saucers.


His eyes found her- the tiny bloodsoaked thing in my arms, and through my delirious smile he could see we were both okay. The pain had disappeared with me, my legs were numb and all I could feel was her in my arms and her soft cries in my ears.

"She's here, Boomer!" Was all I could scream to him, so proud and so thrilled that a piece of happiness and light was finally in my life. "She's here! Look at her!"

"She...She..." Boomer was lost too, staring at his daughter as though he couldn't find the words. " need help...don't move!" With a final shocked, gaping stare he flew back out. I turned back to her, my heart swelling with determination that I could finally do this, I could prove to the doomed world I wasn't a hopeless Powerpuff anymore. If I could deliver my own miracle, there would be plenty more miracles to come.

"You know...holding you, you make me so happy." I remember gushing to her, the sniffling confused baby girl in my arms. "Y...You give me joy, you make me so happy, like, like a moment of bliss! Yes!" I felt like jumping up and clapping my hands, the same excitement I hadn't felt since Buttercup was alive. "That's what I'll name you, angel..." I leaned down and stroked her cheek, a smile stretching across my face. "Bliss."


My eyes snapped open and immediately darted around the room, my heart only slowing to a steady, calm beat when I felt her warm, soft breaths on my neck- her tiny fingers clenching at my shirt, her silky hair brushing against my cheek.

I ran a hand down her back, checking if she was still asleep as I blinked rapidly, trying to wake up. I didn't mean to doze off like that. Usually when Bliss and I cuddled in our room she fell asleep on me and I carried her to her room. She never stayed up long enough to see her father return- but this time I didn't either.

"I couldn't wake you."

My heart jumped again as my eyes snapped back to the door- where hidden in the shadows a pair of familiar navy eyes twinkled at us. Boomer sat on the grand armchair by the oak door, rising to his feet and making his way over, his boots noiseless against the hardwood floor.

"You guys looked so peaceful." He added to me in a low whisper as he reached us, a few fingers grazing his young daughter's hair. Bliss stirred slightly, giving a tiny sigh as she snuggled further into my neck. A smile twitched on my lips, and I stared up into those cerulean eyes. I remained motionless as he leaned down and gave me a light kiss on the cheek.

"How was...your hunt?" I murmured to him, ignoring the tingle that went through my face. He stayed behind me, his fingers grazing my exposed neck. I always tied my hair up in a messy bun atop my head now- it's just easier that way. I heard him sigh- a low, dark groan rumbling through his chest as his fingers traced my hairline. It sent tremors through by body- gentle waves radiating from his fingertips.

"Typical..." He mumbled to me lazily, leaning over to wrap his arms around Bliss's sleeping form. He bundled her up in his arms and I felt the warmth leave me. She sleepily wrapped her own arms around his neck. "The guys are still talking about a new demon hunter a few cities over, but no immediate threats." His dark blue eyes flashed as he said this, and as he left I followed close behind, shutting off the light behind me. Living so close to him for so long, I knew when he was troubled. I decided to keep quiet, letting him tell me in his own time.

A few doors down we both lay Bliss down in her tiny bed. Her room reminded me so much of mine and my sisters when we were younger. There were blue butterflies on the walls, and toys scattered everywhere. Even when she cleaned there was still a minefield of stuffed animals and teddies every time you walked through the door. Moonlight trickled through the opening of her periwinkle blue curtains and illuminated her sleeping face. I watched, mesmorised, as Boomer tucked her in and kissed her softly on the forehead before gently taking my hand and leading me out.

He and the Ruffs had grown over the years. He now stood a head taller than me, and his shoulders almost doubled mine in width. All three had put on at least 50 pounds of muscle, and I could feel all the hard work and battling they had done recently in the calloused fingers that held mine. I looked down at our hands.

A ring on my left hard sparkled back up at me, reminding me of just how solid the link was between us now.

It was still hard to get used to, but I found myself gripping tighter everyday- to the father of my child.

It's a bond impossible to break.

"I'm always scared." He scowled to himself once we reached our room. The door clicked closed, leaving us in darkness. "Of our enemies, the fear never rests. They could go after you or Bliss at any time. You can't trust anyone." He gave a subtle growl, something he never used to do.

My heart thudded in my ears at this. It was no surprise we were a target for Rogue Demons- after all the Ruffs were so high profile now they were running Hell on Earth- the new centre of evil. The Dystopian world of Townsville had not only become the demon's Haven- it had become our home, and Blossom and I had to make the best of it.

Becoming a mother still stuck within my heart, and I had to put that first. I only had to look at Bliss to be reminded of how precious that was, and I know now why Buttercup gave in the way she did.

I had to ignore the sharp pain that radiated through my chest. Buttercup. It still stung. I couldn't get used to it...

I slid my arm around his, holding his muscular limb close. I felt so weak compared to him, but it only took a few months to get used to not having Chemical X in your blood. I pressed my forehead against his shoulder, and I could feel his breath on my face.

There was much bigger evil out there.

"Don't worry, Boomer." I soothed him. Somehow, my thumping heart calmed with my words, and his body heat. His scent washed over me, and I heaved a relieved sigh. "Bliss and I will always be here, as long as you're here to protect us."

I felt his lips on my forehead, and his hot whisper in my ear. If I looked up, I knew I would be looking into darkening demon eyes- how he always gets when his emotions are on high.

"That thought is the only one that keeps me going."


Jayden's words were still ringing in my head when I snuck back through the woods to camp. The thick trees and dark canopies of leaves had quickly become our home and had stayed that way for the past three months- the longest we'd stayed in the one spot. Usually we make sure we move from place to place quickly to avoid detection, but Cass knew I was gradually getting stronger and more confident, and she was trusted to keep base safe.

I reached a clearing ahead and I strained my ears, listening out for any noise. Silence. I glided through the air sneakily, peeking over to see our cluster of tents ahead. The dark sky was only just hinting at the glow of sunrise on the horizon, and I was just getting home. I hid my long knife back in its leather bound case as I pulled back the curtain of the tent, checking on my girls.

Cass was closest to the door. She's still my partner in crime- like a sister, the ones I missed every day. Her long natural brown hair was tied into a messy bun on top of her head, and her pale skin gleamed in the shimmering light of the moon. Her eyes immediately snapped open at the noise- and turned to widen at me as I saw her hand tighten under the covers of her blanket.

That's why she's such a good guardian.

'How was she?' I mouthed to her. I was rewarded with a wide smirk as she nodded over to the small bundle fast asleep on the other side of the tent.

"See for yourself." She replied in a quiet scoff.

I took a closer look. My little girl was spread out, snoring quietly. Her arms were sprawled over the pillow, her plump pale lips were agape and small snores escaped her. Her chest rose and fell steadily, her black hair spread across the pillow. She still looked like an angel to me- my little girl. I pressed my lips to her forehead, running a hand through her hair.

All this was worth it, coming back to her in the end.

I gave a sigh as I looked down at the hand that was pressed against her silky ebony hair. Demon blood stained my fingernails. My pale skin shone in the moonlight, and my wrist caught my eye. A few years ago I ran into a guy when the demons started to take over. He was a tattoo artist, and he agreed to scrawl a name on me in exchange for a few supplies. That's how I ended up with Blayze's name delicately written across my wrist, and my daughter's name on my other. The two things that keep me sane- the two names that keep me going. It was all the reason I needed to get up every morning, to train every day, to continue to fight and hunt until I found myself again, until my I found my sisters and my son. The world was a dangerous place, and the fight for survival was every second of everyday.

When I come back to her, the fight was worth it.

And one day, I'll come home to him too.

I looked down at my son's name. He has to be about six now... My heart gave a painful thud.

I kissed my little girl again before finally settling down beside her. I felt more exhausted than usual, and Jayden's words kept echoing through my head. I stared at Blayze's name on my wrist, reminding me again what my main mission was. What I wouldn't rest until I finally had- my daughter and son with me again. I thought about my sisters too, and what they had now. If they were surviving like I was. I had to get them all back. I had to save the world like we used to. So we could be a family...

I settled beside my girl, wrapping my arm around her as I closed my eyes.

It's time to head back to where it all began.


I Hope you liked my intro! :) Times have changed, huh? Let me know what you think! Don't leave me hangin'!

PS- 'Bloodlust' is a pretty good song for a demon club I think XD