Hi! This is the epilogue for Parents!

This chapter is in POV of Lambo XD


Silence filled the room. The tension was so thick, I could almost cut it with the scissors I had in my afro.

"Ummm…" I was the first one to break the silence. "I'm okay now though! I got over it! And plus, because papa sent me here, I met all of you guys so I'm very grateful! If this did not happen, then Tsuna-nii would not have a lightning guardian, right? Hehehe…" I tried to cheer the others up.

Chrome-nee dropped to her knees and cried. "Why… Why is everyone's parents so mean to us? Bossu, Storm man, Cloud man, Rain man, Cow kid, Mukuro-sama, and even sun man! Everyone's parents made all of us suffer so much! Why? Why?"

"Ne, ne. Chrome-nee." I tugged her sleeves and when she looked at me, I gave her my best smiles. "Like I said, I'm glad that papa sent me to Tsuna-nii's house to assassinate Reborn. If he didn't and just killed me, then I wouldn't have met you, right? I wouldn't have met ANY of you, right?"

"I… guess…" Chrome-nee whispered.

Tsuna-nii walked up to me and put his hands on my shoulders. "I agree with Lambo. I think the bad parents we had made who we are right now. I am sure if any of our parents were nice and spoiled us, that person might be entirely different person."

"Tsuna…" Takeshi-nii said.

"I ask you right now, are you happy right now?" Tsuna-nii asked, looking around the room.

Some hesitated, but all of us eventually nodded our heads.

"No one's parents are perfect and that's what makes them humans, and that's what they should learn from. Some refuse to learn from their mistakes and continue doing those mistakes; some have different mindset from their children." Tsuna-nii started. "Many hurt their children physically, emotionally, or mentally. Some are intentional, and others unintentional."

We all listened to him very carefully. I agreed with everything he said and could put my papa into some of those categories. I'm sure everyone else could as well.

"We can't dwell on the past now. We have to move forward. Think about the future instead of the past. But… don't lock them in deep inside of your mind and try to escape from it. Face those memories and remember your parents. Learn from their mistakes and never make the same mistake as them when we have our children." Tsuna-nii chuckled and rolled his eyes at everyone's blushes. "Yes, children. We're already in our late teens, going into our adulthood. We will someday have children."

"H…Hahaha! Of course, Tsuna!" Takeshi-nii scratched the back of his head.

"Remember. Everyone was born in this world to be loved. Parents are usually the ones that will love you unconditionally, but, if there is none, there are always friends that will love you no matter what. We all are a family and I am proud to call all of you guys as my best friends as well as a family member."

"Extreme!" Ryohei-nii yelled on top of his voice.

"Yes, Jyudaime! As usual, you have such a motivating sp-" Hayato-nii started to say but I cut him off.

"Tsuna-nii! Thank you for that speech! It was great!"

"You damned ahoshi! I was going to say that to Jyudaime! How dare you steal that line from me, stupid cow?!" Hayato-nii yelled angrily.

"Hai, hai." I said in a bored tone as I cleaned my eardrum with my pinky. "Whatever you say, ahodera."

"Hn." Kyoya-nii just turned his head with his arms crossed.

"Kufufufu… That was quite a speech, Tsunayoshi-kun. I must say, it was very impressive. Kufufufufufu…"

Chrome-nee spoke up and said, "Th-thank you, bossu…"

"Pfft…" Tsuna-nii stifled his laugh and his shoulders were shaking; clearly not doing his job well of not laughing.






We all said at the same time.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"What's so funny, Tsuna?" Takeshi-nii asked with a confused look on his face.

Tsuna-nii calmed himself down and said, "Nothing, it's nothing!"

"Tsuna-nii!" I whined.

Takeshi-nii finished my thought. "Don't just dismiss us like that! Tell us what's so funny, Tsuna!"

Tsuna-nii got up and went for the door. "Ah… I have so much paperwork to do thanks to certain violent guardian I have and I am so busy! It was really fun having this story time, guys! See you during dinner!"

"Don't extremely just let it hang, Sawada!" Ryohei-nii complained very loudly.

I whined even more and followed Tsuna-nii outside. "Tsuna-nii! Tell me what made you laugh! Come on!"

Tsuna-nii just laughed and continued walking.

Everyone followed behind Tsuna-nii and demanded why he was laughing back in the room.

Then, Tsuna-nii opened the door to his office and slipped inside, leaving all of us outside his office.

"Tsuna-nii! Tell us!"

All we could hear from the office was Tsuna-nii's laughter.

Yes, I know this chapter sucked and it was super short...

Please forgive me!

Anyway, this story is finally done! Hahaha! Yay!

*confetti everywhere*

Thank you very much for reading the "Parents" I hope you have cr- I mean enjoyed the story without crying! Hahaha... xD

Disclaimer: I do NOT own KHR