Chapter 1

Pairing: Takao x Fem!Kuroko

Summary: Takao and Kuroko have been dating in secret for a while, so they decided to make it public. When they did, Takao didn't expect to have to leave a trail of bodies behind. Protective!GoM

Disclaimer: I don't own KnB :(

It was 7:40 in the morning and Kuroko was on her way to school, when her phone beeped. The blue-haired girl flipped her blue phone open to check her inbox.

《~~~ヾ(^∇^) Good morning, Tama-chan~ 》

Although her face was normally impassive, a small smile couldn't help but creep on to her face. The text was from her boyfriend, Takao Kazunari, who attends Shuutoku. After the match between Shuutoku and Seirin at the Interhigh Preliminaries, they had bumped into each other and hit off well, considering Takao liked talking and Kuroko didn't mind listening to his ramblings. Takao had taken a fast liking to her, so they agreed to exchange numbers… and well, one thing had led to another.

She snapped herself out of her thoughts and typed a quick reply back.

《Good morning to you as well, Kazu-kun.》There was a faint blush present on her cheeks as she punched in his nickname. It had definitely taken a lot of practice and she still wasn't used to it.

《ヾ(≧∇≦)ゞ Uwaa, I'm really happy Tama-chan is using my pet name~ I'll see you later for our date! (*^-^)》Takao was always fast to respond to her texts, which made her stomach flutter slightly. Smiling once again, she tucked her phone into her bag and headed for her desk behind Kagami.

"Yo, Kuroko." The tall redhead greeted, raising an arm lazily.

Kuroko nodded her head slightly in acknowledgment and replied with a simple "good morning." Her phone made a sound, which caused her to pull it out of her bag and Kagami couldn't help but glance over curiously.

《By the way, Tama-chan, I miss you~ 》

Seeing a small upturn of her lips on her usually stoic face, Kagami's interest was piqued even more, but before he could ask anything, the teacher walked in and she hurriedly put it away. The male basketball player shrugged and turned to face the front.

At practice, the basketball team was doing drills as per Riko's instructions, when someone's cell phone rang loudly. Everyone stopped what they were doing, since no one ever brought their phones to practice. Kuroko blushed, realizing that it was hers that was making the obnoxious ringing.

"Oh, um, my apologies. That is my phone."

"What? Kuroko-chan's?" Koganei looked shocked. Usually, Kuroko was a serious person when it came to practice and she never strayed from the rules. Riko, who happened to be closest to the phone, picked it up and looked at the screen.

"EH?!" Riko exclaimed and everyone's attention turned to her.

"What is it, coach?" Kagami asked, curiosity at its peak.

"T-Takao from Shuutoku?! Why would he be calling Kuroko-chan?!" Riko stared intensely at the blue-haired player, causing the rest of the team to shout in surprise as well.

"A-ano…" Kuroko started, nervously fiddling with her basketball shirt.

"Well, Kuroko-chan?" Riko tapped her foot, impatiently, holding the phone that had now stopped ringing.

"Um… We wanted to keep it under wraps, but we have been dating since a little after the Interhigh." Kuroko mumbled quietly.


"… How can you keep such important information from us?" Riko questioned.

"It is a little embarrassing, coach. I apologize. May I be excused for a bit?"

"A-ah, sure…" The brunette trailed off, not quite sure how to take this news, "But be back quickly!"

"Of course." Kuroko grabbed her phone and walked out of the gymnasium. At that point, everyone broke out into excited murmurs.

"Whoaaa, I can't believe it!"

"Who would've thought? Takao and Kuroko-chan?"

"Isn't it a bit weird?"

"… I wonder if Midorima knows?"

"I guess our peaceful day has just fallen in to pieces."


Meanwhile outside, Kuroko could feel her cheeks heating up again at the revelation of her relationship with Shuutoku's point guard. Shaking her head slightly, she flipped her phone open and redialed the last number.

"… Good afternoon, Kazu-kun. Did you need something? You interrupted my practice."

"Ahh, sorry, sorry, Tama-chan~ I just wanted to say that something came up last minute and I can't make it to our date! E-eh? S-Shin-chan, what are you doing here?"

All Kuroko could think at this point was, "uh-oh."

"Takao, what is the meaning of this? Did you say you were going on a date with Tamako?" The female could hear her former teammate's angry voice through the phone… and was that a growl?

"Ehh, Tama-chan, I'll catch you later! I think I have to start running for my life now…" Without giving her a chance to say anything, the tone dial had already sounded and she knew that Midorima would eventually tell the other members of the Generation of Miracles. This definitely did not bode well for either of them. Well, maybe more so for Takao. There wasn't anything she could really do at this point, except to take it as it came.

AN: I was so inspired by a fanart I stumbled upon on zerochan. They're so cute together. o(≧∇≦)o Please review and tell me what your comments are! There are more chapters to come (eventually).