It was twilight outside. Shades of red, pink, orange caressing the horizon. Most animals had turned in for the evening, but others were just waking up, ready for their part in the show. Owls hooted, foxes howled at the moon, badgers left their setts in search of food. In a meadow not far away from where the nocturnal animals had begun their day were two children.

"You can't catch me!", a musical voice sang.
"Yes I can!", called a slightly lower voice.

Two children played in a field, chasing, laughing, having a great time. There was a girl. She had long, curly, brown hair. She had deep, creamy chocolate eyes hat fit her delicate face. Her pale skin seemed to glow in the waning sunlight. With her was a slightly younger boy. He had short, curly, brown hair. His childish face held hazel eyes full of mischief. When he looked at the girl though, his eyes only held adoration and protectiveness.

"Come on Emmy we need to go soon!"
"Alright, alright Bells I'm coming."

A rustle sounded from the bushes behind them. The boy turned and pushed the girl behind him protectively. His eyes darkened as he searched the woods.
"What is it Em?"
"Nothing, come on let's go."
The boy and girl walked home hand in hand, away from the forest and strange noises. They never saw the eyes watching them as they left.