Kyaaa…..A new story, ItaXDei…well I wanted to make it a SasuNaru but, I wanted to try my hand at ItaDei. Marriage.

Summary: Marriage is difficult, especially when it is between strangers and men at that! Deidara a young boy who just passed his university exams finds himself in a difficult marriage with an older business owner Itachi.

Deidara stared at his own reflection the mirror of his new house, his blue eyes were now blood shot red, his hair tousled, he looked around his own room which was an a elegant apartment, his eyes roomed back to the clock hanging off the wall and indicating it was 11 p.m.

'Looks like he isn't going to be coming home till 2 a.m again.' He thought slightingly and walked out of his room towards the dining area; he face grew sad at the sight of the dinner he had prepared for two getting cold and bit his lips.

What else could he do? What else were there for him to wait until Itachi returned back home?


[Flash back]

'What do you mean a fiancé?' Deidara demanded angrily glaring at his mother and father.

"Deidara, honey, "His mom called and Deidara stared at her helplessly, "It's necessary, If you don't marry Itachi Uchiha our company will go down in ruins! Only you can save us from starving in the streets!' His mother cried and his father comforted her.

But what about Deidara? What about his feeling? His life and future? How could he just marry a stranger he knew nothing about? A man at that!

'He's 38 yrs old! About 14 yrs older than me! A man at that! "Deidara bristled, how could his parents not see that?

'We don't have a daughter, only you…to make the ties between our companies strong; there was no choice for us to give a proof of our loyalty."Deidara's father said and Deidara trembled in anger.

'And you just sold me off? Well he shouldn't be sure you'll be loyal to him, because you did sell me in an instant!'

"Deidara!' his mother screeched as he tears filled eyes widened.

'Don't yell!'Deidara barked back, he felt so betrayed that he lost his all sense of duty.

He opened the door to his house and slammed it closed shut; he didn't want to see them for a while.

He had met Itachi Uchiha after sometime; his parents knew he couldn't abandon them, the guy who was 14 years older than him, he had a air of superiority around him, those black devouring eyes in the contrast to his pale skin and dark hair, no one could deny he was handsome.

"Uzumaki Deidara-san? Itachi spoke to catch his attention, they met in a private lounge and Deidara looked nervous, "Is something bothering you?"Itachi asked politely and Deidara forced a smile.

"Er….no it's just that it's too sudden."Deidara whispered and Itachi nodded slowly his expression blank as he sipped his wine.

"I know why you're nervous."


"I understand that this arrangement has got you baffled, but let us just consider it a marriage of convenience."Itachi started and Deidara grew pale.

"What do you mean?"

"If you marry me, your father will get money and your company will be saved, as for me get half of your companies' legal shares."Itachi commented and looked at Deidara unbelieving eyes squarely without a hint of hesitation,"I believe it could be beneficial to both of us, you do not need to be frightened, I promise you I won't lay a hand on you, you're too young for me, probably less experienced too."Itachi said non-chantey.

The way he had said that made Deidara feel he was looked down upon because of his age, maybe this person didn't mean anything by it, but it had hurt Deidara's pride. He wanted to blowup on him but he had to keep his composure, this was for his family.


[End of flashback]

Deidara jerked up at the sound of the door opening, he walked towards the gate and saw Itachi come inside, Itachi regarded him with cold eyes,"Why are you still up?"

"I Just thought we would eat together."Deidra answered and looked at him nervously.

"I ate out, there was no need for you to make all this."Itachi commented and without sparing Deidara another glance he headed for his own room.

"Bu-but won't you atleast drink something? I havn't seen you the whole day,and thought we would chat a bi-"

"Don't be childish!"Itachi barked and Deidara jumped, "Are you a woman? Don't ask for ridiculious things! I am tired and going to bed."Itachi said and opened the door to his room and slammed it shut behind him.

Deidara lifelessly made his way back to the dinning table and packed the dinner in foil and placed in the fridge, "Another failed attempt."he said to himself.

'Was it too much to ask for a bit talk?'


"Damn it!"Itachi cursed his face twisted into a pained expression.

What do ya think? Good ? bad? Review! :D