"Robin get everyone out of here, NOW!" Nightwing yelled as the Gotham City Museum began to collapse around them.


"Just do it" he said, and Robin nodded, albeit very begrudgingly, and moved to where Batgirl, Beast Boy and Bumblebee were attempting to defeat the last of Black Manta's thugs; Tigress had apparently decided that it had been too quiet lately, so she attacked the Gotham Museum, prompting Nightwing and the rest of Alpha squad to attempt to stop her. Only Nightwing knew that it was not and attack at all, but rather a clever ruse to get him information on the Light's plans. He raced at Tigress and aimed a kick at her head, which she blocked and countered with a punch to Night wing's jaw, knocking him to the floor.

"You know Artemis, it needs to be convincing, but isn't this a little overkill?" Dick whispered; usually they pulled their punches enough to where neither was really harmed. Artemis or Tigress rather, didn't reply, but instead ordered her men out, leaving her and Dick alone. She leaned in and kissed him, which Dick returned; they had been dating secretly for the last year, knowing that Wally would go ballistic if he ever knew the truth.

"That's the thing bird boy… this isn't an act" she said as she pulled away, and before Dick could react, she kicked him in the head, sending him into unconsciousness.

A/N: I know short intro, but next chapter will be a lot longer! I've had this story in mind for a while and just had to write it! Is Artemis serious? Has she really gone rogue? And what will Nightwing do about it? Also, how will this affect the rest of the team? All that and more in later chapters!