Dean and Cas have been together for three months. Cas is still fighting in heaven and occasionally turns up slightly bloodied and looking exhausted.

"Hello Dean, Hello Sam" he murmurs from the back seat of the Impala.

Dean and Sam both turn to look at him as he slumps over to lean against the door.

"Cas!" Dean shouts, "Babe what happened?"

Cas jerks and opens his eyes, staring balefully at the brothers.

"I am fine, Dean." He says quietly and the blood splatters suddenly disappear from his trench coat.

"Are you sure, man? You look totally beat." Dean questions his voice sounding like a growl, as he tries to mask his concern and his love for his angel.

"Dean, I am fine, thank you for asking." Cas' eyes begin to close again.

"Well, we'll be home soon then you can have a good rest." Dean glances across at Sam, who shrugs and shakes his head. Cas is reluctant to tell anyone about his daily battles and Dean is frustrated by his inability to help.

When they pull into Bobby's yard, Cas is still sleeping soundly, wrapped up in his trench coat snuggled up against the door. Sam walks into the house, and Dean leans against the door watching Cas as he sleeps. He doesn't want to disturb him, but it's been a couple of days since they've seen each other and Dean wants to drown in those beautiful blue eyes once more.

Cas suddenly stretches and looks up at Dean, smiling.

"Your thoughts are very loud to me, Dean. I am glad you like my eyes. I think your eyes are beautiful too," he says as he opens the door and steps out.

Dean is blushing as he gathers Cas into his arms and kisses him. Cas takes his hand and they walk into the house together to be met by Bobby.

"Sam told me Cas looks a mess and he ain't far wrong. What's ailin' ya boy?" Bobby asks gruffly, concern in his voice.

"I am just tired, thank you for asking Bobby" says Cas, leaning against Dean's shoulder.

"Hmm, well you just get him up to bed, Dean" Bobby orders as Sam shouts with laughter.

"My pleasure," grins Dean.

My first fanfic. More chapters to come. Hope you enjoy it. Please review.