Finally...the epilogue. Thank you for all those who'd reviewed! For those who'd requested - here's the epilogue. This is kinda hard to write...complicated, just a short one to wrap things up...
LOTS of Babies :D
6 Years Later
Rose's POV
I leaned back snugly on the warm, solid chest of my babies' father who has an arm around my neck, twiddling with my hair playfully and his other hand resting gently on my stomach.
"Mama, Abe and Janine want to celebrate the boys' birthday with them. We'll only be back by the Friday after the next." Dimitri said to Olena.
"As they should," Olena answered with a smile. "And I'll get a break from your three musketeers." She continued lightly.
Frowning slightly, Dimitri asked, "have they been up to mischief again Mama? I've told them to behave."
From beside Olena, Yeva snorted. "You've told them to behave. You know, just this afternoon, they've had the greatest food fight of the century right after printing their palms across every surface they can reach, then…"
"Mama," Olena interrupted gently. "They're boys and there's three of them…"
"Well," Yeva refuted immediately, "Diederik most certainty did not behave this way when he was young. Neither did Dimka, Paul, Aloysha or Edik. Why? If Dimka had behaved this appallingly, I would have Diederik put him across…"
"Babushka," Dimitri called out hurriedly. "I'll talk to them, really, I will."
"We'll deal with them." I agreed, amused at Dimitri's panicking look. Then, unable to resist it,"you mean your glare couldn't stop them?"
"I was out attending to other business." Yeva replied pointedly, glaring her patented glare at me. "And walked right back into the middle of the fight."
"Oh." I said. It's just a typical Saturday night. After a scrumptious dinner, the kids will spread out across the room entertaining themselves while the adults sat quietly exchanging news.
At one end of the sofa, Yeva and Olena sat contentedly watching their great grandchildren/grandchildren play while updating their parents on their "status" since the house had officially become the daycare for all the kids.
Karolina, Ivan and Paul sat together watching the movie of the night – Star Wars VII, Paul having long since decided that he had "outgrown" the childish games.
Sonya and Markov were next. Sonya is pregnant again, 8 weeks, despite only being married to Markov for 2.5 years. Their 10 months old daughter, Rita is sitting on a high chair, happily playing with her Hello Kitty toy. Markov, like Ivan is the top scholar of his cohort.
Sitting on the floor, fumbling with a piece of the elaborated train set is Eddie and Viktoria's 3 years old daughter, Irisa. Directing the train are the spoken three devils, my own triplets - Boris Kiryl, Cheslav Fadey and Dima Vladik. Nearing 4 years old now, the three boys working as a team is a constant source of nightmare for Dimitri and myself. Though alike as peas in a pod, each has their unique personality and talents, exacerbating their "exploits".
Eddie and Viktoria's older child, 5 years old Edik is sprawled at the other end of the room together with Zoya and my own Aloysha trying to piece together a 100-piece treasure map puzzle. Looking at Aloysha always reminds me of a young Dimitri. The same brilliance, the same seriousness and the same look…any mum's pride.
True to his words, Christian had proposed to Lissa right after their graduation 3 years ago and their first baby girl, Miesha was born barely 10 months later. The second girl Rahil, exactly 18 months ago and is now pregnant again with their first baby boy, Luca. With my referral, Lissa had been able to secure a job in the Royal Hospital and we have lunch together at least once a week. Christian on the other hand, had been appointed as a section leader in the armory unit by Dimitri.
Manson, to all our surprise, had announced his engagement to Mia Rinaldi shortly after Eddie and Vicktoria's wedding and is now the proud parents of their own triplets – Theda (daughter), Karolek (son) and Larisa (daughter). Both Eddie and Manson had quickly risen through the ranks within the Guardians' Office – Eddie is now the second-in-command while Manson, head of training. Mia had also been promoted to a Chef. The happy couple now live in the estate that Dimitri had gifted Manson years ago, just a 10 minutes commute away and I get to see them almost on a daily basis.
And finally, myself…Dimitri just simply refuses to give up trying for a baby girl after the triplets, insisting that she will most definitely be "an angel just like me". Well, his effort paid off - doubly; I'm now pregnant (again) with twin girls and I swear that he hasn't calm down yet since I got the scan 2 days ago…
Of course, my parents and younger brother Azad, whom we are visiting tomorrow morning, are all doing well. They had visited twice since our wedding, shortly after the birth of their grandsons and we made it a point to gather together at least once a year. Azad and Aloysha being the same age have become the best of friends, always disappearing for hours on end together whenever they meet.
Nearly 7 years into my role as a Queen and wife and 6 as a mother, I can safely say that I've been adapting well into all the roles. Of course, Dimitri and I still sparred regularly and are taking turns coaching Aloysha who turns out to be extremely talented; even the three devils are learning quickly.
Rarccia is prospering, our people are contented; my babies are thriving; my friends and family are happy.
And so am I.
That's 5 WHOLE months. A great THANK YOU to all my readers :P Thank you all for your reviews and support. They really meant a lot in encouraging me to continue writing. This's my first fanfic really. Whew...
I have some ideas on the "happily ever after" part that'll include the children. Haven't really read other fanfic that dwells much after Rose and Dimitri are finally together. Just some ideas...nothing concrete yet. Any takers?