There was a man that died, he had powers to make his storys come to life. But when the man died, he had a descendant who inherit the man's powers. He began to write storys and they came to life but he made a grave mistake and promise to never write again til he met one duck.

Fakir was trying to write a story but nothing came to him. He stared at Duck, swimming in the pond. It had been a year since the raven was killed and Duck went back to being a duck. Mytho and Rue were married and were prince and princess, Fakir was an ex knight and now a writer. He was the descendant of Drosselmeyer and the reincarnation of the knight in Drosselmeyer's story. He looked at the trees, they were filled with flowers. Spring was coming and it was gettin foggy. He didn't care, all he cared was the small yellow duck that was once Princess Tutu. He heard drumming all the sudden and saw a small figure coming towards him.

"What is it Uzura?" Fakir looked at the ground.

"Why aren't you writing zura?" Fakir sighed and didn't tell her the reason.

"I have to get ready for dinner, come on Duck." Duck looked at Fakir and got out of the pond. Uzura played her drum behind them as they went to Fakir's house. Charon made dinner for them when they came home.

"So Fakir have you write a story yet?" Fakir looked at Duck, she was eating bread. He similed at her.


"Well the thoughts will come soon." They finished dinner and went to bed, Fakir took Duck to his room. She laid on Fakir's bed and watch Fakir staring at the window.

Fakir is sad, he hasn't had any ideas.

Duck knew Fakir liked her but didn't know that he loved her. She looked down at her small yellow body as a duck.

I'm just a duck that can't do anything, i miss dancing, i miss being a girl, i also miss being Princess Tutu.

She rembered the times when she was Princess Tutu, when she was dancing and helping Mytho getting his heart back togethor. She also miss helping Fakir and everyone, she miss everything in the world. Fakir stared at the night sky, the stars and the moon.

I want to see Duck as a girl again, her long light orange hair, her bright blue eyes. Damn i even miss her clumsness.

Fakir looked over at Duck, she was crying.

"Duck!" He ran to her and looked at her eyes. She had tears in her eyes and they were dropping on the bed.

"What's wrong?" Duck couldn't speak only quack.

"Quack." I miss being a girl.

Fakir knew what she was crying about.

"You're crying beacause you miss being a girl." Duck nodded and looked at Fakir's eyes, they were filled with small tears. "I know how it feels being something that you don't want to be, but i promise that you will be a girl again." He used his thumb to take away her tears. Duck sighed when she felt his warmth of his thumb.

He's so warm.

Fakir similed and saw that Duck was falling asleep that only made Fakir similed more.

"We both need to sleep." He picked Duck up and put her on his bed, he got in bed and fell asleep with Duck.

I promise you, i will make you a girl again.

The next morning, Fakir and Duck got up and ate breakfest. They went out into the town to look around, Duck saw the school and thought about ballet. When she was Duck she was clumsy as ever but when she was Princess Tutu she was like a swan. She thought about her friends Pike and Lillie, they were annoying but they were friendly and fun. She and Fakir walked around town, each time they do this Fangirls come and scream when they see him. Fakir had to hide Duck so the Fangirls won't try and take her away.

"We should get back to the house." Duck nodded at Fakir, they went back to the house, Fakir went back to his desk and thought about his story. Duck wanted to go and see the school again, she sneaked out and walked to the school without Fakir knowing. Everyday she done this whenever Fakir was working, she got to the school and saw Mr. Cat's class. She walked to the window and saw the girls and boys dance, they were the advance class but she didn't care. They were dancing beautifully, she thought about Rue dancing like that. Even as Princess Krahae she was beautiful, she always wanted to dance but she was still a duck. When a boy and girl dance, she sighed.

I wish me and Fakir dance like that.

"Duck?" Duck knew who voice that was, she felt her cheeks red and burning. She turned around and Fakir was standing behind her, he bend down to her.

"What are you doing here? I was looking for you moron." Fakir always called her a moron but didn't really mean it. He always done it since, it was a habit. Duck sighed when she heard moron and looked back at the boy and girl dancing. Fakir looked at them too, he knew that dance. He also knew that Duck was sighed at them, he felt sorry for Duck.

She misses dancing. That's why she's here.

"I see." The boy and girl stopped dancing and everyone clapped. Duck missed people clapping when she finished a dance when she was Princess tutu.

"I'm so sorry Duck." Duck looked at Fakir, he was still staring at the classroom. "I know you miss being a girl and dancing. I made a promise that you will be a girl again soon." Duck made a small simile, Fakir similed at her.

"WHO IS THERE?" Mr. Cat was looking out the window but no one was there. He looked back at his class, Fakir was at the other side of the wall holding Duck in his hands.

"Moron! You could've get us in trouble." Duck got angry but didn't say anything. They went back to the house and Uzura was beating her drum.

"Can you stop that?" Uzura looked at Fakir and Duck.

"I like it." A voice said, then a hand was behind Uzura. It was Mytho, he was dress in regluar clothes and Rue was standing next to him. Her hair was in a bun but her hair flowed, she wore a red dress with heels.

"Mytho, Rue." Fakir closed the door behind him and talked with them.

"What are you doing here?" Fakir was sitting in a chair with Duck sitting next to his arm, Mytho was sitting in a chair and Rue was in his lap. Uzura was beating her drum.

"Can't the prince and princess come to see their friends?" Fakir ignore that commet.

"We came because the people saw a ghost in the woods. They are afraid to go in there now." Mytho said, Fakir similed.

"And you want me to find out what's in there?" Mytho nodded. "What about Duck?"

"She can't go, she might get hurt." Duck felt angry but didn't say anything. Fakir sighed and looked at Duck. He didn't want to lose her, he didn't want to get her hurt.

"Fine, i'll do it." Mytho similed and left with Rue. Fakir grabbed his cloak and grabbed his sword. He heard Duck's feet and he looked at her.

"I have to do it." Duck was afraid that Fakir could get hurt, he bend down to her and gave her a hug.

"I will be back, i promise." He walked out the door with his sword and his hood up. He ran into the woods and into the fog. Duck stared at the woods.

Be safe Fakir.

Fakir looked around the woods for anything werid but only fog, he try to see anyone around but no one. Then he heard footsteps, he turned around and felt a push. He fell to the ground and saw a man. He was covered in black, he wore a hood over his head.

"Who the hell are you?" Fakir yelled and try to get up but the man put his foot on Fakir, he held out a sword.

"I am your worse nightmare." The man took off his hood, he had scars and cuts on his face. He had black tattoos that moved, he looked like death. He raise his sword over his head and yelled.

"I am death!" Fakir's eyes froze when he lowed his sword at Fakir. Then he heard something, a voice.

"Stop." Fakir looked around and saw a figure of light, it was a figure of a girl. Then she came out the fog, she had a pink tutu, her hair was in a bun with swan feathers. She looked like a ballerina, then Fakir knew who it was.

"Princess Tutu." She nodded, the man was afraid of his life.

"You're the angel." He got off on Fakir, he walked away from Princess Tutu. He fell on a rock and onto the ground.

"I am the guardian of light, the heart of love." The man yelled at her.

"You are my emeny!" Princess Tutu in the flesh. She looked beautiful, the man ran away deeper in the woods. Princess Tutu helped Fakir up, he couldn't stop staring at her.

"What is it?" Fakir thought it was Duck but had a feeling she wasn't.

"Are you Duck?" She shook her head.

"I am merly a dust of light." Fakir stood in front of her, a light came into the fog and went straight into Princess Tutu. She was a dust of light.

"Then why?..." She saw someone behind her and danced away.

"Wait!" She was gone into the light.

"Light is darkness but darkness is light." Fakir looked behind him, Edel was standing right there.

She's a ghost, maybe she's the ghost that everyone was talking about.

"Edel, but you-"

"I have died but i have came back." Fakir walked in front of her.

"Why are you here?"

"You are in love with Duck are you not?" Fakir blushed a little but accepted it.


"You have been trying to make Duck a girl are you not?" Fakir looked at Edel.

"Yes, but nothing came up." Edel looked at Fakir, he fell to the ground.

"All i have done to Duck was giving her suffering. She wants to dance, she wants to be happy, she wants to be a girl again. And i can't do it!" He had tears coming out of his eyes, all the sudden Princess Tutu came back and saw Fakir. She ran to him and hugged him, he felt the arms of Princess Tutu. He missed Duck as Princess Tutu.

"You miss her as a girl, you miss her as Princess Tutu." Princess Tutu close her eyes.

"Fakir, it's okay now. I'm here." Fakir miss that voice.

"You want her to be Duck, as love grows between you. It grows a beautiful flower." Fakir looked at Edel, she had her hand out. He looked at Princess Tutu, she looked into his eyes. They were bright blue like Duck's, she kissed Fakir's cheek and disappered. He watch her body turned into dust and flew over him, he saw that the moon was out. Then the dust went to Edel, and turned into a pendant. Fakir stood up and saw the pendant, it was glowing pink. It was shaped like a heart with sliver around it, it was more beautiful than Duck's old one. Then a chain was building around the pendant, it was now a necklace.

"This isn't a heart shard, this is the symbol of love that is between you and Duck," Fakir touch the necklace and looked at Edel. "When you put it on Duck you must say your love to her and she will turn into a girl but when she doesn't say i love you, she will be a duck again." Edel gave Fakir the necklace.

"If she saids quack, will she be a duck again?" Edel shook her head.

"She will stay a girl forever." Fakir similed at the necklace.

"Thank you." Edel similed at Fakir. He ran out of the woods and to Duck. Edel stared at the town.

"As love grows into a flower, it will be beautiful." Edel walked into the woods and disappered.

I hope you like it, it just popped out of my head and i just typed it.