I do not own Naruto or any of its characters. I simply own my imagination and all that transpires from it *evil laugh*

This fiction is a sequel to "Brother's Can't Be Trusted". Summary: Naruto, a spunky sophomore in high school moves to the city Konoha with his guardian Jiraiya. He reluctantly befriends Sasuke. Itachi, a pervert with a troublesome past in the Uchiha household, targets Sasuke's new friend as a sexual conquest. Together the Uchiha brothers battled for Naruto's affections even when some other people strived to pull them apart. Between Naruto's past best friend, Haku coming to visit to steal Naruto's heart, Sasuke's rabid fan girls that refuse to accept things, and daddy Uchiha himself with a sickly son complex; the Uchiha brothers barely stood a chance. But after some struggles and misfortune, Haku was swooned by Zabuza, fan girls were converted to yaoi fan girls, Fugaku was rightfully punished, and Naruto was safe to love and be loved by none other than Sasuke. Itachi, having lost the battle, found peace and romance with a friend he would have never thought to turn to; Kisame. Now three years later the group endures new challenges: college and the distance it may give them.

Naruto, Sasuke, and graduating class: age 18

Itachi and Kisame: age 22

Lovers Can't Be Trusted

Chapter One

Nothing's Changed

Kiba narrowed his dark eyes as he slipped his head graciously around the corner of the hallway. Soft giggling and gossiping came from the customers as they slowly guided out of the theatre. The teen looked carefully back to the front and watched the glowing green letters of 'now showing' turn off and read 'wait in the lobby'. With a mischievous smirk he pulled out his cell phone. It took less than a minute for the other end to pick up.

"Mission is a go. Duck butt is in the pond alone. I repeat duck butt is in the pond alone" he whispered low into the phone.

"What? Who's duck butt? I thought you were looking out for Sasuke?"

Kiba growled lightly. "Naruto! We've been through this!" Kiba hissed back.

"Oh! Sasuke is-"

"Just get your ass down here Uzumaki. You've got twenty minutes max!" Kiba grumbled back before quickly hanging up the phone. He peered cautiously around the corner again, smirking as he saw Sasuke grumpily step into the just emptied theatre with broom and dustpan in hand. "I hope you enjoy the show Uchiha" Kiba remarked to himself. He kept an eye out for any other people maybe wanting to go into the theatre before they could be seated. Relief came over him as he finally spotted the familiar blonde haired teen carefully coming down the hall. He chuckled lightly to himself, watching Naruto stumble about ungracefully. This was just too perfect.

Naruto huffed lightly as he tried to maneuver about in three inch heels. He didn't understand how girls did this on a daily basis. He yelped out lightly, one heel going off to the side and causing him to bend his ankle the wrong way. Instantly he went crashing into the wall of the hallway. A few eyes suddenly stared at him in surprise. His face reddened deeply and he waved at them as casually as he could before trying to regain his composure. He took a deep breath and pushed off from the wall to stand up straight. With a shake of his head he straightened the long blonde extensions out of his face and continued to walk. Naruto gave a shameless grin as Kiba rose two thumbs up and opened the theatre door for him.

"Damn snotty nosed brats" Sasuke growled under breath as he swept up another balled up piece of tissue. He hated the changing of seasons when everyone started having allergy problems. He was stuck with cleaning up after all those gross people. He shuttered as he stumbled upon a wad of mucus.

The young Uchiha stood up straight with a frown as he heard the soft clicking of heels on the hard floor. Turning around he watched in bewilderment as a long haired blonde woman came strolling into the theatre room. "Um, I'm sorry miss but the theatre is off limits for clean up" he called out.

He paused suddenly as the woman moved closer. She wore a thigh length trench like pea coat and nude thigh highs. He felt an odd tinge of excitement upon seeing her bright orange high heels. The color orange was always a turn on for him ever since he started dating Naruto. He shook the thought from his mind and set down his cleaning supplies. This woman clearly didn't understand rules and he would have to show her out. But as he approached her his eyes widened and his jaw dropped. In the near dark theatre he had almost missed it.


Naruto grinned brightly and started to untie his coat. He tossed his head slightly to the side, allowing the long blonde hair to swoop over his shoulder. "A promise is a promise Mr. Uchiha" he commented slowly with a sexy voice. He watched Sasuke's expression change from confusion to surprise and finally pleasure when he opened his coat and revealed what was underneath.

The slender male worked a sexy two piece, orange corset with black lace panties. His face reddened profusely as he watched Sasuke's eyes glaze over with instant lust and satisfaction.

"Naruto…" Sasuke muttered, feeling his throat suddenly grow dry. He numbly fell back into a seat as Naruto started to move over him. Carefully Naruto straddled the Uchiha's legs between his thighs and sat on his lap. He dropped the coat completely and gripped tightly to Sasuke's shoulders.

"I'm a man of my word you know" Naruto teased seductively. He leaved down, kissing the Uchiha's forehead and moved down to his neck.

"D-don't you mean woman…" Sasuke breathed out heavily. He could already feel the twitching in his pants. He grabbed hold of Naruto's hips lightly, and guided his touch down to the boy's ass. He gave a dark smirk as he felt the other's plump cheeks beneath the soft lace. "Damn it Naruto…I can't believe it" he chuckled to himself.

Naruto pulled back only a bit. "You better believe it! I told you I would and I have" Naruto declared proudly with his toothy smile.

Sasuke shook his head with a chuckle and slipped a hand to Naruto's cheek, pulling him back for a kiss on the lips. He groaned softly as he felt those soft, ever skillful lips against his. He parted them hastily, slipping his tongue inside. No matter how many times he did this he was amazed by how sweet the blonde tasted. He ran his tongue over the familiar range, having remembered every tooth and crevice like it was the back of his hand. Naruto eagerly brought his tongue out to play as his hand started to unbutton Sasuke's uniform dress shirt.

"Can…I…see it?" Sasuke groaned lightly between the kiss.

Naruto chuckled and shook his head. "You'll just have to wait. I wanted to show Jiraiya tonight too. Since its Monday he'll be back late…" Naruto reminded with a coy smirk of his own. Monday was ladies' night at Jiraiya's favorite bar.

In that instant the Uchiha pulled back from the kiss. "What did you just say?"

Naruto was taken aback, sitting up straight on Sasuke's lap. "He'll be back late?"

"No before that!" Sasuke exclaimed.

"Since its Monday-"

A loud thud filled the theatre and echoed. Sasuke slowly turned his head toward the theatre entrance and his face drained of color. Clad in a dark suit, and now a wide mouth, stood the company executive and the manager.

"Mr. Uchiha…"

Sasuke grunted in disbelief, quickly pushing Naruto off of him. Naruto yelped and jerked his coat from the floor and slipped it back on. With a heavy blush he bowed his head. Crap, this wasn't good.

The man's face quickly cringed up and he eyed the blonde teen dressed provocatively. On that Naruto gave a haphazard apology and rushed for the exit. He was not any more successful in keeping eyes off of him when he ended up tripping in the heels again. He ended up removing them and racing out of the room barefooted. The man turned back to Sasuke. "You might want to follow your friend out" the man growled lightly.

"But sir! My letter of recommendation-"

"Forget it Uchiha!" The man picked his clip board up from the floor where he had dropped it. "If you think for one moment I'm getting them to write you a letter, you are thick in the head, kid! Get out of my theatre! And don't come back!" he yelled out at the boy.

Sasuke jumped in shock before rushing for the door as well. He nearly crashed into Kiba on the way out. The other boy gave a soft wince as he heard the command as well. He gave a sympathetic shrug and stayed behind. After all, he still had his job.

Sasuke took a deep breath as he stepped out of the building. He eyed the parking lot and instantly settled on the antsy, pigeon toed orange heels visible beneath some cars. He marched over quickly, swooping out from behind one of the cars and glaring at Naruto. The blonde was so startled he went slamming back against the side window. The car quickly burst out into a warning alarm, making him gasp and crouched down out of instinct. Sasuke growled lowly and clicked the alarm off, silencing the air again.

Naruto looked nervously up to his boyfriend, seeing the red appear in Sasuke's eyes; at least it seemed to appear every time he was angry. "I'm sorry Sasuke…I-"

"You didn't know? Is that what you were going to say? You didn't know about the review they were giving today? Because I've only mentioned it every day for the past two weeks" Sasuke called out. He waved his hands up offensively. "No Naruto you don't remember anything along the lines of-'Dobe I'm going to be working hard for awhile because I have to impress the manager. He's promised to get one of the filming companies to write me a glowing recommendation letter for Fujikaze's Acting Institute'. Of course you don't remember any of that Naruto!"

Naruto winced the more Sasuke yelled at him. "I'm sorry I forgot…"

Sasuke rolled his eyes and huffed back. "How convenient. It must be so nice not having to worry about stuff like that. Anything I want is not important enough to remember" Sasuke retorted.

"That's not what I meant Sasuke! I was just so excited about-"

"Getting into Sunagakure University. Flipping-freaken-do Naruto. Now I really do get to wait for you again…" Sasuke took a deeper breath and threw open his car door. Naruto did not get a chance to get another word in before he watched Sasuke back out of the spot in a hurry and shoot off into the street.

Naruto growled lowly. "Damn you Sasuke. You never give me a chance to talk" he complained, crossing his arms.

"So that's what happened…" Naruto retorted with a tired sigh. He didn't feel any better seeing the red start to come to Kisame's face as he tried desperately to stifle a laugh. Naruto pouted and looked over to Itachi who held a stern expression as he continued to stir his cup of coffee. "What should I do Ita-niisan?" he asked.

Itachi sighed heavily took a sip of his coffee. "You're a jinx Naruto. What more can I say?" he retorted.

Kisame shook his head, finally calming himself. "I see why Sasuke blew up in your face about it. This was a big deal for him" Kisame pointed out. He looked to Itachi for confirmation. "Didn't he wait the whole year for college instead of enrolling right after graduation?" Kisame asked.

Itachi nodded. "Yeah. Naruto here was shy a few credits after all of his moving growing up, he had to stay in high school an extra year instead of graduating with everyone else." Itachi eyed Naruto skeptically. "When you were so upset about it Sasuke decided not to go to school and wait for you to graduate so you two could go off together."

Naruto sunk lower into his seat. He didn't need to be reminded of all that. Sasuke was too kind a boyfriend though he wasn't good at showing it verbally. "And I wanted to make it up to him. This year, I applied to all the schools close to his first choice. I knew Sasuke was going to get in anywhere because he's so smart. But how was I supposed to know you can barely get into Fujikaze's Acting Institute without some kickass recommendations from a bunch of big-wigs? Now Sasuke is blaming me he missed the deadline for applications."

Kisame shook his head. "So why did you go to the theatre dressed like that anyway? Seems like an odd time to put a little spark in your relationship."

Naruto grunted lightly and crossed his arms. "I applied to Sunagakure University even though I knew there was no chance I would get into such a prestigious university. Sasuke insisted I give it a try. He bet me that if I got accepted I had to thank him by giving him a personal drag time strip tease. I got my acceptance letter…" Naruto mumbled the last part.

Itachi took another sip of his coffee. "So Sasuke basically set up your chances while you end up ruining his. How are you going to fix this?"

Naruto's jaw dropped and quickly jumped up out of his seat, drawing the attention of many of the Starbucks customers. "That's what I'm asking you!" he exclaimed. "What do I do? If Sasuke can't go to the Acting Institute in Suna then he is going to have to go to another college…away from me" Naruto whimpered out, sitting back down quickly. "All his waiting…would have been for nothing if we still get separated…"

Itachi rolled his eyes. "Why doesn't he just apply to Sunagakure like you?"

"It's too late to apply. I only got in through late admission. I doubt they would make an exception even for Sasuke…"

Kisame grabbed the piece of cake he had ordered and took a large bite. "Sounds to me like you are in deep shit Uzumaki."

"Thanks a lot guys…" Naruto grumbled.

Itachi cleared his voice lightly. "I suppose this would be a bad time to mention…I got a job offer."

"What?" Kisame exclaimed. Naruto looked at the older Uchiha with confusion. He had known that Itachi and Kisame had been college graduates for some time now and had been working odd jobs here and there to make ends meet and pay off loans. But he didn't think Itachi was planning to get anything stable any time soon.

"You know that modeling agency that's been calling the apartment for the pass couple of weeks…" Itachi mentioned to Kisame. The blue man frowned and nodded deeply. "I finally gave in and went to a model call…my first assignment is in Suna in the fall. I thought it would be perfect if Sasuke and Naruto were both going to be staying up there but…" Itachi drifted his eyes off to the side casually in a word silence for his unfortunate brother.

Kisame growled lightly. "And you didn't bother telling me about it until now? Did you just expect me to be okay with this? You're going to Suna while I stay here in Konoha? How is that fair?"

Naruto felt his chest tighten. "…Y-you guys don't think your relationship can last long distance?" he asked in a worried tone.

Kisame clenched his lips tight together as he noticed how he was upsetting the blonde. "I-I didn't say that! L-long distant relationships work some times! I'm sure things are going to work out for you and Sasuke" Kisame insisted.

Naruto groaned and slammed his head against the table. He wasn't so sure about that.

Meanwhile an equally frustrated forehead was banging excessively against a wall. Neji cringed with discomfort as he listened to the other end of the phone. "Damn it Uchiha, why did you bother calling me if you are just going to beat yourself up on the other end!" Neji yelled out finally.

Uchiha grunted viciously and pulled himself away from the dented wooden wall and rubbed at his sore head. "I was hoping you would do all the beating up Hyuga, you're usually good at making me feel like shit."

Neji rolled his eyes and closed the book he had been skimming through for the pass couple of minutes. He liked to stay ahead a semester. "I enjoyed it. Especially when you actually became one of those lonely destitute high school graduates who take a break from schooling. Everyone knows once you give yourself a year, you are unlikely to go jumping back into the pool" he retorted bitterly. "I still can't fucking believe you did that for Naruto."

Sasuke's eyes narrowed. "It wasn't only for Naruto!"

"Oh yeah, thanks to Itachi going away to college, there was hardly any money left for you to start going. Must really suck having to earn your own living. What happen to all that money your mother was sending you guys before this?"

"She cut us off when I turned eighteen…she said I was old enough to take care of things on my own. Besides I didn't want to rely on her too much." Sasuke sneered when simply thinking about it. He didn't want to be a bother to his mother after what they had put her through. When their dad, Fugaku, got out of jail and started acting out again, she was plagued with guilt. Though the man was now dead, thank goodness for the law, their mother thought it was only fair to use his life insurance to send Itachi to college. It was the least that bastard owed him for screwing up his life. Being reminded of that incident still made Sasuke tremble.

"Poor little Uchiha. I wish I could help but I'm well on my way to becoming president" Neji bragged.

"You're at a community college Hyuga…I highly doubt that" Sasuke reminded.

"Shut the hell up!"

Sasuke shook his head. He felt rather bad for Neji. He applied to only one school because he was so sure he would get in with his second place in graduating rank behind Sasuke. But whoever would have thought Neji wouldn't be accepted because his cousin Hinata was already accepted to the same university. Turns out the Hyuga family had great connections…but only wanted to pull strings for family members of the main branch.

"So what are you planning to do Uchiha? I know you were dead set on putting your pathetic acting skills to work."

"I don't know…I just know I wanted to be close to Naruto. I was really depending on this…"

"Why can't you just wait a year? Go to one of the other distant universities you got accepted to and just reapply next year to be closer to Naruto" Neji pointed out.

Sasuke grimaced, digging into his pocket. A light blue velvet case was clinched tightly in his palm. "I don't want to give us time to grow apart…I had big plans this year…" Sasuke admitted.

Slowly he flipped open the case. Inside was a shiny, sapphire ring…

To Be Continued…

A/N: They are back! The wonderful cast of 'Brother's Can't Be Trusted'! I'm sooooo happy to finally have a chance to write the sequel I've always wanted to. It's been years, shocking I know! But I am determined to make this even more fun than the first fanfiction! There is a lot to look forward to this year! So stay alert and don't forget to review! I would love to see how many of you I recognize from reviewing on the first series! I haven't forgotten all you wonderful readers!

What to look forward to this series: The interesting appearances of several characters: Gaara, Sasori, Sai, Karin, and more surprising guest stars ^_- Proposals, cheating, new relationships, old relationships, and dare I even say it…some logical male pregnancy (supported by facts and plotting-no magical "oh look a baby")! All this not in that order lol! Any of this sounds exciting to you? Review and let me know!