I feel as if people are expecting something really intense and exciting as the final chapter, but in reality...

It's just a resolution.

Or what I hope is a resolution... XD

Enjoy! c':

Winry's Point of View

After going to the Hughes' to say goodbye and gather our things, we had bought train tickets and were on the way home.

Ed fell asleep, which left me and Al to talk.

"So… You and Brother kissed."

Al's voice was filled with amusement, and I felt my face burning.

Al just laughed.

"Look, everyone saw it coming. You don't have to be so embarrassed about it."

"Um, yes I do."

Al laughed some more, before adding on a more serious note.

"But honestly, that whole thing with Hohenheim and Ed… Who knew he had such a violent side?"

I gulped.

"Al… There's something you should know, since we're talking about Hohenheim."

The younger Elric turned silent, waiting for me to continue.

"Granny… Didn't die of unknown causes…"

Al gasped as he realized exactly where this was going.

"No! He… he couldn't… he wouldn't! I… I believed in him. I've always looked up to him, despite Brother's burning hatred… I believed he had his own reasons for the things he did… No…."

If Al could cry, I knew that at this moment he would be.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." I said desperately.

Al said nothing to me the rest of the trip back.

-Line Break-

We had just gotten off the train, and were now heading back to my house. It was weird, coming back here. I had only been gone a few days, but it seemed like an eternity. So much had changed. So much had happened.

Al had gone off to buy some groceries, leaving Ed and me alone for a little bit.

"I'm sorry you got caught in the middle of all this." Ed said, as he leaned against the kitchen counter. He had just taken some medication to help his hurting head.

"It's okay, really. I don't mind. As stressful as it's been, I'd much rather know what's going on rather than be in the dark all the time." I smiled at him, leaning against the counter opposite of him.

A brief silence fell.

"Just don't you dare do that to me ever again." I said, looking Ed directly in the eyes.

"Do what?"

"Scare me like that! You leaving in the middle of the night, you implying that you're never coming back, everything with your dad…" I trailed off, dropping his gaze as I realized how silly I sounded. The floor suddenly became very intriguing.

"Winry… I promise not to scare you like that again."

The shyness was audible in his voice, as he wrapped his arms around me.

I put my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me.

Before either of us fully knew what was happening, our lips came crashing down on each others.

Ed had backed me up, pinning me against the kitchen wall. He placed his hands on either side of my head as I tangled my fingers in his hair, untying his braid.

We both became lost in each others taste, and neither of us wanted to separate for such a silly thing like air.

The sound of Al's footsteps on the stairs made us jump apart as if we had been burned.

Ed and I probably resembled sunburnt deer in headlights by the time the front door opened.

Al stopped for a minute, looking at the two of us, before letting it go and he set to putting away all the groceries.

"I was thinking of trying to make some stew tonight. What do you guys think?" Al asked, his voice mocking.

"You know I'll never object to stew." Ed smirked at his brother as he tied his hair back.

I just smiled in agreement. I still felt a slight tension with Al, after the train ride...

Al turned to the stove, and Ed caught my eye before he tilted his head towards the door.

I nodded in agreement, and followed the golden haired boy outside.

"Want to go for a walk?"

I grinned at him.


Ed grabbed onto my hand, and tugged me along towards the river.

For the first time in months, it actually felt good to be home. Because after all – there's no place like home. And nothing can compare to being with Ed right now.

…There are two types of people in the world.

People who think Ed is a tiny, self-centered bastard who only does things to further his own goals, and those who know his goals are completely selfess.

I thought I fell under the second category.

Only now, I see that I fall under another category.

The category of being with him every step of the way, and loving him for who he was, who he is, and who he will be. For loving everything about him – from his golden eyes, to his short temper, to his hero complex, to his mistakes, and everything else.

I… I love him.



Oh god, I'm feeling overwhelmed with feels right now.

Honestly though guys - I love you all. For reading, for reviewing, for critiquing and making suggestions, seriously. You guys are the best. This was my first fairly successful fanfiction, and I honestly can't thank you all enough for all your kind words and constructive criticism! I think the majority of the emotions I'm feeling is thanks to all you lovely readers and asdlkjl thank you guys, so much. I can't even express how much it means to me that you actually read and reviewed, and overall enjoyed, my story. I'm sorry if you think I'm overreacting, I'm just full of feels right now. :'D

I hope you guys liked the ending, and I will take requests! I just need to finish my other story, Crimson Soaking Through, first before I start any new projects :P

...honestly, THANK YOU SO MUCH!

I... You guys are seriously the best. I love each and every single one of you, even if I've never heard from you. Just for reading, or favouriting and following, I love you for it.

Thank you. For everything. c':

- HazelEyes8D