
Well, this short little snippet is more dark than anything else I've published on the interwebz... I guess I'm just in one of those angsty/dramatic moods. :P

It's also incredibly short (as you can see), but I hope you like it! :3

There are two types of people in this world.

People who think that Ed is a tiny self-centered bastard who only does things to further his own goals, and those who know his goals are completely selfless.

More or less, I fall under the second category. Ed and I have been friends for as long as I can remember, and although we may disagree about almost everything, we can both count on each other. No matter what happens, I know that Ed will always try to be there for me, and vice versa.

But there's a slight flaw with this.

Right now, when I may need him more than ever before, he's gone.

And I can't change that. Nothing can.

Changing that would mean telling him the truth. Telling him that I don't know what to do without him, without Al, without anybody…

It would mean telling him that Granny Pinako's dead. 'Dead' is such a horrid word, but it's much better than saying, 'Granny Pinako's been savagely slaughtered.' She was murdered in her own home, by an old friend. An alchemist. Ed's father, Van Hohenheim. She was serving him tea and began to defend Ed's actions, and Hohenheim snapped…. I suppose the word 'dead' sums all of those little details up quite nicely. But either way, I still can't bring myself to tell Ed. Why?

Because it all happened 6 months ago.

And telling him would mean admitting that I've been lying to him all this time.

The military is giving him enough trouble lately, what with the whole homunculus situation and he's still frantically searching for a way to get Al's body back, not to mention he calls me every now and then just to ask if I'm alright.

There's no need to worry him more. He has enough stress to handle as it is.

Ever since Granny…died…, I haven't been able to bring myself to return to Rush Valley since I came home for the funeral.

The funeral.

Never before had I wanted to just be able to look at my best friend, and have him give me 'that look'. 'That look' which says it all – that he wants nothing more than for me to stop crying and that says he cares. He always has hated it when I cry. If I were to drag him out to Resembool now, it would be for nothing. All I do is cry now. I'm such a cry baby lately. If Ed comes home now… I would only trouble him further. I don't want to do that. He needs to focus on his work, on finding Al's and his body, on staying alive…

I don't know what I would ever do if one day I woke up to find that he was gone. For good.

I used to think I was so strong, but now…

Nowadays, I am nothing but a silly, pathetic teenage girl who does nothing but cry all day.

I can't cope with anything anymore.

I just need Ed to be here, with me. To look at me with those mesmerizing golden eyes of his, to tell me everything will be okay, even if it won't. I want him to hold me tight, and tell me the worst will be over soon. I need him.

I… I love him.


That was interesting.

When I was writing this, I honestly didn't know where it was going to go... But I hope it went in an okay direction?

Also, I didn't plan to go off on the whole Pinako died, murdered by Hohenheim thing... I don't even know how I feel about that little plot twist in this oneshot. But it just kinda happened as I was allowing my creative juices to flow freely (that sounds... odd.) so I went with it.

I may or may not consider making more chapters, I'm not sure... I can see where it could go, but part of me feels it's better on it's own :3


I'm rambling.

So I hope you enjoyed it, and please...

Review! :D
