A/N: Woohoo! New story! So this one is gonna be a lots of short chapters kinda deal. Sorry if that annoys you, but this story seems to work better that way. As I said in my VK story, I'm not promising regular updates but I'll update as often as I can. Well, that's enough from me. Enjoy!


About three things Edward Cullen was absolutely positive.

First, he was a vampire.

Second, there was a part of him - and he didn't know how dominant that part might be - that hated teenage girls.

And third, high school was his own, personal hell.


Forks was a small town and in Edward Cullen's opinion that was both its making and its downfall. On the upside everyone knew everyone and there was very little crime. On the downside, and what a big downside it was, the locals were mistrustful of strangers and anything new was big news for a long time.

This last aspect of small town life was the particular facet that was grating on Edwards nerves as he picked a slip of pink paper out of his locker for the fifth time this term. It was incredible to him, how dense the female population of this school seemed to be.

Yes he was the proverbial fresh meat. Yes he was literally inhumanly attractive and yes he was single. But no, he did not want to date any of the girls is this godforsaken hell hole. However they never seemed to take no for an answer. Slipping notes into his locker one after the other, time after time. It was the same thing over and over again. "I feel a connection between us" or "it seems like it's meant to be". No thanks. Edward was perfectly happy as he was.

He was the only single person in his family. His parents had been happily married for 80 years and all his siblings had merrily coupled off. Leaving him - alone. It didn't bother him though, what did bother him was the hilarity that his family - particularly his brothers Jasper and Emmett- found in his seemingly never ending line of admirers. They seemed to think that Edward enjoyed the attention he got from the girly half of the student body - he did not.

His sister Alice was the most understanding -but then again she was the favourite among his siblings - he supposed their bond came from being the weirdest among their little family. Freaks among freaks as Alice had once put it. He was often grateful to her foresight when confronting the author of a note. She would tell him what kind of reaction his rejection was likely to get, allowing him to prepare in advance.

He handled the paper gingerly, pinching it carefully between two fingers, as if it were about to bite him. Edward knew the authors identity before he even looked at the note itself, the cloying cloud of perfume that surrounded the dratted thing gave it away in an instant - Jessica Stanley. The foolish little girl didn't seem to understand that he was simply not interested in her and he never would be.

It wasn't anything personal, really. It was a matter of gender. Edward was not attracted to women, but then again he wasn't particularly attracted to men either, he just preferred males in general. He liked to imagine that he was waiting for the right guy to come along, either that he was simply asexual which as a teenage boy, albeit an undead one, was just not an option.

It had taken a while for him to realise he was gay. At first, his mother, Esme had thought there was something wrong with him. Which was not surprising when one thought about it. When he was young being gay just wasn't done. Well, Edward supposed, it must have been done. Just quietly. In private clubs and backrooms. Away from prying eyes and the like.

With a deep, soul shuddering sigh Edward clicked his locker shut and strolled to the cafeteria, his mind deep in his childhood memories, a hundred years away from the monotony of daily life in Forks high school.