
Fionna took a sip from her apple juice and reflected over her day.

So much had happened that she sort of needed to sit down and mentally prepare herself for whatever may come next. She and Cake had just finished rounding up all the fake Gumball's which had taken quite some time. They placed them all in empty rooms Prince Gumball had available in the kingdom. The Banana Guards were making sure they didn't escape.

Fionna had done big adventures before, but this was the most twisted and confusing of them all. The disturbing experiments on the candy people, the insane Gumball who imprisoned the real Gumball, and the bazillion of other fake Gumball's. A throbbing pain hit Fionna's temple as she thought about it all.

"Nyuggh," she groaned, rubbing her head and placing her juice on the ground.

"Hey Fi-," Cake said softly, taking a seat next to her on the spongy ground.

Fionna flopped her body into Cake's as she let out a deep breath.

"Cake, when will this all end? I'm tired of dealing with this gunk," she told her.

The sun was slowly beginning to rise, turning the sky a pale pink.

Cake patted Fionna's head affectionately, the way a mother or older sister might comfort a child.

"Honey, I'm sure we're gonna figure out everything soon—," she paused.

"Is that Marshall?" she asked.

Fionna sat up and squinted. Sure enough Marshall Lee, who had been gone all night, was flying through the air fast. His jet black hair was plastered to his forehead with perspiration as he tried to explain what he saw.

"I tried to find," he let out a breath.

"She was the evil Gumball," he tried finishing.

"Marsh-y calm down, take a second to tell us. Who was the evil Gumball?" Fionna asked. Her blue eyes big with worry.

"The Ice Queen! The Ice Queen is behind all this I know it! She was covered in paint and she looked almost exactly like Gumball, except in a disguise!" he said forcefully.

"Hold on a second. Hold on! Didn't y'all say she was the one to warn ya' about this Gumball madness?" Cake asked.

"She did… Marshall, are you sure it was her? It kinda doesn't make sense," Fionna said gently.

"Fionna c'mon babe, think about this. Has any of what has been going on made any sense whatsoever?" Marshall asked worriedly.

Fionna pursed her lips, "I guess not. Did you talk to her? Chase her or anything?"

Marshall shook his head, "I tried, and I really did. She only told me I wouldn't understand and then she took off. I went all the way to the Ice Kingdom looking for her, but she was nowhere to be found."

Fionna stretched out her arms and shook her body up.

"Three heads makes better than one right?" she said with a wink to Marshall and Cake.

"You are amazing, Fionna. I don't know how you do it," Marshall said, and the two shared a long and passionate kiss. Fionna's heart melted as she looked into Marshall's eyes. Then her cheeks burned red as she remembered Cake was behind her.

"So let's go then!" Fionna said as she leapt onto Cake's back and the three headed to the Ice Kingdom.

When they arrived at the Ice Kingdom, Fionna shivered. Seeing this, Marshall took off his plaid red shirt revealing a black v-neck underneath and handed his shirt to Fionna. Fionna gratefully took the shirt and buttoned up, letting out cold air ghosts as she breathed out.

The three tentatively walked toward the kingdom; their feet crunching in the snow.

Cake broke the silence, "I know y'all are gonna want to split up so I'll be on my way."

"No!" Fionna said loudly, her voice echoing against the ice around them.

"I think it'd be better to stick together given past situations," she trailed off.

"I agree. I think it'll be safer if we all look for the Ice Queen together. Plus I can show you the places I've already been," Marshall said. "It'll save time."

The three ventured through the enormous mountains of ice and snow, through the crystalline world of the Ice kingdom, and into the cold heart of where the Ice Queen lived. They were disappointed that they were unsuccessful in finding her.

"Maybe we should stick around just in case she comes back," Fionna suggested.

"Or we could-," Marshall stopped mid-sentence, his ears perking up.

"Shhhhh," he ordered, and Fionna and Cake stood quiet, their eyes wide with alarm.

"Do you hear that?" he asked, his eyes a shimmering red.

Fionna shook her head, but Cake nodded in agreement.

"C'mon," Marshall said grabbing Fionna by the waist. "Keep quiet."

They went through a twist of ice tunnels before hitting a large block of ice.

Fionna peered over Marshall's shoulder, faintly making out two bodies through the ice's wall.

Marshall placed Fionna down gently, then latched onto the ice with his fangs and spun around in a circle. He looked over at Cake who grew large and then took a few steps back preparing herself to punch the circle out.

Fionna drew her sword, unsure what to expect. Her heart pounded so loud she could hear it.

Cake launched herself at the circle and she flew with it into the room of ice. There was a loud zap and Fionna ran into the room her sword high in the air.

"Cake? Cake?" she asked anxiously looking around the room.

A frozen Cake was in the center of the room, along with a weak Ice Queen. Her hair sticky with a pink substance and her face smudged with the same goo. Her face was gaunt and her once pale blue skin was a ghastly grey. She was locked into a straightjacket and strapped onto an exam table; similar to the ones in the evil lab at the Candy Kingdom. Most importantly, her crown was nowhere to be seen.

Her eyes widened in fear and she tried to make out a whisper as Fionna ran towards her.

It was the last thing Fionna saw along with Marshall's piercing scream before her world turned cold and black.


Hey guys I'm back! I've been crazy busy, but I'll try and keep writing! I read your reviews and I'm glad to see your support! However, I'll address the one type of message I've been getting that is reoccurring—"This isn't a Fiolee fic." If you don't like the way I write my Fiolee fics then you don't have to read it. I love writing with adventure and enough romance so it isn't super mushy. I'm sure there are mushy Fiolee stories out there that you'll love, but this is how I write my fics. If people want, I may write a cheesy fic from all the comments I've gotten, but in the future. Anyways, thanks for reading. My readers are beautiful and I love entertaining you, thanks for sticking through with me, I love you all!